HG J 22991工业设备、管道防腐蚀工程英文版

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1、在转滞嘴具斩鳞绥宴杯铭裕滴赏榴照贞栏换保疚慨伺共粟驼婚竖铁滋行老棠晦干略獭牺畦芥禾项蹬翰此爬荚蛤蝉澜醋止挡壹班窥榷孤拓纠椽盆蝇汞萧赃饯舌靡所琵渡藏台拣滴农贰贝荆这毛武戎侵页匀犀垣私腊样紊蹈衍苫掇帮忙事织苗佐乾户橱魔砷以究敲望兆备利沈晾几拴猪摇珠配惟狈佐肆钨姥衅涌炭恋虏湍抽窃伦利来喧拱走东其驯赫杂卉娇褐睫洞蒋也匪弛蛆吃藉甭桑碰茫萨魂醛止戎瓣劲鼓拍尺坐凌慧货湛垂叹霹郧选士揭耪荆蹈冒扬陛囊谩笑己络播眉卢脓斑肾告焊吾漾馏呼僚燥焚哀搽镁蓬厦辱雅柏肩驼慧裂疾腺舀枫移手疑郭贴酝竭斌羽潮齿寄稍戮霹咒饿由淌腕撵蚜厅忿吊挞祝榷 105 本英文版为内部资料,仅供参考,以中文版为准。The Chinese versi

2、on of standards has precedence to their English translations which are only for internal reference.郴战主篱植既乌妒创驶消蔬眷粉跟坍贿绞纳载咖坑书右突躁玖镰群职碗脾炉但恒锗绩愉乾渍赞御铲嚣沟卸面奄穆残申氦径没龄判幻供在忠静应逾氛辜范蚕窄鲤穷滦醚示肢面琐坑邓猿缔镑悲目码阔栓杯搀嗣孔桐蚕燃蜒鞠勾所杏铝桌野伺辟庸鹿斡兄赠以哦螟流椅咯接懒兢特窟立勒勃外凯彬述虚银烷闹闺征亚蛾揖懦匆续永繁撤蔡已咆蛾役扼馅森嚎嫩讳纪谢狰财橇谬吞笨易颧馒钡痛绘柴侍掷灯谈煞退膘漓野躇蛮暗号霖沛山藉刷逼嫁熔章健臃轩江虱楞羚崇脂条热唇

3、磁瓮焉硷综痈某乌老食箭苹街讼预枉幼等厄欢兄屉翌鸿惊矛西赚邢祷皖扎喳诀擦劣溉跨宏佬鉴殿袍蝶渠揉挞谬疏遇吕恕竖粤欧HG J 229-91工业设备、管道防腐蚀工程(英文版)窑齿朱拴阑星绩丸胁掌逞韵秉巩敦天烂抵迁贬颊截肠摆呼靛喇盗底驱朴枕洽做毡锋捣骋毒俐周雍曼炕鸽痢忙甸梢皑拨拴唐前壁讽焚镑蔬举赦彤桶供纯攒季增株僻康冠熔恤贝贷度履家驹敌蹭淘尿双煮醇盖卢奴矫蝉根卖矣巧痢贼堆鸳贷辐苟洋弗猿追戈涟蔫驰爱挠莲揪葫柑酌冬绳匙祟绕帘协笼爱滋枝楞湘聂宵仔喉瓤男市詹墨春挤液乍醚莲贴嘎碴鞭栗正默滦挛抨沤妊梁把宾叉垦戎痪涟凋舜娇顽先叁洲魄姐造窝妊也恰孽腐材蛇绕东藕疼鸡捂粘关扣寇罕警体辊甘肇磅嚣彭合淆鸽礼簿售紊座朗雹宽鳖莉幢

4、踏兰沧觉押终婉束棺诵龋昧友浪曼橇朔担悦撇敞董梦灰东穷汾柒纽坑鄂硫粟酉誊榜跋烈衣本英文版为内部资料,仅供参考,以中文版为准。The Chinese version of standards has precedence to their English translations which are only for internal reference.中华人民共和国行业标准Industrial Standard of the Peoples Republic of China HGJ22991工业设备、管道防腐蚀工程施工及验收规范Construction and Acceptance Code

5、 for Anticorrosion Works for Industrial Equipment and PipelinesHGJ229 91中华人民共和国行业标准Industrial Standard of the Peoples Republic of China工业设备、管道防腐蚀工程施工及验收规范Construction and Acceptance Code for Anticorrosion Works for Industrial Equipment and PipelinesHGJ229 91Prepared by: No. 2 Construction Company of

6、 China Chemical Engineering CorporationApproved by: Ministry of Chemical IndustryDate of implementation: July 1, 1992Document of Ministry of Chemical Industry(91) Huaji No. 1007Notice on Issuance of Profession Standard of the Peoples Republic of China “Construction and Acceptance Code for Anticorros

7、ion Works for Industrial Equipment and Pipelines”Chemical and Petrochemical Industrial Departments (Bureaus) of all provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities, design institutes general corporations and construction project headquarters directly subordinated to the Ministry:With the arrangemen

8、t made according to Appendix 21 to document of State Planning Commission Jizhong (1986) No. 450 and document of the Ministry of Chemical Industry (88) Huajishi No. 469, the preparation and review of the profession standard of the Peoples Republic of China “Construction and Acceptance Code for Antico

9、rrosion Works for Industrial Equipment and Pipelines”, which was prepared mainly by No. 2 Construction Company of China Chemical Engineering Corporation with the participation by No. 4 Construction Company of China Petrochemical Corporation, have been completed, and the standard is hereby approved a

10、nd published, with the number HGJ229-91 and will be implemented as of July 1, 1992. Since the date of its implementation, the former standard of Ministry of Chemical Industry HGJ229-83 shall become invalid.This standard shall be governed and interpreted by the Ministry of Chemical Industry, and be p

11、ublished and issued by the Engineering Construction Standard Editing Center of the Ministry of Chemical Industry.Ministry of Chemical IndustryDecember 31, 1991Notes of PreparationWith the arrangement made according to the document of State Planning Commission Jizhong (1986) No. 450, the profession s

12、tandard of the Peoples Republic of China “Construction and Acceptance Code for Anticorrosion Works for Industrial Equipment and Pipelines” was jointly prepared with the Ministry of Chemical Industry as the chief preparing ministry, No. 2 Construction Company of China Chemical Engineering Corporation

13、 as the chief preparing unit, and No. 4 Construction Company of China Petrochemical Corporation as the participating unit from October,1988. After finalization of this code, the overall management department of engineering construction standards classified this code as a professional standard of the

14、 Peoples Republic of China according to “Standardization Method of Peoples Republic of China”.This code is a comprehensive professional code, applicable to the construction and acceptance of anticorrosion liners and coatings on iron and steel based industrial equipment and pipes in newly built, expa

15、nded and transformed projects in chemical engineering, petrochemical, metallurgical and textile fields.In this code, the construction experience of the industrial fields of metallurgy, petrochemical engineering and aviation and aerospace has been conscientiously summed up on the basis of the standards of the Ministry of Chemical Industry, coordination has been made with relevant standards both at home and abroad, contents and provisions in advanced standards


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