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1、七年级英语综合填空专题训练I have four good _1 _. They re Jennifer, Victor, Cindy and Leila. We are in the _2 class. So we re 3 , too. Jennifer swims very well, she wants to join the 4 _ club.The n she can swim on _ 5 or Sun days. Victor wants to join the art club because he is goodat _ 6 . Ci ndy is a pop music

2、fan. She can si ng a lot of _ 7 _ . So she wants to join the8 club. Leila wants to join the music club because she _9the violin very well. And she wants to be a 10 whe n she grows up(长大)like them.I m a _ 1 _ school student and I am in Class 1 _ 2 7. I go to school _3 _ m orningexcept (除了 ) _4 _and S

3、un days. My home is _5 _ the school so I walk to school. I have to _6_ up early. School _7 _at 4:30 pm.A nd then I play basketball 8 myfrien ds. I like it very much. I think Yao Min is the _9 _player in Chin a. I _10 _ I could be agood player like him.Maria is a r_1 _ star in our school. She runs ve

4、ry fast and she eats a lot of h_2 food.For b_3 _ , she has bread and milk. She eats meat, v _4 and rice for lun ch. For supper,she likes meat ,rice and soup. She ofte n has some f_5 _ after meals. She likes apples best. She is very b_6 _ every day b_78 she has many things to do. All t _ 8 _ like her

5、. Theythink she is a good stude nt. At home she is a good d _ 9 _ . She ofte n helps her p_10 _ do the housework.四In Chi na if you are seve n, you have to go to school. At school you lear n differe nt s_ 1 _ .S _ 2_ is one of them. We have three scie nee classes a w_3 _ . They are on Tuesday, W _ 4

6、and Friday. We can lear n a l_5 _in scie nee classes. Mr. Jin is our scie neeteacher. He wasn t born here. He is from another big c 6 _ named Haikou. He is a b _ 7 _teacher before. He knows much about pla nts. For e_8 , whe n is the best time to waterflowers. He is very s _9_ with us. After scie nee

7、 classes, we are so t_10 _.五Than ksgivi ng Day is on the fourth Thursday of November. Its one of the most i_ America n h.In my family, we always go to my gra ndmothers house o_Than ksgivi ng Day. All my aun ts, un cles and cous ins come together. We sometimes in vite some friends t join us. Everyone

8、 isglad to meet other people. The wome n are busy h _ my gra ndmother. The men sit dow n to w _ a football match on TV.AT about four oclock we have d . After dinner, we talk orplay games un til it is t _ to go home. It is always difficult to l because Than ksgivi ng Dayis one of the few days of the

9、year whe n the w _ family get together六E _ country has its favorite food. Italia ns like pizza. In dia ns like hot food. Japa nese like to e _ fish. Often they dont cook it.In En gla nd, one of the most popular kinds of food is fish and chips. People u _ buy it in a fish and chip s _ .They put it in

10、 paper b _ ,and t it home or their workplaces.S they eat it on the road. It seems that American fast food is the most popular in the world.In New York, Paris, London, and even some big c in China, you can find people eatin the world. You can find Chin esehamburgers and chips. Chin ese food is also v

11、ery p restaura nts in many cities. People e Chin ese food because it has differe nt tastes and isusually very delicious.七I am an American b . My name is Jerry Black. You can c me Jerry. I ha sister,Ginny. We are twins (双包胎) .But we are very d . I have a long face wa high nose, while she has a round

12、face with a small nose. I like football. But she l basketball. I like loud music. She likes light music.My father is a doctor in a h . My mother runs (经营)a clothing s . Wehave a family member, Beibei. She is a lovely dog. She will have a puppy (小狗)s :八My brother is a sports fan. He likes watch ing e

13、very kind of game. He likes basketball, football, tennis and badm inton.And he does w in football. He is in his school football team. Mybrother is also a m of the Football Club. He takes more e in the club everyday. When he goes shopp ing, he always buys n about sports and he ofte n r sports n ews.

14、His school is very big and beautiful. There are many trees and flowers around it. There is a football f, atennis court and a swim ming p in his school. Heusually plays football w his friends after school, and he wants to be a football p in the future. My brother ofte n goes to the stadium to watch a

15、 football m on Saturday.He doesn want to miss any wonderful one九All over the world people enjoy sports. Sports help one to keep h , happy, and tolive Ion ger. Many people like to watch o play games. They buy tickets or turn on theirTVs to watch the games. Often they get very ewhe n“ their ” player or team wins. Gamesand sports often grow out of people work and everyday activities. The Arabs use horses or camels in much of their everyday life. They u them in their sports, too. Some sports are soi tha



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