北京语言大学21春《英汉 汉英翻译》在线作业三满分答案41

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1、北京语言大学21春英汉 汉英翻译在线作业三满分答案1. Meat _ much more easily than vegetables.A.losesB.numerousC.weavesD.decays参考答案:D2. From the _ from this examination, we know it is too easy for the students.A.feedbackB.frostC.outlineD.overlook参考答案:A3. At the edge of the fields, rising in dramatic hills or stretching flat

2、to the horizon, lay the brown barren deserts.( )A、田地的外围要么戏剧性地隆起座座小山,要么则是贫瘠的棕色沙漠,平坦地延伸向天际。B、在这些田地的边缘,突兀地隆起座座山脉,一直延伸向地平线,山脉之外是棕色的贫瘠的沙漠。C、田地的外围是寸草不生的棕色沙漠,有的地方突然隆起像座座小山,有的则平坦地伸向地平线。D、在这些田地的边缘,戏剧性地隆起座座山脉,或者躺着棕色的贫瘠的沙漠,平坦地延伸向地平线。参考答案:C4. This is our _. So you can do what you need to do here.A.substanceB.sc

3、heduleC.noticeD.noun参考答案:B5. A: Would you like some more rice? B: _.A.Id likeB.Id like toC.Yes, pleaseD.Sorry, but Im full参考答案:C6. AwithBonCtoDofAwithBonCtoDof正确答案:D7. It was three years ago that I first met Lisa, when she_at a computer company.Ahas woIt was three years ago that I first met Lisa, wh

4、en she_at a computer company.Ahas workedBhas been workingCwas workingDis working正确答案:C8. A: Its cloudy outside. Please take an umbrella. B: _.A.OK, just in caseB.Well, it just dependsC.Yes, take it easyD.All fight, just in case of参考答案:A9. _I want is peace and quiet.AAll whatBAll whichCEverything whi

5、chDAll that_I want is peace and quiet.AAll whatBAll whichCEverything whichDAll that正确答案:D10. There were many people present and he appeared only for a few seconds, so I only caught a _ of him.A.glanceB.glimpseC.lookD.sight参考答案:B11. The picture was bought at a very low price, but it has turned out to

6、 be a(n) _ painting. A) inThe picture was bought at a very low price, but it has turned out to be a(n) _ painting.A) invaluableB) invariableC) worthlessD) valuelessAinvaluable无价的,贵重的;invariable不变的,恒定的;worthless无价值的,无用的;valueless无价值的,无用的。12. The thief was _ by the police at the railway station.A.carp

7、etB.minedC.capturedD.mounted参考答案:C13. I regretted answering like that, I was sorry _ (do)so.I regretted answering like that, I was sorry _ (do)so.to do/to have done14. Would you mind keeping a(n) _ on our house for us while we are away? A. hand B. look CWould you mind keeping a(n) _ on our house for

8、 us while we are away?A. handB. lookC. eyeD. viewC15. A: Have you been here long? B: _.A.No, not veryB.Not too muchC.Yes, only littleD.Yes, only yesterday参考答案:A16. Marlin is a young man of independent thinking who is not about _ compliments to his political leaders.A.payingB.having paidC.to payD.to

9、have paid参考答案:C17. 我们现在正在积极地做准备工作。 We are making busy preparations for that visit.( )A、错误B、正确参考答案:B18. 不久,他捧出那本韦氏大学词典回来了。 Very soon he came back, holding the Websters Collegiate Dictionary in his hand.( )A、错误B、正确参考答案:B19. 我忘了已经告诉她了。 I forgot to tell her about it.( )A、错误B、正确参考答案:A20. 出席人数比预期的要多。 Ther

10、e were more people than expected.( )A、错误B、正确参考答案:A21. 我们的付款条件是保兑的不可撤销的信用证。我们的付款条件是保兑的不可撤销的信用证。Our terms of payment is confirmed and irrevocable letter of credit.22. Professor Smith seldom _ the class on time.A.dismissesB.nervousC.misleadsD.regrets参考答案:A23. What was the thing that seemed to have gone

11、 wrong or changed? _AThat a qualified engWhat was the thing that seemed to have gone wrong or changed? _AThat a qualified engineer should waste time on racing.BThat people started on long journeys without any maps.CThe young man was on the wrong ship for South Africa.DThe mans education or part of i

12、t anyhow.正确答案:D参照短文第七段第四句:“Butsomethingseemedtohavegonewrongorwasdifferentthesedays”,作者感觉不对的是受了正常教育的Clive居然连最基本的地理知识都没有,因此他觉得可能是教育或教育的一部分出了问题。选项D与此意相符,故D为正确答案。24. Whats the price of that _ of potatoes?A.begB.pigC.pintD.sack参考答案:D25. This is one of the most wonderful songs_I have ever heard.AwhichBwh

13、atCthatDthenThis is one of the most wonderful songs_I have ever heard.AwhichBwhatCthatDthen正确答案:C26. You_finish the job, now that we have got so far with it.Amight wellBmight do wellCYou_finish the job, now that we have got so far with it.Amight wellBmight do wellCmight well toDmight do well to正确答案:

14、D27. AsociabilityBhonestyCstabilityDreliabilityAsociabilityBhonestyCstabilityDreliability正确答案:A解析:本篇的内容是关于交淡和社交的,只有A项sociability“社交”才符合题意。B项honesty“诚实”,C项stability“稳定”和D项reliability“信赖”在语义上不符合句子意思的要求。28. He gave an _ answer to the question. (expect)He gave an _ answer to the question. (expect)unexpected29. Under FOB, the buyer is obliged to _. A. make payme


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