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1、图内图书分类号:F234.2国际图书分类号:657.47管理学硕士学位论文ERP 环境下企业成本控制模式研究硕 士 研 究 生: 龙宗芹导申 请师: 高艳茹副教授学 位: 管理学硕士学 科 、 专 业: 会计专业所 在 单 位: 管理学院答 辩 日 期: 2007 年 7 月授予学位单位: 哈尔滨工业大学Classified Index: F234.2U.D.C: 657.47Dissertation for the Master Degree in ManagementRESEARCH ON THE MODEL OFCOST CONTROL UNDER THE ERPENVIRONMENTC

2、andidate:Supervisor:Academic Degree Applied for:Specialty:Affiliation:Date of Defence:Degree-Conferring-Institution:Long ZongqinAssociate Prof. Gao YanruMaster of ManagementAccountingSchool of ManagementJuly, 2007Harbin Institute of Technology哈尔滨工业大学工学硕士学位论文摘要ERP 是指整合企业内部资源的企业经营管理系统,使企业业务数据统一化、全部在线处

3、理。ERP 作为一种强大的流程式管理模式将物流、资金流、信息流紧密地结合起来,引发了企业管理的深刻变革,对财务管理也产生了较大的影响,尤其是对成本管理理念和方法的革新。ERP 作为现代企业的内部管理平台,除了提供全套的物流解决方案,监控和优化企业的整个生产流程外,也为企业成本管理领域提供了强大的核算、分析和控制功能。成本控制是企业成本管理的核心,成本控制的好坏直接关系到企业成本费用的高低和经济效益,关系到企业的生死存亡,传统成本控制方法又暴露出一定的局限性,因而,研究企业成本控制无论在理论上还是在实践中都有重大意义。本文首先论述了 ERP 系统及成本控制的国内外研究现状,以及近几年国内外学者对

4、 ERP 系统及成本控制的研究成果,评述了论文研究的方法和意义。然后论述了 ERP 系统和成本控制的基本理论知识,通过论述传统成本控制的原理方法及其存在的缺陷、新制造环境和管理理论与方法的创新对成本控制的影响,提出了现代成本控制理论和 ERP 环境下的成本控制基础理论。并且通过论述在 ERP 环境下实施标准成本控制和作业成本控制的必要性,构建了 ERP 环境下的三种现代成本控制模式:ERP 环境下的标准成本控制模式、ERP 环境下的作业成本控制模式以及 ERP 环境下标准成本控制和作业成本控制的结合,并且重点论述了 ERP 环境下的成本计算模型、成本核算、差异分析及账务处理。最后以案例公司如何

5、运用 ERP 进行标准作业成本控制为例介绍了 ERP 环境下现代成本控制模式的具体实施过程,并对实施效果做出了评价。关键词企业资源计划;作业成本法;标准成本控制;作业成本控制-I-哈尔滨工业大学工学硕士学位论文AbstractERP is an enterprise operation and management system which integratingenterprise inside resources, it can make the enterprise business data unificationand all online treatment. As one kin

6、d of big and powerful technologicalmanagement pattern, ERP combines the logistics, fund stream, informationstream rapidly and intensely, and depth initiates business administrationtransformation, produces bigger effect to financial management, especially theinnovation to the idea of control of produ

7、ction. As an inside managementplatform of the modern enterprise, ERP not only providing the resolve ofcomplete set logistics, monitoring and optimizing the enterprises process ofproduces the product, but also providing big and powerful accounting , analysisand control function for the field of the e

8、nterprise production cost. The costcontrol is the core of the enterprise cost management, goodness and badness ofthe cost control not only directly related to the business cost height and economic,but also related to the enterprise life and death. As the tradition cost controlmethod reveals certain

9、limitation, studying the business cost has great importancein theoretically and practice.This article comments the research of the home and abroad current situation ofthe ERP system and cost control firstly. It comments the fundamental theoryknowledge of the ERP system and cost control secondly, by

10、discussing theprinciple method and limitation of the tradition cost management, suggests themodern cost control theory and the basic theory of the cost control under the ERPenvironment, and priority discusses cost account model, cost keeping, differenceanalysis and account affairs handle under ERP e

11、nvironment. And it also buildsthree kinds of the modern cost control patterns under the ERP environment: thestandard cost control pattern under the ERP environment, ABC cost controlpattern under the ERP environment and the two combine. At last it introduces thecase company put the modern cost contro

12、l patterns into effect concretely underthe ERP environment, and estimates the effect of the application.KeywordsEnterprise Resource Planning; Activity-based Costing; standard costcontrol; ABC cost control- II -哈尔滨工业大学工学硕士学位论文目录摘要 .IAbstract . II第 1 章 绪论 . 11.1 问题的提出 . 21.2 国内外研究现状综述 . 21.2.1 ERP系统国内外研究现状综述 . 21.2.2 成本控制国内外研究现状综述 . 41.2.3 ERP环境下成本控制的研究现状 . 51.2.4 对国内外成本控制理论发展的评价 .



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