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3、础,从社会变革的心理承受能力、社会心理结构、社会信用制度变化,及人的需求等几个方面,阐释了弃档现象产生的社会心理根源。第五部分,评论的是弃档现象产生的社会学基础以及传统人事档案自身存在的弊端。其社会学的阐述,主要谈论人事档案社会控制功能的削弱,其赖以存在的身份制、单位制、分配机制等社会基础都发生变化。对人事档案制度弊端的描述,主要包括对其内容、管理制度、体制、模式、利用等方面的不足进行阐释。第六部分从档案学的角度,对弃档现象提出对策分析,如对人事档案的内容进行改革、进行信息化建设、对管理体制、机制的变革,提高社会档案意识等。【英文摘要】The phenomenon of abandoned p

4、ersonnel files reveals the relation between “personnel file institution presence” and “institutional sequence”. The reasons analysis of this phenomenon is the main point of the essay. Study on social and psychological roots cause of this phenomenon may broaden our vision.This paper mainly divides in

5、to six parts. The first part describes the background and significance of topic selecting, showing the key side,difficult point and innovantional aspects of this paper. The second part elaborates and analysis the related concepts in this article. On the basis of the social foundation, historical con

6、text, the organizationsocial foundation and personnel system., the traditional system of personnel filesinstitutional environment has changed. We explore the history and explain the function of personnel files. Our aim is to make the history and function of personnel files fully understanded. The th

7、ird part is mainly about description of the phenomenon and reviewing the consequences of this phenomenon.Review of the positive consequences has innovative significance. It can speed up the flow of talent, promote social justice, achieve personal values and so on. The talk of the fourth and the fift

8、h parts is the reason of this phenomenon. The fourth part is about the psychological basis. It involves the psychological withstanding ability, psychological structure, social credit system, human requirement. The fifth part is about the social basis and the drawbacks of its own personnel files inst

9、itution. With the development of the society, the social basis has changed, due to great changes in the undermined society control.The drawbacks of personnel files institution include defects of management system, management pattern, and utilization of personnel file. The sixth part puts forward som

10、e countermeasures in terms of archives science. For instance, Content Reform of personnel file, the reform of the system, and so on.【关键词】人事档案制度 弃档现象 社会转型 心理学 社会学【英文关键词】Personnel file system The Phenomenon of abandoned Personnel Files Social transformation Psychology Sociology【目录】弃档现象研究中文摘要8-9ABSTRAC

11、T9导言10-131 选题背景和意义10-112 相关选题学术回顾11-123 重点、难点与创新之处12-13弃档现象研究13-141 基本理论的铺垫14-221.1 基本概念的界定14-171.1.1 社会转型的内涵14-151.1.2 单位、单位制内容阐释15-161.1.3 人事制度中的档案色彩16-171.2 基本理论的阐释17-221.2.1 人事档案的历史渊源17-181.2.2 人事档案的功能释义18-222 当今中国社会弃档现象的概述及后果的评述22-292.1 弃档现象的情况概述22-242.1.1 从人事档案产生发展的历史角度分析22-232.1.2 各类人事档案在社会转型

12、期的存在状态23-242.2 弃档主体的构成24-262.2.1 社会精英(人才)的弃档行为24-252.2.2 社会普通劳动者的弃档行为25-262.3 弃档现象产生的后果评述26-292.3.1 弃档现象的积极影响26-272.3.2 弃档现象的危害27-293 弃档现象产生的心理学基础29-373.1 社会心理结构失衡29-313.1.1 社会转型时期,社会主体处于心理震荡状态29-303.1.2 社会变革中,产生弃档行为的心理定势与价值判断30-313.2 传统社会信用制度弱化31-333.2.1 传统信任制度在转型时期约束力下降31-333.2.2 转型时期人事档案信任度遭到质疑33

13、3.3 从需求角度分析人事档案产生的心理学基础33-373.3.1 从需要的层次角度分析社会心理特征33-353.3.2 从人的自我实现需要的角度分析35-374 弃档现象产生的社会学基础37-444.1 从社会控制角度来看37-424.2 人事档案与人事档案制度本身的局限42-445 当今中国社会弃档现象的对策分析44-515.1 人事档案内容的改革44-455.2. 理顺管理体制,完善制度规范,整合档案信息资源45-475.3 实行社会化、开放式的人事档案管理新模式47-485.4 促进人事档案信息化建设48-495.5 转变工作观念,提高社会档案意识,重构档案信用体系49-51结语51-53参考文献53-55致谢55-56攻读硕士学位期间发表的学术论文56-57学位论文评阅及答辩情况表57


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