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1、2022年考博英语-南京艺术学院考试题库及模拟押密卷(含答案解析)1. 单选题Between 1815 and 1915, more than 30 million immigrants arrived in the United States. These were people from other countries who came to make the United States their home.Immigrants came for many reasons. Some were driven away from home by hardships such as hung

2、er, poverty, overpopulation, or political and religious troubles. Some were attracted to the United States by the promise of a better life. They had heard stories about cheap land, high wages, and even about streets paved with gold. Some came because of the promise of greater freedom in this new nat

3、ion.In the mid-1800s, the United States needed workers almost everywhere. Workers were needed to build railroads and bridges. They were needed in the slaughterhouses of Chicago and in the iron and coal mines of Ohio and Pennsylvania. They were needed in factories and on farms. They were needed to bu

4、ild homes and buildings in the growing cities. American companies advertised in Europe for people to come to the United States.There were two periods when immigrants came in greater numbers than usual. Between 1815 and 1860, large numbers of people came from northern Europe. The largest groups were

5、Irish and Germans. Some Asians, mostly Chinese, also came during this time.In 1815, Ireland was the most crowded country in Europe. Most people had no land and little food or money. Families would send their younger members to the United States. The young people in turn, would find jobs and send mon

6、ey home. Then the whole family would move to the United States. In the 1840s, the potato crops failed in Ireland. Everywhere people died of starvation and fewer. Within ten years, 1.5 million Irish people left for the United States.Most Irish immigrants landed in Northern port cities such as Boston,

7、 New York, and Philadelphia. They did not have enough money to buy farms. Most settled in the poorest areas of these cities. Irish people got the worst jobs and lowest pay. The men dug canals, built roads and railroads, and worked in textile factories. The women worked in factories or as household s

8、ervants.Most German immigrants could move on from the Eastern port cities. Many bought farms in the Midwest or started business in the newer Western cities of Detroit, Milwaukee, and Chicago.The gold rush of 1849 brought many Chinese to California. Floods, typhoons, and hunger had forced many Chines

9、e to leave their homes. From United States merchant ships reaching China, they heard about high wages and gold. In 1850 alone, 25,000 young Chinese arrived in California. The Chinese worked in the gold mines. They helped build the first railroad to cross the nation, which was finished in 1869. Later

10、, they worked in lumbering, fishing, and canning companies, and on farms in California.The second great wave of immigrants came mostly from eastern and southern Europe between 1890 and 1910. Giant factories and businesses in the United States needed more and more workers. After 1900, as many as 15,0

11、00 people would arrive in one day.Many of these immigrants were Jews from different parts of Europe seeking religious freedom. Southern Italians also came in large numbers. They were driven away from Italy by a very difficult life. Some Sicilian workers made only 8 cents a day. People had to live in

12、 straw houses and sometimes in tombs and caves.Greeks, Hungarians, Russians, and Poles also came to the United States during this time. Mexicans traveled north to cities and farms throughout the United States Southwest. Japanese people arrived on the West Coast. There they took jobs as farm workers

13、and servants. Many eventually bought their own land.Life in the United States was very difficult for almost all the new immigrants. And yet, many found some of their dreams coming true.1.An immigrant is a person who( ).2.Which of the following reasons is NOT true?3.Chinese immigrants came to the Uni

14、ted States mainly because of( ).4.Who helped build the first railroad, which was finished in 1869, to cross the-nation?5.Life in the United States was very difficult for( ).问题1选项A.dreams of a happier life and wants a better jobB.leaves ones own country and settles in anotherC.comes as a settler into

15、 another countryD.does some odd jobs in spare time问题2选项A.Some were attracted by the promise of greater freedom or a better life.B.Some were driven away from home by starvation or poverty.C.Most of the immigrants left their homes because of political and religious trouble.D.Many of the immigrants wer

16、e Jews who came to seek religious freedom.问题3选项A.the failure of potato cropsB.the starvation at home and the attraction of the gold mines of CaliforniaC.religious freedomD.political freedom问题4选项A.Chinese immigrants.B.Russian immigrants.C.German immigrants.D.Japanese immigrants.问题5选项A.Irish immigrants onlyB.Chinese immigrants onlyC.almos



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