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1、2008-2009年七年级政治下册期末试卷(人教版)2008-2009年七年级下册期末试卷(人教版) 大名一中 郭智慧 一、单项选择(在每题列出的四个选项中,只有一项是最符合题目要求的。每题2分,共40分) 1、当我们的某些长处受到他人肯定时,会感到格外高兴;当做了好事受到集体和他人称赞时,心情就十分舒畅。这是因为( ) A(我们获得了他人的看法和评价 B(他人对我们的评价总是肯定的 C(我们的自尊心受到了肯定,得到满足 D(我们的虚荣心得到满足 2、由于人和人的个性不同,生活的环境与阅历不同,不同的同学形成了不同的为人处世风格。对于同学对你无关紧要的议论和批评,你应取的正确态度是( ) A(

2、让别人去议论吧,照样我行我素 B(不惜一切代价维护自己的尊严 C(以牙还牙,予以回击,捍卫自尊 D(冷静分析,有则改之,无则加勉 3、在我们的学习、生活中,要真正做到尊重他人,就必须( ) ?推己及人?关注他人人格尊严?从欣赏、鼓励、期望他人等角度来善待他人?不做有损他人尊严的事 A( ? B( ? C( ? D( ? 4、小莉在市文艺汇演比赛中获得个人一等奖,同学都夸她是文艺天才。但小莉说:“这是老师和大家的功劳和智慧,我只是很幸运罢了。”对此,同学们议论纷纷。下列议论中观点不正确的是( ) A(这说明小莉非常虚心B(这是小莉尊重他人的表现 1000mL capacity bottle in

3、 the, and water diluted set capacity to scale. Per ml of this solution contain arsenic (pentavalent) 0.100mg. 24.9 the arsenic standard application solution: lessons 1.00mL standard stock solution in a 100mL bottle of arsenic, diluted with water to scale. Per ml of this solution contain arsenic (pen

4、tavalent) 1.00 g. 24.10 methyl red indicator (.Operation. 26.1.6 soy foods: lessons 250mL 5.010.0mL representative sample in the conical flask, add 5mL perchlorate, 20mL, nitric acid, 2.5mL acid (1+1), following by 19.1.1 operation. 26.2 series prepared at the 6 100mL arsine in the bottle, then join

5、ed the arsenic standard liquid 0,0.25,0.5,1.0,2.0,3.0mL (the equivalent of arsenic 0,0.25,0.5,1.0,2.0,3.0 g), add water to the 3mL, plus 2.0mL sulfate (1+1). 26.3 samples and the standard of determination Yu samples and the standard arsenic of hydrogen occurred bottle in the, respectively joined 0.1

6、g Ascorbic acid, 2.0mL Ki (500g/L)-sulfur urea solution (50g/L), reset boiling water bath in the heating 5min (at bottle within temperature shall not over 80 ?), out put cold, joined methyl red indicates agent (2g/L) 1 drops, joined about 3.5mL hydrogen oxidation sodium solution (400g/L), to hydroge

7、n oxidation sodium solution (100g/L) adjustable to solution just is yellow, 1.5mL citric acid (1.0mol/L)-citric acid solution (1.0mol/L), add water to the 40mL, adding a grain of potassium borohydride tablet, immediately by lead acetate cotton tube connected with the containing 4.0mL liquid absorpti

8、on tube, shake the bottle of hydrogen arsenide from time to time, reaction 5min and then adding a grain of potassium borohydride tablet,C(小莉会更加赢得别人的尊重D(这是小莉缺乏自信的表现 5、 “在人生道路上,并不总是强壮的人取胜。但最终取胜的人,一定是那些认为自己能胜的人。”这句话说明( ) A(树立信心才能增强实力,最终取得成功 B(自信的人生不可能遇到困难和挫折 C(强壮的人缺少战胜困难的决心和勇气 D(实力,是支撑信心最重要的支柱 6、一位中国外交

9、官在家里举办宴会,招待来访的外国朋友。其中一位日本朋友看见外交官的太太,便夸奖道:“先生,您的太太温柔婉约,真像我们日本女人。”外交官的太太听后,便对日本朋友说:“_。” 下列回应中,既维护人格、捍卫民族尊严,又不显得咄咄逼人的是( ) A(您说得有道理,因为日本文化本身就起源于中国,所以这很正常 B(你胡说日本女人哪能和我们中国女人比 C(您过奖了,日本女人的温柔婉约世界闻名,我哪能比得上 D(谢谢您的夸奖,真荣幸我能与日本女人相提并论 7、古人说,“七十二行,行行出状元”。现代社会分工更细,又何止七十二行,劳动无贵贱,分工有不同。每个人都有自己的长处和短处,要想自强和成功,就要根据自己的长

10、处、天赋、兴趣以及社会需要来确定自己的努力方向,充分发挥主动性。这样的做法属于( ) A(挑战自我 B(战胜自我 C(树立目标 D(扬长避短 8、陶行知说:“滴自己的汗,吃自己的饭,自己的事自己干,靠人靠天靠祖上,不算是好汉”这是对_的最好说明。( ) on 5min and then adding a grain of potassium borohydride tablet,eactin tube connected with the containing 4.0mL liquid absorption tube, shake the bottle of hydrogen arsenide

11、 from time to time, rsolution (1.0mol/L), add water to the 40mL, adding a grain of potassium borohydride tablet, immediately by lead acetate cotto citric acid-/L), to hydrogen oxidation sodium solution (100g/L) adjustable to solution just is yellow, 1.5mL citric acid (1.0mol/L), out put cold, joined

12、 methyl red indicates agent (2g/L) 1 drops, joined about 3.5mL hydrogen oxidation sodium solution (400g)?sulfur urea solution (50g/L), reset boiling water bath in the heating 5min (at bottle within temperature shall not over 80 -g/L)Yu samples and the standard arsenic of hydrogen occurred bottle in

13、the, respectively joined 0.1g Ascorbic acid, 2.0mL Ki (500 nationarsenic 0,0.25,0.5,1.0,2.0,3.0 g), add water to the 3mL, plus 2.0mL sulfate (1+1). 26.3 samples and the standard of determired at the 6 100mL arsine in the bottle, then joined the arsenic standard liquid 0,0.25,0.5,1.0,2.0,3.0mL (the e

14、quivalent of prepa le in the conical flask, add 5mL perchlorate, 20mL, nitric acid, 2.5mL acid (1+1), following by 19.1.1 operation. 26.2 seriesntavalent) 1.00 g. 24.10 methyl red indicator (.Operation. 26.1.6 soy foods: lessons 250mL 5.010.0mL representative sampic (pe00mL standard stock solution i

15、n a 100mL bottle of arsenic, diluted with water to scale. Per ml of this solution contain arsenle. Per ml of this solution contain arsenic (pentavalent) 0.100mg. 24.9 the arsenic standard application solution: lessons 1.1000mL capacity bottle in the, and water diluted set capacity to sca 2 A(自尊 B(自爱

16、 C(自立 D(自负 9、苏明娟在“希望工程”的帮助下,顺利地读完小学、中学,并考入大学,她在入学两个月后就宣布:请求终止“希望工程”对自己的资助,因为我已经是一名大学生了。这说明她做到了( ) A(自己的事全能自己做 B(告别依赖,走向自立 C(自己的生活自己来安排 D(遇到困难不向他人求助 10、要想尽早获得自立,应当增强以下能力( ) ?展示自己、推销自己的能力?与人沟通、说服他人的能力?运用法律维护权益的能力?不断学习、不断充实自己的能力?组织与决策的能力 A( ? B( ? C( ? D( ? 11、从爱因斯坦克服自身数学方面的弱点,完成广义相对论的事例中,我们可以得到以下启示( ) ?人总是有这样或那样的弱点?自强的人不是没有弱点,而是勇于并善于战胜自己的弱点?有弱点的人才能成为自强的人?要自强,必须战胜自我、超越自



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