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2、续经营的决定,酒店也因此没有为客源的减少而受到大的丧失,职工的正常收入与福利也未受到任何的影响。可能这一切的一切在您眼里看来也许只是为员工办了一点实事而已,可在我们眼里,在我们心里都认为这才是一件大事,这才是为员工谋利益的举动,这才是一位被员工在心里面所认可的老总 !因为我是酒店里年纪最小的,也从来没有在这么大的集体里生活过,自然而然的,心里面就会产生一种被呵护的感到。这是一种以前在集体里未曾有过的感到,很温馨,很骄傲,而且它一直陪伴着我,直到我离开 但这种感到不会随着我的离开而走远,我想我永远也不会忘记,毕竟我曾经生活在一个温暖而又温馨的集体里。第1页共6页而我,作为这个集体的一份子,更加感

3、到到您对员工的关心与培养。您确定想到,酒店要想在竞争激烈的社会中立于不败之地,人才的培养与发展是不可疏忽的环节之一; 对于酒店里为数不多的年轻人来说,要想在酒店里得到长足的发展,就必须得到管理的岗位上去锤炼不可。恰恰是在酒店飞速发展的时刻,您也有意识的让我走到了管理的岗上来,盼望我从中能够学到一些管理的经验和处理各种关系的措施,为酒店的发展起到应有的作用。这是我人生中的又一个“第一”次,即第一次在工作中得到升职,对于一个初涉社会没多久的年轻人来说,它是一种鼓励,一种鞭策,一种锤炼,对我而言,这正是您对我工作的一种确定,给我的一种鼓舞。在这里,我非常感谢您给我的这次机会,也想借此在这里向您说一声

4、:“谢谢”!也许,千言万语也抵不过一句感谢,我想再对您说一声“谢谢您” ! 万水千山多变换,人生犹如戏一场。人的一生可能都要扮演很多角色,也可能要走过很多的路才干达到必定高度,取得一些成绩,得到众人的认可,成为主演。人往高处走,这句千古不变的名言似乎在什么时候都非常实用,但是对于我来说,讲这句话时,声音是哽咽的,因为我马上就要离开我工作了三年多的酒店,离开与我并肩工作了三年多时间的同事和关心我的领导们。当我做出这个决定的时候,心中的波涛久久不能平息。而在我把这个决定告诉您的时候,您又是那样的通情达理,不仅语重心长地替我衡量利弊,分析情况,提示我要做好家人的说明工作,而且又在办理手续方面给予我各

5、种方便和必定的补偿,我真的不知该说什么才好。第2页共6页在这里,我衷心的祝贺您扮演的角色可以得到更多人的认可,祝贺您的事业能够得到不断的进步,祝贺酒店在您的领导下蒸蒸日上,也真挚的祝福您在未来的人生旅途中一帆风顺,做主演中的主演。第3页共6页最常用的英文辞职报告语句1、state you are resigning your specific position/title and the effective date.as we have discussed, i am offering my resignation as systems analyst, level 1. i want to

6、 make the resignation effective date as convenient for you as possible, but no later than march 1.please consider this letter as my resignation from my position as office manager, effective march 1.i will be leaving my position as general counsel on august 31.after six long months of contemplation o

7、n my future advancement in hhh, i have decided to resign my geologist position, effective sometime in october at your convenience. the decision has been quite difficult for me because i trulyhave enjoyed the relationships ive built here.i offer my resignation as training coordinator with hhh. my las

8、t day will be march 1, unless you have a replacement who can assume the responsibilities sooner.2、state your reason for leaving. you may be as vague or as specific as you wish. bear in mind, however, your reason should be one that puts you in a favorable light with future employers who may verify yo

9、ur employment record.第4页共6页this new position will offer me the opportunity to travel overseas, an adventure i ve looked forward to for sometime now.i have been concerned about the limited opportunities for advancement. as you know, i ve always been one to thrive on change and growth.i have decided t

10、o seek a job that will allow me more freedom to use my problem-solving skills on non-routine matters.as you know, my training is in the financial area, andi ve had limited opportunities here to make contributions ofthat kind.my experience with previous employers has beenadministrativework, and that

11、is the kind of job to which id like toreturn.as we have discussed, because of changes in mypersonal financial responsibilities, i have had to seek aposition that offered a higher salary although i understandyour budgetary constraints.i really havent decided pletely what kind of job i wantto pursue, although i am interested in the possibility ofgoing into business for myself.at this point, im toying with the idea of turning oneof my hobbies into a profit-making enterprise.第5页共6页第6页共6页


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