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1、日常接待英语一、日常接待英语.1)Good morning.(afternoon,evening,night).早晨好!(下午好!晚上好!晚安!)2)How do you do?您好!How do you do!您好!3)How are you?Fine,thank you.您好吗?我很好,谢谢!4)May Icome in?我可以进来吗?Come in,please.请进!5)Sit down,please.请坐!6)Whats your name?Im Lin.你叫什么?我叫琳.7)Mr.Smith.史密斯先生.Miss Wang.王小姐.Mrs.Zhang.张夫人。8)How old a

2、re you?你多大了?Im 30 years old.我30岁了.9)Where are you from?你从哪里来?Im from the U.S.A.我来自美国.10)Whats your occupation?您从事什么工作?Im amassagist.我是按摩师。11)Are you married?你结婚了吗?Yes,I am.(No,Im not.)是的.(不,还没有。)12)Where were you born?您在哪儿出生的?I was born in Japan.我出生在日本.13)Where do you live?您住在哪里?I live in Beijing.我住

3、在北京.14)When is your birthday?(您什么时候生日?)My birthday is in January.(我的生日是一月。)15)What day is today?(今天是星期几?)Today is Monday.(今天是星期一)16)Whats the date today?(今天是几月几号?)Today is the 7th.(今天是七号。)17)Welcome,come in,please.欢迎光临.先生请进.18)This way,please.请这边走.19)Please wait.请稍后.20)Sorry,say again(repeat,pardon)

4、,please.对不起,请再说一遍.21)Do you need massage?您需要按摩吗?Yes,I do.是的,我想做.22)Please tell me your name.请您留下姓名.My name is Lin.我叫林。23)Please tell me your address.请您留下地址.My address is 2-101,5th Building,Yuhaiyuan,HaiDian District,Beijing.我的地址是:北京市海淀区玉海园5号楼2门101室。24)Please tell me your telephone number.请您留下电话号码.My

5、 telephone number is 1234 5678.我的电话是:12345678。25)Welcome again.欢迎再来.26)Thank you for coming.谢谢您的光临.27)Thank you for all your trouble.谢谢您费心了.28)Thank you for your kindness.谢谢关心.29)Thank you for helping me.谢谢你帮助我。30)I wish you success.祝您成功.31)Have asafe journey.一路平安.32)All the best.祝万事如意.33)Have aplea

6、sant(happy)journey.旅途愉快.34)I hope you enjoy the dinner.希望您吃的满意.35)How are things with you?您一切好吗?Not bad.(不错.)36)Everything goes well.一切顺利!37)Do you speak Chinese?你会说汉语吗?Yes,a little.(是的,会一点.)38)Sorry,a little slower,please.抱歉,请您说的慢一点.39)Do you know what Imean?你知道我是什么意思吗?I see.我明白了.40)Happy New Year!

7、新年快乐.Merry Christmas!圣诞节快乐.Happy birthday.生日快乐.41)Please send my best wishes to everyone.请向各位问好.42)Im sorry about it.对此我十分抱歉.43)Lets go Dutch today.今天我们各自付款.44)Please make yourself at home.请不必拘礼.45)Thank you for your gift.I like it very much.谢谢您的礼物,我很喜欢它.46)When will you come to Beijing again?您什么时候再

8、来北京?47)Call me or E-mail me,please.给我打个电话或发邮件.48)Goodbye!Take care.再见!您慢走.49)Well keep in touch.我们会保持联系.50)What would you like to drink,tea or coffee?您要喝点什么,茶还是咖啡?Tea,please.请给我茶。51)Would you like acup of coffee?你想来杯咖啡吗?Yes,please.是的。No,thanks.不,谢谢。52)你今晚有空吗?Are you free this evening?53)我同意您的看法.I ag

9、ree with you.54)Its my pleasure to service for you.我很高兴为您服务.55)We are all friends.我们都是朋友.56)Nice talking to you.很高兴和你谈话。Me,too.我也一样。二、人体各部名称.1.头部各部名称:1)头:head 2)头顶:the top of the head 3)头发:hair 4)额:forehead 5)头皮:head skin 6)太阳穴:temple 7)脸:face 8)眼:eye 9)颧骨:cheekbone 10)面颊:cheek 11)睫毛:eyelash 12)眼睑(眼

10、皮):eyelid 13)眼球:eyeball 14)瞳孔:pupil 15)耳:ear 16)耳鼓膜:ear drum 17)鼻腔:nasal cavity 18)鼻梁:bridge of the nose 19)鼻孔:nostril 20)鼻:nose 21)人中:Philtrum 22)硬腭:hard palate 23)软腭:soft palate 24)嘴巴:mouth 25)舌:tongue 26)牙齿:teeth 27)唇:lip 28)齿龈:gum 29)齿根:root 30)悬雍垂:(小舌):uvula 31)声带:vocal cords 32)腭骨:jawbone 33)颌

11、:jaw 34)咽喉:larynx 35)喉:throat 36)颈:neck 37)项(颈背):nape of the neck 38)眉毛:eyebrow 39)下巴:chin 40)头痛:headache 41)牙痛:toothache 42)耳痛:earache 2.上肢各部名称1)肩膀:shoulder 2)胳膊:arm 3)驱干:trunk 4)肘部:elbow 5)上臂:upper arm 6)前臂:forearm 7)肘关节:elbow joint 8)腋窝:armpit 9)手:hand 10)手背:back of the hand 11)拇指:thumb 12)食指:for

12、efinger 13)中指:middle finger 14)无名指:ring finger 15)小指:little finger 16)手掌:palm 17)腕关节:wrist joint 18)腕:wrist 19)手指:finger 20)胸:chest 21)乳房:breast 22)乳头:nipple 23)肚子:belly 24)肚脐:belly button 25)骨:bone 26)背:back 27)腰:waist 28)四肢:limbs 29)胃:stomach 30)臀部:bottom 31)上腹:the upper abdomen 32)下腹:the lower ab

13、domen 33)腹股沟:groin 34)生殖器:genitals 35)阴茎:penis 36)睾丸:testicle 37)阴道:vagina 38)髋:hipbone 39)髋关节:hip joint 40)身体:body 41)胸椎:chest 42)腰椎:waist 43)肋骨:rib 44)手弯:bend of the arm 45)卵巢:ovary 46)子宫:womb 3.下肢各部名称。1)膝盖:knee 2)膝盖骨:kneecap 3)腿肚:calf 4)脚背:instep 5)脚掌:sole of the foot 6)后跟:heel 7)趾甲:toenail 8)腿:l

14、eg 9)脚:foot(feet)10)脚趾:toe 11)趾甲:toenail 12)踝:ankle 13)大腿:thigh 14)小腿:shank 4.人体组织名称.1)骨胳:skeleton 2)肌肉:muscle 3)神经:nerve 4)血管:blood vessel 5)内脏:internal organs 6)子宫:womb 7)输卵管:tubes 8)胆囊:gall bladder 9)输尿管:ureter 10)呼吸道:respiratory tract 5.人体内脏名称.1)肝:Liver 2)胆:gall 3)心:heart 4)脾:spleens 5)胃:stomach

15、 6)肺:lung 7)大肠:large intestine 8)小肠:small intestine 9)膀胱:bladder,waterworks 10)肾:kidney 11)胰腺:pancreas三、针灸及其他中医疗法针灸:acupuncture and moxibustion烧灼:to cauterize拔火罐:cupping电针:acupuncture with electric stimulation面针:face acupuncture耳针:ear acupuncture穴位:acupuncture points运针:handle the needle行针:manipulate

16、 the needle扎针:insert the needle深针:deep insertion浅针:shallow insertion捻针:rotate the needle留针:retention of the needle in the body晕针:a fainting spell during acuputure treatment四、常见病名1)心绞痛:angina 2)哮喘:asthma 3)肺气肿:emphysema 4)痛经:painful periods 5)失眠:insomnia 6)头痛:headache 7)高血压:high blood pressure 8)近视:short-sight 9)斜视:squinting 10)消化不良:indi



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