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1、2022年考博英语-中国矿业大学考试题库及模拟押密卷(含答案解析)1. 翻译题许多国际体育比赛的业余组织者经常抱怨说,体育道德已不复存在了。他们把体育方面 出现的向题全部归咎于日益增长的职业化。他们震惊地看到,现在有些运动员把赛跑当工作, 参加赛跑就要得到报酬。他们宣称,当现代奥林匹克运动会兴起时,运动员觉得参加比赛本 身就是一种奖励,别无他求了。事实上如此崇高的理想向来只是一种愿望而已,同现实从来就没有多少关系。1900年 和1904年的两届奧运会就和商业有着密切的关系,因为当时就是为国际贸易会招徕顾客而举办那两次奥运会的。这些比赛组织者们有时忽视的一点是,任何想成为奥运冠军的人必须 牺牲业

2、余吋间,可能还得中断学业,动员们想得到一些实惠的奖赏,也就不足为奇了。【答案】Many amateur organizers of international sporting events often complain that sportsmanship no longer exists. They blamed the growing professionalism for all the problems in sports. They were shocked to see that some athletes now treat running a race as their jo

3、b. They should get paid for running a race. With the rise of the modern Olympic games, they claim, athletes felt rewarded for their participation and wanted nothing more.In fact, such a lofty ideal has always been just a desire, having nothing to do with the reality. The Olympic games of 1900 and 19

4、04 were closely associated with commerce because they were held to drum up customers for international trade. What the organizers sometimes fail to realize is that anyone who wants to become an Olympic champion must sacrifice his spare time and possibly take a break from his studies. So Its no surpr

5、ise that athletes want some tangible rewards.2. 单选题Environment has taken rather a back seat politically since the Earth summit in Rio de Janeiro nearly five years ago.(1)the problems that meeting(2)had not gone away. One environment(3)tank the International Food Policy Research Institute - has been

6、looking at the future of water and(4)report reflects growing concern at the huge leap in usage over the past few years, In some pat of the world, water consumption has(5) five fold. And the institute, known by its(6)IFPKE, says shortages could soon become the(7)for conflict and a major barrier to(8)

7、the worlds growing population. Heres Richard Black of our Science Unit.“Its often been said that water(9)oil will be the cause of warfare in the next century. According to the IFPRE report, the time(10)that happens might not be far away. The number of people(11)by water shortages will increase ten(1

8、2)over the next 30 years, it says,(13)could well lead to large scale conflicts.The main reason why water is becoming a(14)resource is agriculture, which now(15) 70% of water consumption worldwide, 90% in some(16)countries. Countless fanners have switched from growing indigenous crops for the(17)mark

9、et to high yield export varieties, which(18)need far more water. But the IFPRI report says that in some regions water shortage is now the single biggest impediment to feeding the population. Water scarcity(19)leads to water pollution. In the Indian State of West Bengal, for example, over extraction

10、of water from bore holes has led to arsenic poisoning which is(20)to have affected two million people so far. But the IFPRI report calls for better water management worldwide including financial incentives to encourage conservation. ”问题1选项A.ButB.SoC.AndD.For问题2选项A.overcomeB.highlightedC.motivatedD.c

11、onfronted问题3选项A.thoughtfulB.thoughtC.thinkingD.think问题4选项A.thoseB.whoseC.itsD.their问题5选项A.decreasedB.increasedC.expandedD.dwindled问题6选项A.initialsB.capitalsC.beginningsD.letters问题7选项A.triggerB.effectC.initiationD.consequence问题8选项A.feedB.raiseC.feedingD.raising问题9选项A.instead ofB.in response toC.in pla

12、ce ofD.rather than问题10选项A.whichB.howC.whyD.when问题11选项A.affectingB.affectedC.is affectedD.is affecting问题12选项A.doubleB.multipleC.foldD.time问题13选项A.whatB.howC.whichD.that问题14选项A.naturalB.scarceC.plentifulD.dormant问题15选项A.accounts forB.runs forC.speaks forD.counts for问题16选项A.developedB.developingC.advan


14、20题:D【解析】(1)根据选项确定考察连词,句意:自从五年前在巴西里约热内卢举行的地球峰会以来,环境问题在政治上一直处于次要地位,而且遇到的问题并没有克服。表示句意顺承用and。(2)A选项意思是克服,解决,B选项意思是是突出,显著,C选项意思是激发的积极性,D选项意思是面对,面临。句意:而且遇到的问题并没有克服。A 选项符合题意。(3)根据空格后的名词tank确定这里需要填写一个形容词,只有A选项是形容词,所以A 正确。(4)根据空格后的动词reflects用的是三单形式,确定主语是单数,选项C符合题意。(5)句意:在世界上的一些地方,用水量已经增长了五倍。A选项意思是减少,B选项意思是增加,C选项意思是扩大,D选项意思是缩减。B选项正确。(6)A选项意思是英文缩写,B选项意思是大写字母,C选项意思是开始,D选项意思是字母。句意:这个因为它的缩写IFPKE而闻名的机构。A选项正确。(7)A选项意思是触发器,B选项意思是影响,C选项意思是启蒙,D选项意思是结果。句意:短缺可能很快会触发



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