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1、乡镇:_ 班级:_ 学生姓名:_ -密-封-线-内-不-要-答-题-小学英语四年级上册第二次阶段测试卷一、 从右栏中选出与左栏匹配的选项。|(10分)( )1. Go to the living room . A. Have a nap .( )2 Go to the study . B. Watch TV.( )3 . Go to the kitchen . C. Take a shower .( )4.Go to the bedroom . D. Read a book .( )5 . Go to the bathroom. E. Have a snack .二、 选择下列恰当的词填空。(

2、写序号,每词限用一次)(10分)A. table B. classroom C. study D. living room E. fridge1. I often read a book in my _ .2. The blackboard is in the _.3. The eggs are in the _ .4. The _ is in the kitchen .5. The bed is in the _ .三、连线。(10分)1、你晚餐想吃什么? A. I can use chopsticks . 2、我想吃些鸡肉。 B. What would you like for dinne

3、r ?3、不客气,随便吃! C. Id like some chicken ,4、打开冰箱。 D. Help youslef !5、我会使用筷子。 E. Open the fridge .四、选出每组中不同类的一项。(10分)( ) 1. A spoon B. fish C. beef ( ) 2. A. bowl B. fork C. soup ( )3. A. chopsticks B. chicken C. knife( )4. A. milk B. juice C. toy ( )5. A. dinner B. rice C. noodles五、情景会话。(14分)( )1.用英语表达

4、“在客厅”,可以说:_ A. in the living roon . B. in the bathroom .( )2. 你想表达欢迎同学来你家,可以说:_ A .This is my home . B. Welcome to my home .( )3.你想知道她是否在书房,可以说:_ A. Is he in the livingroom ? B. Is she in the study?( )4.问别人想要吃什么, 你该用英语说:_ A. What would you like ? B. Whats for breakfast ? ( )5.当你想叫别人把叉子递给你时,你应说:_a) P

5、ass me the fork , please . B.I can use chopsticks . ( )6.用英语表达“晚餐准备好了,”可以说:_ A. Dinners ready . B. Everythings ready. ( )7.你想要一些牛奶时,你该用英语说:_ A. I like some milk . B. Id like some milk .六、从II栏中选出I栏相对应的答语。(10分) ( )1. Is this your bedroom?( )2.Where are the keys ?( )3.Is she in the livingroom?( )4.What

6、 would you like for dinner ?( )5.Can I have some fish ,please ? II A. Id like some rice .B. Sure .Here you are .C. Yes ,she is .D. Theyre in the door .E. Yes, it is .七、单项选择。(24分)( )1. Where _ the keys ?A. am B. is C .are ( )2._ they on the table ? A. Are B. are C. Is ( )3.What would you like ? _ lik

7、e some beef . A. Id B. I C. He ( )4.I can _ chopsticks . A. use B. have C. eat ( )5. What would you like _dinner ? A. for . B. at C. to ( )6.Id like _ egg. A.a B. an C. some ( )7.Pass _ a knife , please . A. me B.my C. I( )8.Can I have some milk ? _A. Sure . Here you are .B. Thanks .C. Yes , I can.八、给下列单词归类。(12分) A. bathroom B. beef C milk D. kitchen E. chicken D. juice F. study G Coke H .fish 1.肉类:_ 2.饮料类:_ 3.房间类:_1



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