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1、八上英语期末复习 Unit 7重点词组、句子:1、turn on the blender打开搅拌机,2、cut up an onion and a tomato切碎一个洋葱和一个西红柿,3、pour/putinto倒/放入,4、peel three apples削三个苹果,5、need one cup of yogurt需要一杯酸奶,6、make fruit salad制作水果沙拉,7、mix it/them all up把它/它们混合在一起,8、add the ingredients to the noodles给面条加入调料,9、two slices of bread两片面包,10、boi

2、l the noodles 煮面条,11、three teaspoons of butter三勺黄油,12、check you have all the ingredients检查你是否有所有的原料,13、roll the pancake卷起煎饼,14、How do you make an apple milk shake? 你如何制作苹果奶昔?15、How many watermelons do we need? 我们需要多少西瓜?16、How much salt does he need? 他需要多少盐?17、Do you like lettuce in sandwiches? 你喜欢三明

3、治夹生菜吗?18、Heres a recipe for a great turkey sandwich! 这是一份制作上等的火鸡三明治的食谱!19、First, put some relish on a slice of bread. 首先,在一片面包上放上调味料。20、Finally, put another slice of bread on the top.最后,在上面放上另一片面包。习题:1.Put some _ and chicken _ on the sandwich.Alettuce, slice Blettuces, slices Clettuce, slices Dlettu

4、ces, slice2. Put the ingredients into a bowl and _,please.A. mix up it B. mix it up C. mix up them D. mix them up3.Please give me_.A. two glass of apple juice B. two glasses of apple juicesC. two glasses of apple juice D. two glasses apple juice4.Kate, could you _the radio a bit? Your father is slee

5、ping now.A. turn down B. turn off C turn up D. turn on5.We need one cup of yogurt.(对划线部分提问)_ _ yogurt do you need?6. He wants three apples. (划线提问)_ _ apples _ he_?7. Cut up the apples. (改为否定句)_ _ _ the apples.8. 请给我剥两个香蕉。Please_ _ _ for me.9.我们需要多少黄油?两茶匙。How_ _ do we need? Two _.10.他需要多少片面包?How_ _ o

6、f bread_ he need?11.I often have two _(sandwich) for lunch and a cup of coffee.12.Please add some_(relish) before cooking.13._(not watch) too much TV.14.Please_/t ek/ you have all the _/ingri:din ts/.八上期末复习 Unit 8重点词组、句子:1、hang out with her friends all night和朋友们闲逛了一整晚,2、buy a souvenir for me为我买一个纪念品

7、,3、get sbs autograph得到某人的签名,4、win a hat 赢了一顶帽子,5、have a great time on the school trip在学校旅行中过很愉快,6、watch a movie about sharks看了一部关于鲨鱼的电影,7、buy lots of gifts买了许多礼物,8、at the end of day在一天结束的时候,9、sleep late睡过头,10、go for a drive开车兜风,11、have a yard sale举办一次庭院旧货出售,12、in the future在未来,13、get wet淋湿,14、have f

8、un camping in the rain在雨中快乐的野营,15、win first prize in yesterdays singing competition在昨天的演唱比赛中获一等奖,16、on my next day off在我下一次休息日,17、What else did you do? 你还做了什么?18、Did you see any seals? No, I didnt. 你看见一些海豹了吗? 我没有。19、Were there any dolphins? Yes, there were. 有海豚吗?没有。20、There are many actors at the aq

9、uarium.水族馆里有很多的演员。21、They took the bus back to school.他们乘坐公车回到学校。22、That sounds really boring.那听起来真的很无聊。23、Sounds like a busy day off!听起来像一个繁忙的休息日。24、Uncle Wang put some of his old things out in the yard.王叔叔把他的一些旧东西拿到庭院里。25、However, no one came to the sale because the weather was so bad. 然而,没有人来买因为天

10、气太糟糕了。26、Did you buy anything?你买什么了吗?1. Every year lots of_(visit)come to Jinan to go sightseeing.2. He_(meet) a friend on the street yesterday.3. Tina had lots of fun_(take) photos in the park.4. This song _(sound) beautiful.5. She hung out with her friends.(改为一般疑问句并作否定回答)_ she_ _with her friends?_

11、, she_.6. They bought a souvenir.(就划线部分提问)_ _they_?7. There were some really smart seals at the aquarium.(改为一般疑问句并作否定回答)_ _ _really smart seals at the aquarium? _, there_.8. Our school trip was pretty good.(就划线部分提问)_ was_ school trip?9. 上次假期你做了什么?我到水族馆去了。_ did you_ _ your last vacation? I _ to the_.

12、10. 你拍到了章鱼的照片了吗?当然了。_ you_ any_ of_? Of course, I _.11. 下次休假时,我想和好朋友去看海豹表演。On my _ _ _, I want to _the seal show_ my friends.12. Do you have_ to do this afternoon?A. something else B. other something C. anything else D. else anything13. _ my opinion, the trip was interesting. A. About B. To C. In D. at14.There_ some old people taking a walk in the park. A. is B. are C. has D. have15. Please help me _ the box. A. carry B. carrying C. carries D. carried16.I tried a few jackets on, but_ of them looked good.A. both B. either C. none D. neither



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