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1、第二届全国中小学“教学中的互联网搜索”优秀教案评选参赛教案一、教案背景(1)面向学生: 中学 小学 (2)课时:1 (3)学科:英语(4)学生准备:预习本节课内容、自制单词卡二、教学课题(圆锥的侧面积和全面积)【教学目标】语言知识目标:(1) 能听懂会说单词: rainy, snowy, windy, sunny, cloudy. (2) Three-skilled sentences: 熟练掌握下列句子,并能够熟练运用。Heres the world weather. Its rainy in London.(3) Function: 能够掌握用英文表达世界各地天气情况的方法。能力目标:通过

2、互联网查寻、收集资料拓宽学生视野,并通过使用相关多媒体教学软件,让学生了解有关气象的知识,从而培养他们通过Internet获取知识、解决问题,扩展视野的能力。情感文化目标:(1) 初步听懂询问天气情况的句子,并作出简单的回答; (2)(2) 了解世界各地的天气情况,渗透天气与环境的关系,培养学生的环保意识;(3) 知道“天气”是英语国家最受欢迎的话题之一。【教学重点、难点】 教学重点:(1)掌握关于天气的5个单词;(2)能听懂天气预报,并能报道世界各地的天气;(3)能将所学到的句子运用到实际生活中,如:通过互联网查询天气状况等。 教学难点:能听懂天气预报,并能报道世界各地的天气;【教学辅助工具

3、】多媒体课件、单词卡、用于报道天气的道具、奖品、录音机、录音带三、教学方法及思路【教学方法】:本节课使用合作探究和情境导入的学习方法,合作探究的学习方法就是在教师的指导下,围绕教学目标,通过合作探究的方式,发现、分析问题并解决问题,有助于培养学生在合作学习中的责任意识和目标意识。以活动的形式展开教学,综合运用启发式、多媒体演示、互联网搜索等教学手段。【教学思路】:本节课的内容是让学生能听、说、读本课时主要句型:Whats the weather like in Beijing? How about New York? 能够分角色朗读对话,了解世界几个主要城市的天气特点。通过学习让学生了解天气,

4、并能积极与他人合作,运用所学英语进行交流,共同完成学习任务。这次教学的流程为:热身准备呈现巩固扩展四、教学过程设计Step 1: Warming up1. Greetings:T: Whats the weather like today?S: Its T: Yes, itsThen the teacher takes out a word card and asks: Whats the weather like?S: Its T: How about this one?S: Its2. Play a game.T :Boys and girls, lets play a game. Ple

5、ase look at my turntable and guess the weather.设计说明:游戏能够营造轻松活跃的气氛,拉近师生距离,并复习上一节课的重点内容,为新课作铺垫。百度搜索:http:/ 2: Presentation1. Learn the sentence: What the weather like in Beijing?T: This weekend, we are going to travel. Where do you want to go? Lets pick out the weather report then discuss where to go.

6、 OK, look at the map. 设计说明:创设去旅游的情景,激发学生的兴趣,出示地图,复习天气。2. Fill in the form and answer my questions.T: I have another piece of weather report, too. Please listen to carefully and then finish the form in P52.T: Lets check the answers. Whats the weather like in Beijing?S1: Its T: How about Shanghai?S2:

7、Its 1. Practice the sentence: Whats the weather like in ? How about?(1) The teacher shows sentence and learn to read.T: OK. Now please look at here. Read after me.(2) I ask and you answer.T: Now look at the form. I ask and you answer. OK? Lets begin. Whats the weather like in ?S: Its T: How about?S:

8、 Its (3) You ask and I answer.T: Lets change. You ask and I answer.(4) group workT: Please practice these sentences with your partner. Ask and answer in your groups. After that, I will ask some of you to show out.T: Whats the weather like in Beijing?S: Its T: How about ?S: Its 设计说明:设计不同的活动让学生操练并运用句子

9、:Whats the weather like in?通过各种生动有趣的游戏,让学生加强记忆和运用知识进行表演,不但加强了学习的生活和趣味性,而且让学生在轻松愉快的环境中进一步巩固知识点,使学习效果更好。百度搜索:http:/ Learn the dialogue.(1) T: Amy and Edward are making a phone call. They are talking about the weather, too. Lets watch the video and see what the weather like in Beijing is. Listen carefu

10、lly and answer my questions.A. Whats the weather like in Beijing?B. How about New York?(2) Listen and follow.(3) Read together.T: Lets read the text together. This time the girl will be Amy. Boys, you will be Edward. Which group is better? Boys or girl?设计说明:让学生听录音,朗读课文,再让学生进行模仿练习,并作天气预报表演。可以师生互动合作表演

11、,也可以学生小组表演。Step 3: extension1. T: Amy and Edward make a phone call to ask the weather. Because we want to travel, we can call our friends to ask the weather, too. Lets have a try and follow this. (show PPT)T: Hello! XXX!S4: Hi! XXX!T: Whats the weather like in ?S5: Its How about ?T: ItsT: Do you kno

12、w how to make a phone call to ask the weather now?S: Yes!T: Good! Please make a phone call with your friend and ask the weather. You can choose the city you like. Ask your groups. Namecityweather设计说明:设计任务让学生能够在真实的情境中运用所学的知识,扩展了学生对天气的知识,又培养他们的信息素养。百度搜索:http:/ Group work.3. Show time. T: Times up! Who

13、 want to show out? Please put up your hand.Step 4: sum upT: What have we learnt today?(五)课后作业1、和小组成员一起到网站上查询一下书本上介绍到的城市(北京、河北、拉萨、香港、伦敦、莫斯科、新加坡、悉尼还有东莞)今天的天气情况,你们要互相协助,看看那个小组查最快完成任务,然后向大家汇报你们小组的查询结果。2、实践活动:当一名小小天气报道员,汇报今天的天气情况。百度搜索:1 http:/ http:/ http:/ http:/ http:/ http:/ FourIts warm todayWhats the weather like in Beijing?Its How about New York?Its 五、教学反思这节课的教学设计对比上一次还是有比较多的改动的,因为上一次老师们给我的建议都认为复习时间过长,学生对新知的操练时间不够,重点不够突出。所以这一次我把guessing game去掉了,利用转盘让学生复习单词。在导入方面我设置了新的情景:周末我们要去旅游,先询问天气再决定去哪里玩好。然后引出:Whats the weather like in Beijing? How about New York?再



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