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1、Unit 2 This is my sister第一课时Step 1 Warming up and revision呈现图片家庭树, 用绕口令的形式让学生尽快做出反应,如: father 的father叫什么? uncle的daughter叫什么?设计意图:让学生在玩中掌握各种常用称呼。Step 2Preparing and Guide(Another two students introduce their family.)1. Guessing Game.T: Do you like games?S: Yes.T: Lets play a guessing game. Look at th

2、e screen. This is my brother. But my father is not his father. His father is not my father. His father and my father are brothers. We have the same grandfather. Who is he?S1: It is your “表哥”or“表弟”T: No, it isnt.S2: Is it your “堂兄” or “堂弟”T: Yes, it is. Lets see how to say it in English.(Show the wor

3、d “cousin” on the screen.)设计意图:让学生自然而然地过渡到要学习的生词及语境。2. Show other words on the screen in this way.3. Practice the new words. Step 3Research Cooperation1. Work on 1a.(1)T: In my family, my grandpa is the oldest. (板书oldest并用body language表述) Who is the oldest in your family?S: My grandpa, too. T: Every

4、 family has a family tree. Can you finish the family tree in 1a?S: Yes. While the Ss are working, move around to see what the Ss write.(2)Check the answers and ask Ss to read the words aloud.(3)T: Look at the family tree. My grandpa and grandma have a son and a daughter. One is my dad, and the other

5、 is my aunt. My dad and mom also have a son and a daughter. I am their daughter. My brother is their son. I am my brothers sister. My aunt and uncle only have one daughter. Shes my cousin. 2. Work on 1b.(1)T: Lets listen to the recording in 1b. Ill play the recording once. Check the words you hear.

6、(If the Ss cant hear clearly, play the recording once again.) (2)Check the answers and ask some Ss to read the words aloud. 3. Work on 1c.(1)T: Look at the two pictures in 1c. Who are the people in the first picture? Can you guess? S: They are Grandpa, Grandma, Mom, Dad, Uncle(只要学生能说出人物的称谓就加以鼓励)T: W

7、ell done! Can you guess who the people are in Picture 2?S: They are Grandma, Mom, Dad and a boy. T: Good. One of the two pictures is of Jiang Taos family, and the other is of Toms family. Do you know which one is Jiang Taos and which one is Toms?S: No. T: Now lets listen to the recording and find ou

8、t the answer.(2)Play the recording once again for the students to listen and find out the answer.(3)Check the answers and play the recording for the Ss to listen and repeat. 4. Work on 1d.(1)Draw a picture of your family and friends on the blackboard and introduce the people. (2)T: Now you can draw

9、a picture of your family and friends.(3)Ask some Ss to show their pictures and tell the class who the people are.T: Tim, can you show me your picture? Who are they? Can you tell me? S: This is myand these are my(4) T: Now you can tell your partner about your picture. Step 4SummaryT: Next, please ans

10、wer my questions.a. How many family words do you know?b. Can you make a family tree?c. What problems do you still have?Step 5HomeworkWritten work:1Draw a family tree about your family and introduce your family.2Dictate the new words in 1a.第二课时Step 1Warming up and revisionRevision the words by fillin

11、g in the blanks.1. Lucy is my sister. She is our fathers _2. Jim is his fathers _3. My fathers sister is my _4. Kates fathers brother is her _5. Tims father is my uncle, so Tim is my _6. My parents are my _ and _7. My grandparents are my _ and_8. My father has no brothers, so I dont have an _9. My f

12、ather has two sisters, and I have two _10. I am the only child of my _. I have no _ or _答案 1. daughter2. son3. aunt4. uncle5. cousin6. father; mother7. grandfather/grandpa; grandmother/grandma8. uncle9. aunts10. family; brothers; sistersStep 2Preparing and GuidePlaying a gameWho can be the quickest?

13、 老师说出人物之间的关系,学生说出其称谓。看谁最先说出。 T: Fathers father.S: Grandfather or grandpa. T: Mothers sister.S: Aunt. Step 3Research Cooperation1Work on 2a.(1)导入新课,归类male, female。T: In this unit, we have learned some English first names. Can you tell me some of them?S: Yes. They are Jenny, Bob, Jack, Linda, Tom, Mar

14、y, Kate, Jane, Sally, Helen, Eric, Cindy, John and Paul. (While the Ss are talking, write the names on the blackboard. )T: You did well. But do you know which names are for male and which names are for female? (Explain)Boys and men are male. For example, Li Long is male. Mr. Zhang is male. (列举几个男生或男

15、老师)Girls and women are female. For example, Li Xia is female. Miss Liu is female. Understand?(2)Now, please look at 2a on Page 11. Write down the male first names in the first box and the female first names in the second box. (3)Check the answers. 2. Work on 2b & 2c.Before reading: talk about the pictures.T: Here are two photos. (板书:Here are)Are they photos of a family?S: Yes.T: Who are they? Do you know?S: No. T: Who is talking


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