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1、MODULE 3 Making Plansgo over 复习 go over lessonsS习功课 see a movie看电影 have a picnic 野餐 have a pia no less on 上钢琴课 help with the housework 帮忙做家务 at the weeke nd =at weeke nds 在周末join us加入我们in the park在公园on Saturday在周六in the morning在上午 on Saturday morning在周六上午 do ones homework做某人的家庭作业 stay at home alone独

2、自待在家里 look forward to doing 盼望。get up late起床晚 read a book =read books 读书 enjoy on eself =have fun= have a good timed 得愉快 go swim ming 去游泳 May Day(Labor Day)五一劳动节 during the May Day holiday 在劳动节假期 on 2nd May在五月二口 on the morning of 2nd May 在五月二 口早晨 take a walk =go for a walk 去散 步collect litter收集垃圾 go

3、sightseeing去观光spend time with sb与某人共度时光 at home在家 go on a summer camp去夏令营 make friends 交朋友 make friends with 禾口。 交朋友 on the beach在海滩上 listen to music 听咅乐 an Australian family 一个意大利的 家庭 make plans /make a plan for 制定计划 plan to do sth计划做某事 Its time to +V. Its time for +n,。的时间到了 Dont be silly.别傻了 check

4、 my email检查我的电子邮件 check emails检查电子邮件 check your honework检 查你的作业 what else= what other things别的什么 cheer the players为运动员加油 cheer up sb为某人加油 cheer for sth为某 事加油in the country在乡村单项选择1 ? May Day is1st MayA onB. inC. at2. She is going tothe runners.A. cheers B. cheer C. cheering3. Mr Li is too tired, hes

5、looking forward toa good rest.A. have B. has C. having4?一 are you going? I am going to Shanghai.A. What B. Where C. WhoC. WouldC. for5. ou like to join us?A. AreB.Do6. DorftsillyA be B. isC. are7. What are his plansthis weekend?A. atB.in8. Tingting is going to haveiano lesson.A. a B. an C. the9. Lin

6、gling and I oing to have a picnic. A. am B. is C. are10. Look at the、 its going to rain. A. cloud B. flower C. sun1 I. Whowould you like to see?A.otherB.o thersC. else12. Wele going to collect litter n ear myhouse.A.frie nds B. frie ndsC. frie nd13. Its timehomework?A. to B. for C.at14. Heusually .e

7、at meat A isnt B.dont C. doesnt15. Tm an email to my father at the mome nt.A. write B. sending C. checks11. 一 Why is she going to England? she wants to see Big Ben herself.A.Because B.But C.Then D.So12. Look!The people in the park are enjoyingvery much.A.they B. themC. theirD. themselves13. Hes goin

8、g to watch a movie .A.every weekB.l ast week C.n ext week D. that week16. My un cle enjoysTV after supper.A. watch ingB. watches C. watchedD. to watch17. The old ma n is very kind-hearted and every one would like toim.A. make a friend with B. make a friend C. make friends with D. make friends1&一 Wha

9、ts she going to do at home一 She is going t?A.lie on the beach B.go over her less ons C.go shopp ing D.do some sightsee ing19. Betty canthe first place in the singing competition.AeCheckB. cheerC.winD. enjoy20. Here is your rain coat. Please. A.wear itB .put on it C. put it on D. get dressed it根据句意及首

10、字母或汉语提示完成1 ?It began dthe Western Han Dy nasty.2. We enjoy the sunshine on the b.3. Im going on a summer(度假营)in Beijing.4. Im going to have a(野餐)in the park.5. 一 Who ewill go to the park with us?一 My brother and my sister.1. Please bring some food and drinks .We are going to have a pin the park.2. H

11、ow many pare there in a football team?3. rm going to emyself during the May Day holiday.4. Mon day is the sday of the week .5.My hobby is ctamps.1 ? -What are you going to do tomorrow? -I(have)a party at home.2. I am going to enjoy(my)during the trip.3? She(be)a teacher when she grows up.4? you(take

12、)a n En glish test tomorrow?Y es, we are.5. We(stay)in Beijing for a week this summer holiday.6. There are some beautifulbeach) in Qingdao.7.1 am the(two) stude nt to come here ?8.1 hope you(wi n) the football match tomorrow.9. you(take) a walk this Saturday after noon?(sweep) the floo 匚 they are fr

13、ie ndly.10. She is(look) forward to the football match tomorrow.1. They(learn) a dragon dance next week.2. Look! His sister3.1 (write) some postcards this eve ning. 4.1 like dogs b.Would you like(play) basketball with me?9. His uncle enjoy(go) cycling with his friends.10. Alice wants(do) some sights

14、ee ing in Ha inan n ext week.1 ? We are look ing fto see ing you aga in.2. Whats your vacati on( 假期) p?Fm going to Can ada.3. Every one in the team wan ts to (赢)the football match.5. Would you like to go swith me? I want to buy some bananas and eggs.6. Take some food and water. Lets have a this Sund

15、ay.7. The (第二)picture is very beautiful.There are lots of fantastic(海滩)in Hai nan.9. What are you going to do at this w?10. My brother likes (收集)stamps very much.l. What are your(计戈 d)for the weekend?2.(没有人)is in the classroom.3.1 am going to cmy email4. The girls are going to ctheir football players.5.1 h you can go for a pic nic with me. 6.1 am going to emyself at the party.1 .Ifs(愚蠢的)to say it like that.2.Dont put the 1 here, ifs dirty.3. Yaoming is a good basketball p?4. Mr Chen enjoys lying in the sun on t


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