[英语学习]The Analysis of the Character of Rhett in the Novel of Gone with the Wind

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《[英语学习]The Analysis of the Character of Rhett in the Novel of Gone with the Wind》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《[英语学习]The Analysis of the Character of Rhett in the Novel of Gone with the Wind(30页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、英语专业本科毕业论文(仅供参考)中文题目:对小说飘中人物瑞德巴斯勒的性格分析外文题目:The Analysis of the Character of Rhett in the Novel of Gone with the Wind对小说飘中人物瑞德巴斯勒的性格分析摘要:瑞德巴特勒是美国女作家玛格丽特米切尔的著名小说飘中的男主人公,是一个具有复杂性格的矛盾的统一体,可以说瑞德巴特勒是一个充满传奇色彩的人物,但正是由于他的出现与存在才使得斯佳丽的人物形象变得更加丰满,才使得飘这个世界文学史上的璀璨明珠更具魅力。也正是由于他传奇式的生活经历缔造了他性格的复杂性和矛盾性,正是这种性格造成了他爱情和婚

2、姻上的悲剧结果。本文就是对瑞德巴特勒的性格作了分析。主要从两个方面来写。第一部分分析了瑞德巴特勒的性格。包括他的足智多谋、友好、责任心和嫉妒心。他的这些性格使他在事业上成功了,这些性格也让他选择了那些他认为对他人生有好处的东西。然后再对造成瑞德性格特征的内部和外部原因进行了分析。关键词:分析;性格特点;足智多谋的;自信的;友好的;有责任心的 The Analysis of the Character of Rhett in the Novel of Gone with the WindAbstractRhett Butler is the male protagonist in the fam

3、ous novel of Gone with the Wind which was written by U.S. writer Margaret Mitchell. He is a complex and contradictory character of unity. It can be said Rhett Butler is a legendary character; his existence makes the figure of Scarlett become more affluent and makes the history of world literature Go

4、ne with the Wind be more brilliant and attractive. It is his legendary life experiences that creates his characters complexity and contradiction, which, in return, results in tragic consequences in his love and marriage. This paper is on the analysis of Rhett Butlers personalities. It is written mai

5、nly from two aspects. The first part analyses the features of personalities of Rhett Butler, including his resourcefulness, friendliness, responsibility and jealousy. What are his characteristics let him succeed in his career and choose something he thinks that would be good for him in his life. The

6、n the paper analyses the external and internal reasons for what bring on the characteristics of Rhett. Key words: analysis; characteristics; resourceful; self-confident; friendly; responsibleAcknowledgementsThis paper grew out of my preparation for more than three months. An enormous debt is owed to

7、 my supervisor, professor You Xiaoping, for her wisdom, enthusiasm, support and encouragement. It is her profound knowledge and insight, constant strictness and kind understanding help me in overcoming difficulties, mastering basic writing skills, and forming my own ideas, which consequently have en

8、abled me to finish this paper. Without her revising for several times, the paper would not be what it is now.My sincere thanks are also due to Mr. Tan Qi, Ms Zhang Xiaowen, Mr. Zhou Yunrui and Ms Zhou Shanshan, who have helped me a lot in every aspect of my study and life, especially the learning of

9、 translation theories, which is obviously of great value to the fulfillment of this paper. And I am eager to take the opportunity to thank Ms Chen Xiaorong, Mr. Liu Guoquan and other teachers who have given me guidance, assistance and concern. They have imparted to me so much valuable knowledge, whi

10、ch will benefit me the whole lifetime.In addition, I would like to thank my family who always support me in whatever conditions. Their encouragement and love give me warmth and confidence, which help me in surmounting so many obstacles and in realizing my dreams.Finally, I give my heartfelt thanks t

11、o my dear friends and fellow students, who have accompanied me throughout the four years at the university, sharing sadness and happiness with me and teaching me a lot. Our friendship is always a treasure and a driving force to me.Contents中文摘要.iAbstract.iiAcknowledgements.iiiIntroduction.1I. Analysi

12、s of Rhetts Personalities.3A. Resourcefulness and Self-confidence.31. Resourcefulness Embodied in His Business.4 2. Self-confidence Embodied in the Opinions of the War.6B. Friendliness and Kindness.81. Friendliness to Melanie.82. Kindness to Mammy.93. Friendliness to Ashley.10C. Consciousness and Responsibility.121. Love for Scarlett.13 2. Love for Bonnie.



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