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1、1. Purpose 目的To ensure the effective and continuous realization of corporate management objectives and KPI through the formulation of corporate management objectives and KPI, and the use of one or more effective system management solutions.通过制订公司管理目标和KPI,并运用一个或多个有效的体系管理方案,确保公司管理目标和KPI有效和持续地实现。2. Sco

2、pe 适用范围This procedure is applicable to the management objectives, KPI and formulation of the implementation plan, modification and performance review.本程序适用于管理目标、KPI及实现方案的制订、修改与绩效评审。3. Definition 定义1233.1 KPI: Key Performance Indicator 关键绩效指标3.2 Implementation plan: measures, projects, and improvemen

3、ts for realizing the objectives and KPI, which needs to be clarified.实现方案:用于目标和KPI达成的应对措施、项目、改进方案,需明确。4. Responsibilities 职责44.1 The General Manager is responsible for formulating the companys management objectives and KPI.总经理负责制定公司的管理目标和KPI。4.2 Each department is responsible for KPI of the correspo

4、nding functions, process, and making, statistics, analysis and improvement of the implementation plans.各部门负责相应职能、过程的KPI及实现方案的制定、统计、分析和改进。4.3 The general manager is responsible for approval of objectives, KPI and plan.总经理负责目标、KPI和方案的批准。4.4 The quality department is responsible for the summary and imp

5、lementation of the objectives, KPI and plan.质量部门负责目标、KPI及方案的汇总和执行的监督。5. Process and requirements过程及要求55.1 Formulation of objectives and KPI目标和KPI的制定5.1.1 The General Manager is responsible for formulating the companys management objectives and KPI and evaluation methods.总经理负责制定公司的管理目标、KPI及评价方法。5.1.2

6、 The Quality Department organizes various departments to decompose and expand according to the Company s management objectives and KPIs, and establish KPI in their respective departments, and summarize it into the Objective and KPI management schedules.质量部组织各部门根据公司管理目标和KPI进行分解和展开,建立各自部门的KPI,汇总到【目标和K

7、PIs管理一览表】。5.1.3 Whenever possible, objectives and KPI should be measurable and consistent with the architecture approach, and should include a commitment to continuously improve and comply with applicable laws, regulatory requirements and other requirements to which the organization should comply.只要

8、有可能,就应使目标和KPI可测量,且应与体系方针相一致,并包括持续改进和遵守适用的法律、法规要求及组织应遵守的其他要求的承诺。 5.1.4 In establishing and reviewing objectives and KPI, legal, regulatory and other compliance requirements, its own important system elements, optional technical solutions, financial, operational and operational requirements shall be c

9、onsidered as well as the views of the parties concerned.在建立和评审目标和KPI时,应考虑法律、法规要求和其他应遵守的要求、它自身的重要体系因素、可选技术方案、财务、运行和经营要求,以及相关方的观点。5.2 Making of objectives and KPI implementation scheme目标和KPI实现方案的制定5.2.1 The quality department organizes departments to formulate corresponding implementations of goals an

10、d KPI according to the Objective and KPI management list.质量部组织各部门根据【目标和KPIs管理一览表】制定实现目标和KPI的相应实现方案。5.2.2 Each objective and KPI should have a corresponding implementation plan.每一目标和KPI应有相应的实现方案。5.2.3 The executor of implementation plan shall specify the date of completion to assess and track it.实现方案

11、执行人应明确完成日期,以便考核与追踪。5.2.4 The Quality Department shall summarize the implementation plan to the Objective and KPI management list, and report it to the General Manager for approval, and then distribute it to relevant departments for implementation.质量部汇总实现方案到【目标和KPIs管理一览表】并报总经理核准后,分发至相关部门执行。5.3 Conten

12、t of the implementation plan实现方案的内容5.3.1 Executor: the department or person who completes the implementation plan.执行人:完成实现方案的职责部门或人员。5.3.2 Completion date: the expected completion date for the implementation of the project.完成期限:实现方案的预计完成日期。5.3.3 Program description: in order to improve the impact of

13、 the system factors involved in the current situation analysis, we need to do the work (such as equipment replacement, product substitution, corrective and control measures, etc).方案内容说明:为了改善现状分析中所涉及的体系因素对体系所造成的影响,我们所要做的工作(如设备更换、产品替代、纠正及控制措施等)。5.3.4 Resource requirements: estimated resources required

14、 to implement the plan.所需资源:预估执行方案所需的资源。5.4 Tracking the objective, KPI and plan目标、KPI与方案的跟踪The quality Department organizes departments to conduct regular statistics and reviews on the achievement of objectives and KPI. If the target is not met for 3 consecutive months or the current year, the foll

15、owing circumstances shall be provided. The rest shall be carried out in accordance with Corrective actions and Improved Control Procedures.质量部组织各部门定期对目标和KPI的达成状况进行统计和评审。如果连续3个月或当年度未达到目标要求,除以下情况外,其余按【纠正措施和改进控制程序】执行。1) By assessing the reasonableness of the target formulation, the corresponding adjust

16、ment and changes have been made and the target requirements have been reached after the approval of the general manager.通过评估目标制定的合理性,进行了相应的调整变更且经总经理批准后,已达到目标要求。2) By evaluating the reasonableness of the goal setting, the corresponding objectives and KPI are cancelled and approved by the General Manager.通过评估目标制定的合理性,取消了相应目标和KPI且经总经理批准。 / 文档可自由编辑



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