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1、 本科生毕业设计面向房产中介的房产交易与管理系统Real Estate Transaction and Management System for Real Estate Agent学生姓名所在专业计算机科学与技术所在班级申请学位工学学士指导教师职称副指导教师职称答辩时间目录目 录设计总说明IVINTRODUCTIONV1绪论11.1设计的背景11.1.1设计的目的11.1.2国内外房屋租赁管理系统的研究现状11.2设计的概况21.2.1项目的研究内容21.2.2开发方法及步骤32 开发平台介绍32.1 系统平台环境32.1.1 硬件平台32.1.2 软件平台32.2 相关技术42.2.1 网

2、页技术简介42.2.2 B/S模式42.2.3 C#概述52.2.4 技术52.2.5 JavaScript技术62.2.9 Sql Server 2005概述62.3 开发工具82.3.1 Microsoft Visual Studio 2005(ASP.NET)82.3.2 Sql server 200583 系统分析与概要设计83.1 可行性分析83.1.1 社会可行性93.1.2 用户可行性93.1.3 技术可行性93.1.4 经济可行性93.2 功能需求分析103.2.1房屋租赁管理顶层数据流图103.2.2 房屋管理主业务数据流图113.2.3房屋管理细化图123.2.4合同管理细

3、化图123.2.5租金管理细化图133.3 技术总体目标133.3.1 系统技术性能要求133.3.2 精度要求143.3.3 数据管理能力要求143.3.4 时间特性要求143.3.5 故障处理要求153.3.6开发与运行环境规定153.4 系统概要设计163.4.1 系统目标设计163.4.2 系统设计思想163.4.5 系统运行流程图163.4.6 系统总体结构设计173.4.7 系统概要设计结构图174 数据库设计184.1 数据库概念结构设计194.2 数据库系统E-R图214.3 数据库逻辑结构设计224.4 数据库物理结构设计245 系统详细设计与实现255.1 登录模块设计25

4、5.2 后台界面功能实现265.2.1 房产管理模块设计265.2.2 合同管理管理模块设计285.2.3 租金管理模块设计295.2.4 角色管理模块设计315.2.5 信息统计模块设计325.2.6 帮助模块设计335.3前台模块实现345.3.1首页功能模块345.3.2房屋展示模块355.3.3个人信息模块375.3.4用户注册模块386 总结39鸣 谢2参考文献2广东海洋大学2013届本科生毕业设计设计总说明 房屋是人类栖息的必须场所,特别是在城市当中,大量的流动人口使得当地的出租业高度升温,也带来了无限的发展空间和投资商机,但在管理上也带来了不少困难。传统的房屋租赁服务存在不少缺陷



7、一个小型的,操作简结的,灵活便用的房屋交易系统。关键词:中介公司;房屋租赁;B/S架构;交易与管理系统;ASP.NET INTRODUCTIONINTRODUCTIONFrom food and clothing to housing, and everything which is necessary for human life, housing is a human habitat must place, especially in the cities, a large number of floating population makes the local rental indus

8、try is highly heat up, it also brings infinite space for development and investment opportunities, but also in the management brought a lot of difficulties. Traditional rental service has many shortcomings, such as complex data report single, complicated mess of contract management, Dalis various re

9、ceipts, billing, and information updates seriously lagging behind, to real estate agents and renter are inconvenienced. Housing transactions and management of housing management system makes it simple and organized. , Greatly facilitate the housing agency, making housing transactions more flexible.H

10、ousing transactions and management system is available to the real estate agent management for the house renter; house renter can register to become a member for housing inquiries, contract signing and other operations.The system is designed in principle to meet software engineering software design

11、specification requirements, the use of structured programming method, system development techniques using ASP.NET technology, programming language used mainly C #, including the development and application prospects establishment and maintenance of back-end database. An almost fully functional syste

12、m to meet small and medium real estate agency office needs, the system as a whole seems simple operation, very easy to understand, user-friendly, easy to operate, functional and practical.This paper analyzes the topics of the background and significance, and describes the main contents and system re

13、quirements, the technology involved in development systems and tools are introduced and summarized, and then the system feasibility analysis, functional requirements analysis and system design analysis, including the overall system architecture, operating mode, data flow, and overall system design,

14、the system used by the database for a detailed design and analysis, and finally according to the systems functional modules of the system the final code.KEYWORDS: Intermediary companies, rental; B / S architecture; trading and management systems; ASP.NET technology广东海洋大学2013届本科生毕业设计37面向房产中介的房产交易与管理系

15、统毕业设计说明书1 绪论1.1 设计的背景1.1.1 设计的目的随着经济的快速发展、人们生活水平的不断提高和科技的进步,普通的租赁服务已经不能满足人们的需要。如何利用先进的管理手段,提高房屋租赁管理水平,是当今社会所面临的一个重要课题。随着计算机网络的高速发展与普及,人们可以通过网络,快速、便捷的获得自己想要的信息。 “房屋租赁管理系统”为了方便大众能及时、快速、便捷的获取租房信息,以及方便房东管理房屋出租信息,实现房屋租赁管理的信息化.。1.1.2 国内外房屋租赁管理系统的研究现状(1)国外房屋租赁管理系统房屋租赁行业无论是在国内还是国外都是一个存在以久的老行业,国外情况看来,在日本,欧美地区,大约有40%到60%的中低收入家庭依靠租房解决居住问题,由于其完善的住房租赁政策,国外的房屋租赁市场得到迅速的发展。面对庞大的住房租赁市场,国外很多大型房屋租赁公司通过建立信息化管理平台或



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