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1、人教版2019-2020学年七年级下学期第一次月考英语试题B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Dont take your _ dictionary without asking. You should ask him first.The teacher saidAclassmateBclassmatesCclassmatesDclassmates2 . Which of the following words has the stress on the second syllable(音节)?AexpensiveBpalaceChospitalDcapital3 . Its g

2、ood for your health _ every day.Ato exerciseBto exercisingCexercise4 . There _some bread and two cakes on the table .AisBareCamDbe5 . -Whats that?-_a yellow car.AIsBThatsCIts6 . “Whats this?” “_.”AIts fineBIts goodCIts mapDIts a map7 . Amy is crazy _ making a fruit salad.AforBofCaboutDOn8 . Are thes

3、e your books,Tony?No,they arent. They are _ATomsBTomsCTom9 . would you mind turning off the light? I want to sleep now._. I will do it right away.ANever mindBOf course notCYoud better notDYes, I would10 . _the girls _ going out at night?ADo; afraid ofBDo; afraid toCAre; afraid toDAre; afraid of11 .

4、How many students went to plant trees last year?Its hard to say. _people, I think.AHundreds ofBHundred ofCTwo hundreds12 . My fathers mother is my _.AauntBgrandmotherCgrandparents D grandfather13 . Is this camera mine?No, it isnt_. Its_.Ayour; herByou; herCyours; herDyours; hers14 . Lisa _ to the ar

5、t club every Friday afternoon with her friends. AgoBgoesCgoingDto go二、完型填空About ten years ago when I was a student at college, I spent my summer holidays _ at a museum. Life was hard for me then. Dad had lost his job and Mum was sick in bed. I was _ if I would be able to go on with my study the next

6、 term. One day while I was working, I saw an old man come in with a little girl _ a wheelchair(轮椅). As I looked at this girl _, I found that she had no arms _ legs. She was wearing a little white dress and she also had a hat on. As the old man pushed the wheelchair up to me, I was busy with my work,

7、 I _ my head toward the girl and gave her a wink(眨眼). When I took the money from her grandfather, I looked back at the girl. She was giving me the prettiest, largest smile I have _ seen. Suddenly her handicap(生理缺陷)was gone and all I saw was this beautiful girl, whose _ almost gave me a better unders

8、tanding of what life is all about. She _ me into her world of smiles, love and warmth. Im now a successful businessman and whenever I _ and think about the trouble of the world, I think about that little girl and the unforgettable lesson about 1ife that she taught me.15 . AvisitingBworkingCpainingDc

9、leaning16 . AhopingBguessingCwonderingDchecking17 . AinBforCatDwith18 . AcarefullyBhardlyCcarelesslyDhappily19 . AsoBandCthenDor20 . AheldBturnedC1iftedDgave21 . AneverBalmostCeverDeven22 . AfaceBsmileC1anguageDbreath23 . AbroughtBboughtCtaughtDthought24 . Aget downBget upCget offDget over三、阅读单选Clas

10、s Schedule for Monday8:00 A.M.Information Technology(IT)Using the InternetStudents learn to surf the Internet and use the search engines. This lesson also offers students the best websites for online learning.10:00 A.M.DramaStudents learn about a given play and have the chance to act it out in class

11、.11:00 A.M.PaintingStudents learn how to use watercolors properly. If the weather is good, the lesson may take place outdoors.11:50 A.M.Lunch break1:00 P.M.Science(Biology / Chemistry)Students can choose either of them.In biology this week. the topic is Human Body.Students will learn about how it wo

12、rks.Alternatively, students can study chemistry in the science lab. This week students will leam about H2 and O2.2:00 P.M.3:00 P.M.Sports(football for boys and tennis for girls)a. SkillsStudents learn about the skills of a certain sport from videos of past games.b. PracticeAfter they pick teams. stu

13、dents will play a match lasting 45 minutes.After schoolHomeworkITsearch for some websites at home(about 30 minutes).Dramapreview a part for the next lesson(about 40 minutes).Biology/Chemistrywrite a short report on the lesson(about 20 minutes)25 . Each student has _ classes at school on Monday.Afour

14、BfiveCsixDseven26 . Students can learn how to _ on Monday.Awrite reports on dramasBplay basketballCmake a videoDsurf the Internet27 . Which statement is true according to the schedule?AStudents can have the drama class outside the classroom.BStudents can lean both biology and chemistry in the lab.CStudents are allowed to have about an hours lunch break.DStudents should write


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