WI - Piston pressure test 活塞压力试验- DA

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《WI - Piston pressure test 活塞压力试验- DA》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《WI - Piston pressure test 活塞压力试验- DA(6页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 WORK INSTRUCTION CYLINDER HYDRAULIC PRESSURE TEST 工作指引 - 油缸液压压力测试 Procedure: Follow the steps below to perform the cylinder hydraulic pressure test.程序: 按以下步骤,进行油缸液压压力测试 Equipment: 设备:Work bench工作台Cylinder holder油缸固定座Pump with pressure meter带压力表的油泵准备与设定PREPARATION AND SET-UP WARNING: Be very careful

2、. Make sure all hydraulic connections are securely fastened before building pressure in the system. Also, be sure to release all pressure in the system before loosening any hydraulic connections.要非常小心。在进行系统建立压力之前,要确保所有液压接头牢固连接。同时,在松开所有液压连接接头之前,应释放系统所有压力。Place the cylinder on the work bench.将油缸放在工作台上

3、 Secure the cylinder with a chain lock clamp.采用锁链夹固定油缸Clean the packing with 105 solvent before assembling the seals. Ensure that the machining surface is very smooth before assembling the seals. If the machining is not good enough, rework and clean again.在安装密封之前,采用105溶剂清洗密封部位。在安装密封之前,确保机加面非常平整光滑。如果

4、加工面不够光滑,则应重新加工并再次清洗。 Carefully insert the packing with seals on the cylinder.小心将带有密封的包装物装入油缸。Assemble and secure all screws by hand (refer to the published torque chart)用手装配并拧紧所有螺钉(参考拧紧扭矩表)Ensure that the shaft is smooth and clean. 确保轴光滑干净。 Assemble the blue plugs to prevent the paint from sticking

5、inside the hole and then assemble the bleeder.为防止喷漆时粘在孔内,装上蓝色堵头,然后装配油嘴。 Assemble the quick connect for the hydraulic hose to the pipe thread welded coupling.在管螺纹焊接接头处装上液压软管快速接头。 Start the pump and ensure safe extension of the piston. Ensure there is no leaking when the pump achieves 2300 to 2500 PSI

6、. (2 minutes) Inspect to ensure there are no leaks at any weld or packing joint.启动液压泵,确保活塞安全伸展。当油泵加压至23002500psi (保压2分钟),无漏油。 检查确保所有焊缝或密封接头处无漏油。The piston should be without oil and dry. Inspect all possible scratches and ensure there are no marks that can be felt with your fingertips. If you feel sc

7、ratch marks, sand delicately with a 120 sand paper. Clean carefully after sanding to prevent abrasive residue from damaging the packing.活塞上应没有油,并保持干燥。检查有无可能划伤,用手指尖检查有无痕迹。如果你感到有划伤痕迹,采用120#砂纸轻轻打磨。打磨之后小心清洁,以防磨粒损伤密封件及其他部件。 Removing the oil 将油排掉 Keep record and tag cylinder 保存液压调试记录,对油缸进行标识。 Rev. 001 Pg. 6



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