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1、 Colorful Lessons& Multicultural EducationUnit 3 Could you please clean your room?Section A 1a-1c 主备: Jiang 2014-2-17I、教学内容Section A 1a-1cII、教学目标1.学习词汇do the dishes, make the bed, take out the trash, fold the clothes, do the laundry, sweep the floor, clean the living room.2.句型 Could you please clean

2、 your room? Yes, sure.III、Teaching planPre-task1. Warming upEnjoy ourselves. Watch cartoon Cinderela.片段的主题使学生联想到本课的话题。2. learn new words and phrasesLook! What is she / he doing? 看图学习动词词组do chores, do the dishes, make the bed, take out the trash, fold the clothes, do the laundry, clean the living roo

3、m.3. Guessing game. What is she doing ? 4. Pair work. 1a, Do you do these things at home? Write “Y” for “yes” and “N” for “no”.5. Listening . 1b , Peters chores or Moms chores? 理解目标语Could you please clean your room? Yes, sure. Write “M” for Moms chores, “P” for Peters chores in the chart.6. Pairwork

4、 Look at the picture, Ask your partner to do the chores that you see. 7. Interview Who is the most able at home? 1) What chores do you do at home? How often do you do the chores? Work in four, interview each of the students in the group, fill in the chart.2) Then one student make a report to the cla

5、ss. “In my group. Does the dishes every day,We think is the most able one in our group.”3) 颁奖。给每个小组里的最能干者发奖。适时给学生爱劳动,爱父母的教育8. 总结本节课的教学重点。9.Homework Read the words and phrases you learn today. make a dialogue between you and your parent about doing the chores.二次备课:教学反思:Unit 3 Could you please clean y

6、our room?Section A 2a-2d 主备: Jiang 2014-2-17Aims and demonds: 用could委婉地表示请求 用could委婉地表示许可教学难点情态动词的用法。Teaching:Step Free talk: Ask students to talk about the housework they do at home. And tell us what chores he/she doesnt like to do.Step Listening. This activity gives students practice in understand

7、ing the target language in spoken conversation.1 Read the instructions.2 Point to the chart. Show students the second column with the heading Peters father saysSay, Listen to the recording and check yes or no in this column. 3 Say, This is a conversation between Peter and his father. Play therecordi

8、ng the first time. Students only listen.4 Play the recording a second time. As they listen to the recording this time, ask students to check yes of Peters father says no.5 Correct the answersStep III Role-playing1. Teach the new words2. Role play the converations to the class.Step Check poits.1 表示委婉

9、请求的句式:A: Could you please do sth?B: Could you do sth?C: Would you please do sth?D: Would you do sth?肯定回答:Sure/ Of course/No problem/ Id love to. 否定回答:Sorry! Id love to, but-2 表示请求允许或请求借用某物的句式:A: Could I please do sth?B: Could I do sth?肯定回答:Yes/Sure/ Certainly/Go ahead, please.否定回答:Sorry/ Im sorry yo

10、u cant. / Im afraid you cant.Step Homework.二次备课:Unit 3 Could you please clean your room?Section A 3a-3c主备: Jiang 2014-2-17Teaching aim: Section A 3a 3cTeaching procedures:1.warming up.1)Memory challenge. Words and Target language2. 3a Reading 1). Question: Do you do chores at home?What are they ?Dis

11、cus in pairs.2) Read the message. Quickly . in 3a. Finish 3a.3) 3b and 3c3.Teaching Teach new words and new expressions.3. Reading Reading the message.Get most students to understand it clearly.4. PracticeShow them some exerices ,finish them in class to help Ss master the words and expressions.Homew

12、ork:Workbook of Section A 二次备课:教学反思:Unit 3 Could you please clean your room? Section A Grammar Focus -3c主备: Jiang 2014-2-17Teaching procedures:Step 1. Revision.Role-play of the conversation in 2d.Step 2. Grammar FocusRead the sentences in the chart.Focus on the structures of these sentences.(Discuss

13、 in groups of 4 or 5, after the discussion, each group chooses a student to report their conclusions.) Step 3. Practice (4a & 4b).Ask students to finish the exercises in 3a and 3b by themselves, check the answers.Summarize the phrases of verbs and make new sentences.Step 4. Groupwork.Divide the stud

14、ents into 4 groups.Ask them to ask their group members questions and write their names in the chart of 3c. The first student to fill in all the blanks is the winner.Homework:Workbook of Section A 二次备课:Unit 3 Could you please clean your room? Section B 1a -1e主备: Jiang 2014-2-17 Teaching aim:choresTea

15、ching procedures:Step Free talk: Ask students to talk about the housework they do at home.Step 1a This activity reviews earlier vocabulary and introduces some new words.1Point to the items under the heading Chores in the chart.Askstudents what the word chores means.2 Point to the items again and read each one to the class. Ask studentsto explain each chore in their own words and say if they do it or not For example, a student



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