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1、备战2023年中考考前冲刺全真模拟卷(南京)英语试卷(本卷满分90分,考试时间为90分钟)第一卷 选择题,共40分一、单项填空共15小题;每题1分,总分值15分从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最正确选项。1Who isnt your sister and isnt your brother,but still a child of your mother and father?Haha! Its _.()AmeByouCherDhim2China has helped end 70% of poverty worldwide since late 1970s,according

2、 to World Bank.()Aa,aBthe,theCa,theDthe,a3Kevin often helps his mum do some gardening Saturdays.()AatBtoConDin4Good news! The Chinese women football team came first in the 2022 Asian Cup.ExactlyThe final is one I have ever seen.()Aa less amazingBthe most amazingCa more amazingDthe least amazing5Whic

3、h do you like better,math or physics?Both of them are my favorite subjectsI think math is as as physics.()AinterestingBmore interestingCless interestingDmost interesting6Dentist:Madam,twentyfive dollars for pulling your sons tooth,please.Madam:Twentyfive dollars! But you told me five dollars each pa

4、tient.Dentist:YesBut your son cried so loudHe scared away (吓跑)_ other patients.()AfourBfiveCtwentyDtwentyfive7We would like to buy electric cars _ they produce less air pollution.()AbecauseBsoCthoughDbut8Susan,how many women teachers are there in your school?In our school,_of the teachers _ women te

5、achers.Athird fourth;areBthird fourth;isCthree fourths;isDthree fourths;are9Sam, run in the hallways.Its very dangerous.Sorry,MsBlack.()AdoBdontCnotDdoesnt10Miss LiI dont want to say sorry to Daniel.Im afraid you _.After all,you broke his glasses.()AmayBhave toCmustntDneednt11Its important for the d

6、isabled _ the ability to make a living.()Ato haveBhaveChavingDhas12The new restaurant _ two surveys on its food and service since June.()Ais doingBwill doCdidDhas done13Do you think junior high school students to get their ears pierced?No,I dont think soIt is against the school rules.()Ashould allow

7、BallowChave allowedDshould be allowed14Its reported that the students in some schools of our city a PE class every day.()AtakesBtakeCtookDare taking15Thank you for showing me around your beautiful cityI love it so much. .We are looking forward to your next visit to Binzhou!()ANever mindBAll rightCTh

8、ats rightDMy pleasure二、完形填空共10小题;每题1分,总分值10分阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项A、B、C和D中,选出可以填入空白处的最正确选项。This summer,when I walked into my grandparents house with my little brother Frank,I tried not to look at Grandpas chair anywayIt still looked the sameHis blue(16)_was there,as if Grandpa was going to pull it ove

9、r his legsMy cousin Jack was playing in the yard as if(17)_had happenedLets go to catch fish! Jack(18)_the fish net from the corner,Grandpas net.Last summer,I was holding the net when Grandpa asked me(19)_I could help him teach Frank how to play chessI said no because I wanted to catch fishGrandpa h

10、ad been the one whod taught us how to catch fish,but then the(20)_made him stay behind.I(21)_saying no to Grandpa,and now I wouldnt have chance to play chess with him.When we reached the stream,we began to catch fishSuddenly,Jack shouted, Frank is shaking. We hadnt brought anything to keep(22)_so I

11、had to send him home.Grandma was worried to see a wet Frank and(23)_put Grandpas blue blanket around himAs I went to the stream again to meet Jack,I looked back at Frank with that old blanketSomething seemed to(24)_me at that momentEverything was just like before,but Grandpa was gone.I walked to Fra

12、nkDid Grandpa teach you to play chess last summer? I askedNo,Grandpa was too sick then. he said, I miss him.Me,too. When I said it,I knew Grandpa was never goneWhat(25)_us was still thereIt could be the fish netIt could be the chessIt could be the blue blanket.(16)AsweaterBblanketCscarfDtie(17)Anoth

13、ingBeverythingCsomethingDanything(18)Aput outBcarried outCpulled outDhanded out(19)AwhetherBwhenCwhyDhow(20)AschoolworkBbusinessChouseworkDillness(21)AavoidedBimaginedCregrettedDconsidered(22)AcoolBwarmCsleepyDawake(23)ApeacefullyBpolitelyCquietlyDquickly(24)AhitBfitCfollowDbeat(25)AstoppedBsurprise

14、dCcontrolledDconnected三、阅读理解共15小题;每题1分,总分值15分阅读以下材料,从每题所给的四个选项A、B、C和D中,选出最正确选项。AThe Spring and Autumn and the Warring States Period was an age of great culture development in ChinaHere are some great characters of that time.Shang Yang reformed many fieldsBefore the reform,he placed a log(原木)at the gate and promised, If someone can move the log,he will get a reward. No one believed him until someone moved the log,Shang Yang really gave him a reward.Do you know Lu Ban lock?It is a removable



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