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1、无锡市锡山区2022-2023学年七年级上学期期末英语试题一、单项选择在A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。(本大题共15小题, 每小题1分,共15分)1The Shenzhou-14 crew gets home _ the afternoon of December 4 safely.AatBtoCinDon2What about _ milk in your coffee?Yes, pleaseWhite coffee is better.AanyBmanyCsomeDlittle3As a top football player, what does Messi l

2、ike doing in his free time?He is a good fatherHe _ plays with his three sons happily.AjustBoftenCseldomDnever4Is there _ open area like a playground for sports?YesThere is _ next to the classroom building.Aa;oneBan;oneCan;itDa;it5Excuse me, whats the _ of the boots?Lucky girl! As the last pair, you

3、can get a special, very cheap!AmaterialBpriceCsizeDstyle6Lets watch the match together this Friday evening, shall we?I am not sureI dont know _ homework we have to finish.Ahow longBhow oftenChow muchDhow many7We will start our celebrations _ youre ready.AifBbutCbecauseDso8Which of the following word

4、s has the same number of syllables (音节) as “clever”?AhamburgerBenjoyCpotatoDexpensive9Four eyes see _ twoKeep your ears to others ideas more.Amore thanBless thanCtoo muchDmuch too10Kind words dont _ anythingBut they are worth (值) a lot.AincludeBspendCtakeDcost11_ makes the Qatar World Cup special?It

5、 is the first time in history that the event is happening(举办) in winter.AWhyBWhatCHowDWho12She has a healthy lifestyle and always _ happy, full of life and energy.AseemsBseesCgetsDhopes13Lets _ a run this Saturday!Why not? Im a good runner.Alook forBwait forCfit forDgo for14Good morning_I would like

6、 a book about the history of England.AWhats your problem?BWhat would you like to do?CWhats wrong?DWhat can I do for you?15Shall I order a taxi for you?_Its always kind of you.AAll rightBYoure welcomeCAll the bestDJust a minute二、完形填空Lily is a little girl at schoolShe is shy and she is unpopular_16_ s

7、he enjoys playing soccerHer friends and classmates always play tricks on Lily for her _17_ in soccerHowever, Lily just wants to play her _18_ sportShe wants to become a great soccer player. Every day, after coming back from school, Lily quickly finishes her homework and goes out to _19_ soccerHer mo

8、ther knows Lilys _20_ for the sport and always encourages (鼓励) her to go play. One day, the school said there would _21_ a soccer gameLily wanted to give it a tryShe took part in the game and her _22_ made fun of her once againLily did not give upShe tried her best to score goals (进球), one after _23

9、_. The other students were surprised to see how _24_ Lily playedTheir team did best with her helpThey even won the game in the end. With her hard work, Lily proved (证明) herself to othersIf youre strong and determined (坚定的) like her, you can make your _25_ come true one day.16AAndBThenCButDSo17AwishB

10、treatCfunDinterest18AfavouriteBbestCdifferentDmost19ApractiseBstartCkeepDfind20AworkBloveCscoreDfeature21AhaveBplayCbeDget22AteachersBparentsCclassmatesDstudents23AothersBanotherCeachDother24AfastBhappilyCbadlyDwell25AstoryBluckCdreamDsport三、阅读理解阅读下面的短文, 然后根据短文内容, 在每小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。(本大题共3小题, 每小题6分,

11、 共20分)AGift shopOpen Daily 10:00 a.m.5:30 p.m.Childrens playground and activity areaVisitors may adopt (领养) a rescued animal for free!Admission:Adults: $7Children (up to 16): $5Children (3 & under): FreeFamily (2 adults & 2 children): $20FREE CAR AND COACH PARK.TOILET FOR THE DISABLED AND WHEELCHAIR

12、 ACCESS (通道) IN ALL AREAS.26When can the visitors buy the gifts?AAt 9:30 a.m.BAt 11:00 a.m.CAt 6:00 p.m.DAt 10:00 p.m.27How much is a ticket (票) for a 15-year-old boy?A$5.B$7.C$20.DFree28What do we know about the museum?AVisitors can not park their cars for free.BThe animals there cant be adopted.CT

13、here are special areas for children.DChildren under 3 are not welcome there.BOne day, Mary visited an old castle (城堡), with Uncle Sam and her cousin Dick.29This material is part of _.Aa picture storyBa diaryCa posterDa piece of news30Which is the correct order (顺序) of the material? Oswald eats a boy

14、s ice cream. Oswald doesnt get his ice cream because he hasnt money. Oswald keeps the guide (导游) in a room. Oswald loves it and goes to town to buy an ice cream.ABCD31What can we infer (推断) from the material?AOswald finds nothing to wear.BOswald hates the visitors to the castle.COswald likes being a guide very much.DOswald works as the guide to make money.COne day, a fox invited (邀请) a stork (鹳



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