新视野大学英语第三版读写教程第四册Unit 1

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1、新视野大学英语第三版读写教程第四册Unit 1; 新视野大学英语读写教程 第 四 册 教 案 B4U1 Unit 1Life and Logic *Teaching Objectives:Students will learn to use English to 1. 2. 3. 4.To practice the skimming and scanning reading skills To apply the phrases and patternsTo master the writing pattern of a narrative essayTo write an essay cre

2、atively based on the understanding of the text*Time Allotment: each unit 8 classes 1st-2nd classes: Part I Warming up1. Lead-in : Background introduction and theme-related questions for warming up 2. Understanding of the text: Detailed understanding focus on Reading Strategy including Topic Sentence

3、, Key Words, Logic Words, Reading Clues etc. in order to help students have a better understanding about the passage by asking some questions about it.3rd-4th classes: Part II Text Study3. Reading in Depth: Structure Analysis, Summary, Difficult sentences analysis4. Language Focus: More practice in

4、Language Points (language points explanation, Sentence Patterns, Useful Expressions)5th6th classes: Part III Reflection5. Critical thinking: More speaking practice in discussion related to love and logic6. Writing Practice: Text writing My first meeting with my roommate My most embarrassing experien

5、ce A time I felt most proud of myself7th8th classes: Part IV Assignment7. Post-reading activities: review words and expressions, role-play, exercises, etc 8. Section B: Focus on fast reading and Practice in reading skillUNIT 1Section A Love and Logic: The Story of a FallacyPart I Warming up1. Lead-i

6、n: 1) What do you know about logicTips:It is the use and study of valid reasoning;Most prominent in the subjects of philosophy, mathematics, and computer science;Established as a formal discipline by Aristotle; One of the classical trivium (三学科), the other two being grammar and rhetoric修辞;Divided in

7、to three parts: inductive reasoning归纳推理, abductive reasoning反绎推理, and deductive reasoning演绎推理.2) Do you think it is possible to deal with life in a completely rational and logical wayTips:When it comes to making a choice, many people tend to use rational and logical reasoning;Rational world is not n

8、ecessarily a wonderful one;Rational individuals can make choices that are bad news for others; It is ridiculous to deal with love in a logical way.3) The following are some statements to test your reasoning ability. Tell whether the conclusions after the word “Therefore are true (T), false (F), or u

9、ncertain (U). Write your answer on the line before each statement.1. All odd numbers are integers (整数). All even numbers are integers. Therefore, all odd numbers are even numbers.2. There are no dancers that arent slim and no singers that arent dancers. Therefore, all singers are slim.3. A toothpick

10、 (牙签) is useful. Useful things are valuable. Therefore, a toothpick is valuable.4. Three pencils cost the same as two erasers. Four erasers cost the same as one ruler. Therefore, pencils are more expensive than rulers.5. Class A has a higher enrollment than Class B. Class C has a lower enrollment th

11、an Class B. Therefore, Class A has a lower enrollment than Class C.2. Cultural Background:1) What is a fallacy And how is it usedTips:An error in reasoning that renders an argument logically invalid;By accident or design, logical fallacies are often used in debate or propaganda;To mislead people;To

12、distract people from the real issue for the purpose of winning an argument.2) How many types of fallacy do you knowTips: Part II Text Study 1. Global Reading: Tips for Reading: A Good Reader should1) Try to become an active reader.2) Learn to ask more questions. ( what, why, how)3) Do the efficient

13、reading. (key points, topic sentence, key words, locating words, necessary and sufficient )4) Develop a habit of marking during reading.1.1 Answer Questions 1) Why does the narrator want to have a beautiful and well-spoken girlfriend Tips: He thinks a beautiful and well-spoken girlfriend will assist

14、 him to land a job and achieve success in an elite law company.2) Why does the narrator decide to teach Polly logicTips: Because he believes logic is essential to critical thinking. By teaching Polly logic, he can make her intelligent and well-spoken.3) Is the narrator successful in teaching Polly l

15、ogic How do you knowTips: Yes. He is only too successful in teaching her because in the end when he asks Polly to be his girlfriend, Polly refuses his request by applying all the logical fallacies he has taught her.1.2 Structure Analysis:The text tells a humorous but ironic story. The narrator, a smart and promisingyoung student in a law school who seems to be able to attract beautiful girls easily, ends up in failure in his efforts to win a girl.Text A is a narrative, the focus of which is the plot. The structure of a narrative essay usually follows the Introduction Body


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