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1、aisreallyahit.人们都认为春晚相当精彩。12.Inadditiontothesetradpopularityinourcountry.Usually,nomatterhowfarawayoInadditiontothesetraditionalactivities,wehaveawide都十分到。【积累卡片】好词:1.approachv靠近2.presentv.呈现;赠送好句:1.As17. popularity n.19. observe v.21. appealing adj.23. delightful adj.35. appreciate v.37. enthusiasti

2、c adj.39. determination n.春节感恩节交流体贴的成就有雄心壮志的 自信的有价值的Festivals, holidays andcelebrationsPart I WORDS1. holiday n.3. Christmas n.5. ceremony n.7. amusement9. celebrate11. arrange13. observe15. present假日圣诞节仪式n. 娱乐v. 庆祝v. 筹备 ; 安排v. 庆祝adj. 出席的:到场的普及庆祝:遵守吸引人的 令人愉快的25. lantern n.27. custom n.29. peanut n.3

3、1. staying-up33. visit v.灯笼 习俗 花生守岁拜访感激热情的 决心41. respect vt.43. attractive45. ancestor47. applaud49. unhealthy51. universal53. advantage n.55. program n.57. enjoyment n.尊敬adj. 有魅力的 n. 祖先 v. 鼓掌 欢迎adj. 不健康的adj. 普遍的优势节目享乐59. fun n. 乐趣Part II EXPRESSIONS1. the Spring Festival3. Thanksgiving Day5. dress

4、up 盛装;打扮节假日活动2. festival n.4. anniversary6. activity n.8. atmosphere节日n. 周年纪念日 活动n. 气氛10. congratulate v. 祝贺12. decorate v.14. express v.16. fireworks18. approach20. traditional22. energetic24. obvious adj.26. firecrackers n.28. paper-cuts n.装饰 ; 装修表达n. 烟花 v. 临近adj. 传统的 adj.充满活力的明显的:显而易见的 爆竹剪纸30. ca

5、ndy n. 糖果32 . reunion v. 团圆34. communicate v.36. considerate adj.38. achievement n.40. admire vt. 钦佩;欣赏42. ambitious adj. 44 .confident adj.46. valuable adj.48. fitness n. 健康50. convenience n. 方便 便利52. benefit n. 利益 好处54. fashion n. 时尚56. entertainment n. 娱乐58. amusement n. 消遣;娱乐活动60. money n. 钱、压岁钱

6、2. Mid-Autumn Festival 中秋节4. National Day 国庆节6. take place 发生第 1 页fashionn.时尚56.entertainmentn.娱乐58.amusementn.消遣;娱乐hecelebrationofwesternfestivals.本文习作一方面很好地完成了写作任务,ernoonofSeptember10,someofusdecoratedourclassroomwchildren,sinceitisadaywhentheycanfreelyplaytrickso13. originate from15.lunar calenda

7、r7. catch sight of 看见 ; 瞥见9. in memory of 为了纪念11. in the hope of doing sth. 希望做某事起源于 .农历 17.New Year s Eve除夕 19.The Lantern Festival21. poetic couplet 对联23. paper-cuts 剪纸25. do Spring Festival shopping27. lion dance 舞狮29. traditional opera 戏曲 III.SENTENCES元宵节买年货Part1. The Mid-Autumn Festival, which

8、falls festival with a history of about 2019中秋节是在每年的农历八月十五日,有着大约2019 年的历史。years.8. get together 聚会 ; 联欢10. turn up 出现;到场12. be satisfied with 对 满意14. it is thought that 人们认为16. lunar January 正月18. the beginning of New Year20. celebrate the Spring Festival 年22. Spring Festival couplets24. New Year pai

9、ntings 年画26. propose a toast 敬酒28. dragon dance 舞龙30. exhibit of lanterns 灯会初一 过春联on the fifteenth day of the eighth lunar month, is a2. This is a time for relaxation and celebration when people uaually take this opportunity toreunite with their families or have a rest. 这是放松和庆祝的时间,人们通常会趁此机会与家人团聚或好好休

10、息。3. April fool s Day is deeply loved by children, since it is a day when they can freely playtricks on others.愚人节深受孩子们的喜爱,因为在这一天他们可以随意开别人的玩笑。4. Wish you happiness and prosperity in the coming year! 祝您新的一年快乐幸福!5. Wish you success in your career and happiness of your family! 祝您事业成功,家庭美满。6. What we lo

11、ve most is the time when we enjoy the full moon together. 我们最喜欢的就是一起赏 月的时候。7. With the beautiful moon up in the sky, we sit together and eat mooncakes and fruits,sharing our stories.一轮明月挂在空中,我们坐在一起吃月饼、品水果、讲故事。8. However, it is a pity that some people can t turn up at such a great festival for avarie

12、ty of reasons.然而,遗憾的是很多人因为很多原因在这样的节日里不能回来。9. The Spring Festival always reminds us of the family reunion. 春节总是让我们想起家庭聚会。10. On the Lunar New Year s Eve, we all got together and had a big dinner. 阴历除夕,我们聚集在一起, 吃了一顿丰富的晚餐。11. It is thought that the Spring Festival gala is really a hit. 人们都认为春晚相当精彩。12.

13、In addition to these traditional activities, we have a wider range of choices such astraveling and visiting our relatives or friends. 除了这些传统的活动,我们拥有更多的选择比如旅游、串亲戚、 看朋友。第 2 页ulmoonupinthesky,wesittogetherandeatmooncakesandfr都十分到。【积累卡片】好词:1.approachv靠近2.presentv.呈现;赠送好句:1.Asvesorfriends.本篇习作一方面很好的完成了写作

14、任务,另一方面在行文过程中能够较为灵活的变换y!”Wanghua,ourmonitor,presentedherwiththepreparedf13. As one of the traditional Chinese festivals, it has been enjoying great popularity in ourcountry.作为传统的中国节日之一,它在我们国家很受欢迎。14. Usually , however far away or however busy we are, we will try to come home for thecelebration.不管多远,不管多忙,我们一般都尽量回家庆祝。15. Many a star turns up on the stage, bringing us so much pleasure that


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