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1、2021-2022年度天津市船舶水手考试过关检测试卷B卷附答案一单选题(共60题)1、()is used to absorb the water. A. Paper B. Glass C. Sponge D. Stow 试题答案:C 2、get ready for mooring() A. 准备带缆 B. 准备起航 C. 正在系泊 D. 抛锚 试题答案:A 3、艏尖舱常用做:() A. 压载水舱 B. 仓库水舱 C. 装货 D. 装载燃油 试题答案:A 4、腋窝及肩部动脉出血者,应用指压迫的止血点是() A. 颈动脉 B. 肱动脉 C. 锁骨下动脉 D. 上述均可适用 试题答案:C 5、燃烧时

2、,如果空气含氧量降至()以下,物质燃烧就会熄灭。 A. 8% B. 9% C. 10% D. 11% 试题答案:D 6、桅灯() A. search light B. signal light C. side light D. mast light 试题答案:D 7、大副现在有空。() A. Our third officer is busy with his work. B. Our second officer is busy with his work. C. Our chief officer is free now. D. Our captain is free from his w

3、ork. 试题答案:C 8、Im on fire and have dangerous cargo on board. The most urgent assistance (最紧急的援助)in this case would be() . A. lifeboat B. medicine C. firefighting D. lifesaving 试题答案:C 9、()is used in bilges and peak tanks. A. Bitumen B. Paint C. Cement wash D. Varnish 试题答案:A 10、抓斗挖泥船在挖取砾石、卵石时,须用:() A.

4、轻型斗 B. 中型斗 C. 重型斗 D. 超重型斗 试题答案:C 11、propeller() A. 螺旋桨 B. 叶桨 C. 舵 D. 叶轮 试题答案:A 12、Pay more attention to the rising and falling of (). A. tide B. water C. sea D. wave 试题答案:A 13、This is a()(折叠)type hatch cover. A. folding B. rolling C. side-rolling D. unfolding 试题答案:A 14、The chief officer is responsib

5、le to the captain. () A. 船长对大副负责 B. 船长对二副负责 C. 大副对船长负责 D. 大管对船长负责 试题答案:C 15、收紧尾缆 。() A. Take in stern line . B. Pay out stern line . C. Heave in stern line . D. Take in the slack on stern line . 试题答案:D 16、The()(汽车运输船) carries cars and trucks. A. LASH B. Lo/Lo C. PCC D. LNG carrier 试题答案:C 17、Four ()a

6、re needed to work this heavy derrick. A. winches B. gears C. windlass D. cranes 试题答案:A 18、船尾单绑留尾缆和倒缆。() A. Single up forward to head line and spring. B. Single up aft to stern line and spring. C. Single up aft to head line and spring. D. Single up aft to breast line and spring. 试题答案:B 19、Clean up th

7、e fire ()(地点). A. site B. cite C. sight D. sigh 试题答案:A 20、病人表现为持续右下腹痛,痛点固定应是() A. 急性胃肠炎 B. 阑尾炎 C. 胰腺炎 D. 肺炎 试题答案:B 21、When the winch is in trouble, the sailor must call the ()(电工) to repair it. A. carpenter B. rating C. electrician D. bosun 试题答案:C 22、()(绞)port anchor A. Let go B. Heave away C. Pay o

8、ut D. Hoist 试题答案:B 23、雾的形成主要是由于大气中存在着大量的:() A. 屑烟 B. 尘粒 C. 盐的微粒 D. A+B+C 试题答案:D 24、利用心脏按压法抢救病人时,每分钟按压约()次 A. 30,40 B. 40,50 C. 60,80 D. 90,100 试题答案:C 25、They will ()out a more detailed inspection. A. carried B. carrying C. to carry D. carry 试题答案:D 26、Please adjust the derrick ()(向下). A. upwards B. d

9、ownwards C. forwards D. backwards 试题答案:B 27、Manila ropes can be used ()mooring and handling cargoes. A. for B. to C. by D. with 试题答案:A 28、船舶的主体是船壳。() A. The main body of a vessel is the hull. B. The main body of a vessel is the superstructure. C. The main body of a vessel is the engine room. D. The

10、main body of a vessel is the poop. 试题答案:A 29、Id like to have a talk ()your captain. A. at B. with C. on D. to 试题答案:B 30、白天在能见度不良的水域航行时,值班水手() A. 不必开启航行灯 B. 按驾驶员的命令开启航行灯 C. 根据情况决定是否开启航行灯 D. 能见度小于100m时才开启航行灯 试题答案:B 31、It is flammable cargo. Keep it away from the (). A. gangway B. bow C. boiler D. ster

11、n 试题答案:C 32、degreaser() A. 除油剂 B. 扳手 C. 木粉 D. 棉纱 试题答案:A 33、Nothing to port() A. 勿偏左 B. 勿偏右 C. 无舵效 D. 右满舵 试题答案:A 34、Duty sailors will consider the conditions of (装卸货)(). A. cargo handled B. cargo handles C. cargo handle D. cargo handling 试题答案:D 35、NO TURNING OVER() A. 切勿倾倒 B. 切勿反转 C. 切勿挤压 D. 切勿手钩 试题答

12、案:B 36、一节锚链() A. 1 shackle B. 1 knot C. 1 mile D. 1 ring 试题答案:A 37、葫芦吊() A. derrick B. chain C. chain block D. bridge 试题答案:C 38、在锚设备组成中,设置在锚链管和锚链筒之间的设备是() A. 锚机和制链器 B. 弃链器和制链器 C. 弃链器和锚机 D. 锚机弃链器和制链器 试题答案:C 39、表示船舶适合运输货物合旅客的有效容积称为() A. 载重量 B. 净吨位 C. 排水量 D. 重量吨 试题答案:B 40、The captain of a ship can be a

13、lso called () . A. master B. agent C. ship owner D. pilot 试题答案:A 41、The ships()(天文钟)is a very accurate clock. A. watch B. chronometer C. time D. clock 试题答案:B 42、()(舷墙排水孔) permits the escape of water. A. A wash port B. A bulwark port C. A+B D. Bulkhead 试题答案:C 43、When the anchor reaches the bottom ,hoist the anchor ()by day. A. ball B. flag C. light D. lamp 试题答案:A 44、Dont operate two or more hatch ()at the same time. A. caps B. levers



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