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1、考研英语一山东省滨州市惠民县2023年全真模拟试题Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)完形填空阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A, B, C, D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。On an airplane as she was flying across the Unit

2、ed States, Dr. Jane Goodall noticed a woman sitting next to her. She asked the woman why she was so tired, and the woman said she was absolutely 1 because shed been up at two in the morning trying to 2 the water.Her young daughter was in an environmental group at school and her daughters passion had

3、 turned to making sure her 3 was eco-friendly. They were staying at the house of the womans brother the night 4 her trip, and in the middle of the night her daughter woke up to the 5 of a dripping faucet. The daughter asked for 6 turning it off as the faucet handle was 7 . The only way to 8 the leak

4、 was to dig to the pipe in the front lawn to find the main valve to turn the water off,and her daughter wouldnt go to sleep until the leak stopped. So at two in the morning 9 in the family was out in the yard helping to 10 to turn off the water.Young people have much more 11 to start and accomplish

5、changes than what 12 may believe. When children make a change in their lives, families are 13 along to become environmentally friendly.The story also shows that 14 actions can have a big impact. We 15 to think about 16 events like Clean and Green Week. Instead, a lot of small changes can make a (n)

6、17 If hundreds or thousands of students 18 their families to turn off the tap to save water, move the air conditioning temperature 19 a degree or two in summer, drive less and make other environmentally-friendly changes, the 20 family may change its behaviors.1、AexhaustedBdelightedCsadDangry2、Aturn

7、onBturn offCtake alongDbring along3、AmotherBfamilyCschoolDgroup4、AafterBonCduringDbefore5、AsoundBvoiceCrhymeDmusic6、AadviceBpleasureChelpDtrouble7、AopenedBthrownCdroppedDbroken8、AstopBpreventCholdDcut9、AsomeoneBanyoneCeveryoneDno one10、AfixBdigCmendDfit11、ApowerBtimeCenergyDwisdom12、AofficialsBteena

8、gersCteachersDadults13、AsavedBpraisedCseatedDdragged14、AimportantBsmallCunnecessaryDinfluential15、AplanBtendCattemptDmean16、AnewBtraditionalCbigDsocial17、AlivingBdifferenceCeffortDfortune18、AwantBallowCconvinceDforce19、AoffBawayCdownDup20、ArichBlargeCentireDordinarySection II Reading ComprehensionPa

9、rt ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1Business depends on productivity and employees interaction(互动) with customers. The more productive a company is and the better its cust

10、omer service is, the more income it makes. Productivity is measured by the output of employees. No other factor influences productivity and customer interaction more than how the employees think about their job.Working environments are not the same. Blame Donais, in his book Workplaces That Work, de

11、fines culture as “a system of shared beliefs, values and norms(规范) that shape behavior”. This system of shared beliefs creates the atmosphere in which the employees work and determines their worth in the company, their opportunities within the company and their opinions of their managers.A review of

12、 the culture of the workplace helps the management team to create models that inspire a more productive and employee-friendly culture. Understanding the workplace culture gives the management insight(洞察力)as to what hinders(阻碍) production, what can be changed and what policies can be added.Negative c

13、ultures discourage employees, form having opinions. This is generally a result of a management team that only sees employees for their production values. Employees who dont feel valued move on to companies that encourage their input. The high turnover results in less qualified employees.Positive wor

14、kplace cultures keep more employees. Employees who remain in positions for extended periods of time develop relationships with preferred customers and can often be the reason that a customer does business with a company. Motivated employees value the companys assets(资产)more, and their decisions refl

15、ect this value.Joan Hodgins, a management psychologist, insists that “Research shows organizations that are committed to developing and maintaining a culture of dignity at work, harvest the benefits in terms of financial results.” Blame Donais advises that large workplaces be aware of subcultures that can develop in different regions in the world. Large companies may need outside help to create national or global platforms to encourage a united culture among all their locations.



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