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1、考研英语一鹤岗市绥滨县2023年高分冲刺试题Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)In 1972, I returned to Miami Beach High School to speak to the drama class. Afterward I asked the drama teacher 1 an

2、y of my English teachers are still there. Irene Roberts, he tells me, is in the class 2 down the hall.I was no one special in Miss Roberts class just another student who did okay work. I dont recall any one special bit of wisdom she passed on. Yet I cannot forget her 3 for language, for ideas and fo

3、r her students. I 4 now, many years later, that she is the perfect example of a 5 teacher. Id like to say something to her, I say, but I dont want to 6 her from a class. Nonsense, he says, shell be 7 to see you.The drama teacher 8 Miss Roberts into the hallway where stands this 32-year-old man she l

4、ast saw at 18. “Im Mark Medoff,” I tell her. “You were my 12th-grade English teacher in 1958.” She 9 her head to one side and looks at me, as if this angle might remember me in her 10 And then, though armed with a message I want to 11 in many words, I cant think up anything more memorable than this:

5、 “I want you to know,” I say, “you were 12 to me.”And there in the hallway, this lovely woman, now nearing 13 age, this teacher who doesnt remember me, begins to weep; and she encircles me in her arms. 14 this moment, I begin to sense that everything I will ever know, everything I will ever pass to

6、my students, is an inseparable part of a legacy(遗产) of our ancestors.Irene Roberts holds me 15 in her arms and through her tears whispers 16 my cheek, “Thank you.” And then, with the briefest of looks into my forgotten face, she 17 back into her classroom, 18 to what she has done thousands of days t

7、hrough all the years of my 19 On reflection, maybe those were, 20 , just the right words to say to Irene Roberts. Maybe they are the very words I would like to speak to all those teachers through my life, the very words I would like spoken to me one day by some returning student: “I want you to know

8、 you were important to me.”1、AthatBifCasDwhen2、AjustBalmostCnearlyDabout3、AkindnessBrespectCfriendshipDlove4、AknowBlearnCrealizeDbelieve5、AselfishBself-confidentCself-consciousDselfless6、AcallBdragCpushDpull7、AupsetBdelightedCinterestedDannoyed8、AbringsBtakesCfetchesDintroduces9、AbowsBraisesCrisesDp


10、AlongsBcontinuesCgoesDreturns19、AabsenceBclassCworkDtask20、Aor ratherBin additionCas usualDafter allSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1

11、Last month, voters in the second Congressional District in New Orleans, Louisiana , made a historic choice.They elected Anh Joseph Cao a Vietnamese-American Republican party member, as their representative. It is the first time in over one hundred years that voters in this area of New Orleans electe

12、d a non-democratic Party lawmaker. And, Anh Cao is the first Vietnamese-American to be elected to the United States Congress (议会) .Anh Cao went through difficult times to get to where he is now. He was born in Saigon in nineteen sixty-seven during the war in Vietnam. In nineteen seventy-five, North

13、Vietnamese troops took control of Saigon. He was separated from his family for many years. Anh Cao lived with his uncle in Indian, then later moved to Houston,Texas.He decided to work for social justice in a non-religious way. So, he worked as a lawyer in New Orleans.He joined the Republican Party a

14、nd became active on local and state political committees. He decided to compete against his local representative in Congress, William Jefferson, who had been in office since nineteen ninety-one. Minister Jeffersons reelection campaign was not helped by federal corruption charges against him.Mister C

15、ao won the election. That night he said that never in his life did he think he could be a congressman. He said the American dream is alive and well.1、Which statement according to this news is true?AAnh “Joseph” Cao was elected a Vietnamese-American Democratic party member.BIt is the first time ever that voters in this area of New-Orlearis have elected a non-Democratic Party memberCThe first Vietamese-American elected to the United State Congress is Anh Cao.DAl



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