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1、考研英语一济宁市任城区2023年最后冲刺试题Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(ABC和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并将答案填写在答卷上。 One Saturday, I went shopping with my daughter, Helen, and s

2、on, Brandon. The car was filled with the childrens laughing and singing. As we up, we saw a truck with a big sign on it that Petting Zoo. The kids jumped up and asked, Daddy, can we go? Sure. I said, giving them a quarter (25 cents) before walking into the shopping center. They ran away and I felt f

3、ree to take my time looking for I needed. There are a hundred little baby animals of all kinds in the zoo. Kids pay their money and stay there with the animals they like their moms and dads shop. Several minutes later, I and saw Helen walking along behind me. I was surprised to see she to shop rathe

4、r than play with the animals. And I thought the children had to wait till the parents came to them up. I came up and asked what was wrong. She at me with those big brown eyes and said sadly. Well, Daddy. it cost 50 cents. So, I gave Brandon my . Then she said the most thing I ever heard. She repeate

5、d the family motto “ is action!” She had given Brandon her quarter, and loves little animals more than Helen. She had watched what both my and I did for years around the house after we had said love is action! And now it had become a of her lifestyle. Then we went back to the petting zoo. We stood B

6、randon go crazy petting and feeding the animals. I had 50 cents a hole in my pocket. I never it to Helen, and she never asked for it. Because she know the whole family : Love always pays.1、A. drove Bdrew Cdressed Ddragged2、Awrote Bsaid Cexpressed Dwarned3、A. either Bneither Ceach Devery4、Awho Bwhen

7、Cthat Dwhat5、Afeeding Bcaring Cpetting Dnursing6、A. which B. while Cwhere D. whether,7、A. turned over B. turned out Cturned away Dturned around8、Achose Bchecked Chesitated Drefused9、Abring Bput Cpick Dwake10、Alooked up Blooked down C. looked through Dlooked over11、Apet Bcoat C. quarter Dcandy12、A. s

8、uccessful Bbeautiful Charmful Dawful13、ATrust BUnderstanding CHonesty DLove14、Aanyone Bno one Cevery one Dsomeone15、Awife Bmother C. father Dchildren16、Apile B. pair Cpuzzle Dpart17、Aseeing Bwatching Cnoticing Dfeeling18、Adigging Bmaking Cburning D. hiding19、Apaid Bdelivered Coffered Dafforded20、Amo

9、tto Bmessage C. model DmatterSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1Nine months ago,I was packing my daughters backpack with new school supp

10、lies,wondering how I was going to send her off to kindergartenI stood on the playground,tears pouring down my face because I wasnt ready for this first day of kindergartenbut she was readyToday I will be standing on the playground, once again with tears,because this precious time went by too quickly

11、This week I realized that I never told you thank youI dont know how to express a mothers thanks in the way a teacher deservesWe first met you at the open house the week before school started and I immediately knew you would be the type of teacher we would appreciate foreverWhile the students lined u

12、p for the day,you touched each one on the shoulder as you greeted themIf a student was having a tough I got to know you as I volunteered in the lunch roomYou made sure your students were all ready for Iunch before you went on your own lunch breakYou kept track of their big things and small things,be

13、cause as a veteran kindergarten teacher,you know that the small things are the big thingsI loved the way you made each student feel specialYou helped them fall in love with school which is so important at the startTo all of the teachers in the world who are like youI wish you knew how grateful paren

14、ts are for youWe adore yourespect you,and appreciate youWe dont tell you enoughwe probably doni tell you everI wish we could take you with us to the next 12 grades1、Why did the authors tears come down on her daughters first day of kingdergartern?AShe hadnt made full preparations for her daughterBHer daughter wasnt willing to go to kindergartenCShe felt worried about her daughters being awayDHer daughter wasnt familiar with the


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