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1、考研英语一2023年山东省潍坊市坊子区模拟试题Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从 120 各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该选项标号涂黑。From her lifeguard station at the shallow end of the

2、 swimming pool, Jessica noticed clouds gathering in the sky. By the time she took a break at 2:30, the wind was picking up and the sky was getting 1 The pool manager 2 over the loudspeaker that the pool was closing 3 , due to a severe weather warning.All of the 4 had left by 3:30 except for Jessicas

3、 neighbor, eight-year-old Zack Hill. Zacks mother had planned to 5 him up later, but the storm was approaching fast. Jessica decided that she would 6 Zack off on her way home.The minute Jessica and Zack left the parking lot, it was 7 that this was no 8 storm. The rain hit just as Jessica turned onto

4、 her street, coming down in sheets and making it 9 to see clearly. Jessica said, “Zack, Im going to take you to my house. We need to get inside right away, and your house is farther away than 10 ”She pressed the garage-door opener, but nothing happened. The electricity was 11 The front door was only

5、 a few feet away, 12 the wind was so strong that Jessica and Zack had to 13 their way out of the car and into the house.Remembering everything she could from her 14 training, Jessica dragged Zack to the basement (地下室) . “Well be safe in here, Zack,” she said, trying to sound 15 They had just gotten

6、inside 16 everything went deadly quiet for a moment. Then they could hear the sound of glass breaking. A deafening roar, like the sound of a train, filled their 17 After a final crash, Jessica and Zack 18 drops of rain on their arms. They saw a flash of lightning through a crack in the ceiling. The

7、sound of the storm grew 19 Jessica began to breathe easier. She and Zack were safe, and what a 20 they would have to tell!1、AblueBbrightCsunnyDdark2、AannouncedBmurmuredCweptDwhispered3、AslowlyBtightlyCimmediatelyDquietly4、AswimmersBlifeguardsCmanagersDparents5、AgetBpickCdressDcheer6、AputBsendClayDdr


9、uthsBeyesCnosesDears18、AheardBtastedCfeltDsmelt19、AdistantBnearCsharpDloud20、AjokeBstoryClieDdifferenceSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text

10、 1 Mark Elliot Zuckerberg was born on May the 14th, 1984. He is the creator of the social media site Facebook. He was a star student at school, winning prizes in astronomy, maths and physics. He was also good at Classical studies. He studied Psychology and Computer Science at Harvard University, whi

11、ch is where he created Facebook. His invention led to his becoming Time magazines Person Of The Year for 2010.Zuckerberg excelled in everything he did in his youth. He was captain of the school fencing team, spoke many languages and was a highly skilled computer programmer. While other kids played c

12、omputer games, he designed them. He created his first network while in high school to connect all of the computers - in his fathers dental surgery. He also built a media player which attracted the interest of Microsoft and AOL.Zuckerberg started at Harvard in September 2002. In his first year, he cr

13、eated Facemash, a Facebook predecessor (前身), which let students select the colleges best looking people from a selection of photos.He launched Facebook from his Harvard room in February 2004. It was the start of a rollercoaster ride that would connect half a billion people worldwide and make him the

14、 worlds youngest billionaire.Mark Zuckerberg is now one of the most influential people on the planet. He has dined with the president of the USA and regularly attends global economic summits and technology conferences. He stated: “The thing I really care about is the mission, making the world open.”

15、 In 2010, Zuckerberg signed a promise, in which he promised to donate at least half of his life wealth to charity.1、The underlined word “excelled in” can be replaced by _.Awas addicted toBdid well inCwas absorbed inDlooked forward to2、The 2nd paragraph is mainly about young Zuckerbergs _.Aadvantages in sportsBcomputer programming abilityCbrilliant performance in many fieldsDgreat attraction to Microsoft and AOL.3、When did Zuckerberg inve


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