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1、考研英语一繁昌县2023年巅峰冲刺试卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)Our familys first hosting experience began in January of 2015 with our Italian daughter Victoria. We had so much fun wi

2、th her that we could not 1 to experience a new, different country, so we 2 to host another World Heritage Exchange Student.As soon as we saw Mernas information, we knew she was 3 ,a YES Scholarship student, and Egyptian. We began to fall in love with our Egyptain 4 right away. We Skyped, and emailed

3、 for five months 5 she arrived in the US. When she 6 got off the plane, it was as if we were finally a(n) 7 family again.My husband and I grew up believing that other cultures 8 us, and hosting a foreign Exchange Student just seems so 9 for us. We felt it would be a 10 experience for our children to

4、 grow up seeing other cultures and learning to love others as a(n) 11 . Our small children are enjoying the experience vastly, learning a new language 12 , and realizing that the other side of the world is not all that 13 our country.Merna is small, loving, helpful, charming, caring and a real 14 to

5、 our lives. She has 15 us all so much. We cannot 16 our lives without our Italian and Egyptain daughters. We do plan to travel to 17 countries because of them, and we will be sending our children as exchange students to live with our new 18 families.I want to thank World Heritage for 19 a chance for

6、 our family to grow from four children to six children all in one year. We are all excited at this experience of a lifetime and will forever 20 it.1、Ahelp Bchoose Cwait Dintend2、Aapplied Bafforded Cmanaged Dremembered3、Abrilliant Bambitious Ccute Dloyal4、Afriend Bstudent Cdaughter Drelative5、Aonce B

7、after Csince Dbefore6、Aeven Balready Cjust Dever7、Abig Bforeign Cfree Dwhole8、Aappeal to Bstick to Cbelong to Dtake to9、Acommon Bnatural Capparent Dsimple10、Anormal Bpersonal Cpromising Drewarding11、Acompanion Breminder Cequal Dindividual12、Alittle by little Bfew by few Cone by one Dside by side13、A

8、amongst Bunlike Copposite Dabout14、Aguest Bheroine Cbeliever Dblessing15、Aoffered Bwarned Ctaught Dleft16、Alive Benjoy Cimagine Dcontinue17、Aother Banother Call Dboth18、Aextended Bincreased Cformed Dloved19、Ahaving Bproviding Cgetting Dallowing20、Aconduct Bappreciate Cdesire DadoreSection II Reading

9、 ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1 Microplastics are small plastic pieces that have accumulated in the marine (海洋的) environment following decades of poll

10、ution. These pieces can cause significant issues for marine creatures that ingest them, including inflammation (炎症), reduced feeding and weight-loss. Microplastic pollution may also spread from organism to organism when one creature is eaten by others. Since the pieces can bind to chemical pollutant

11、s, these associated poisons could accumulate in predator species.Mesopelagic (中层的) fish serve as a food source for a large variety of marine animals, including swordfish, dolphins, seals and sea birds. Typically living at depths of 2001,000 meters, these fish swim to the surface at night to feed and

12、 then return to deeper waters during the day. Through these upright movements, mesopelagic fish play a key role in the cycling of carbon and nutrients from the surface to the deep seaa process known as biogeochemical cycling. This means they could spread microplastic pollution throughout the marine

13、ecosystem, by carrying microplastics from the surface down to deeper waters, affecting deep-sea organisms.To investigate this further, researchers set out to catch fish in a remote area of the Northwest Atlantic Ocean. The researchers caught mesopelagic fish at varying depths, and then examined thei

14、r stomachs for microplastics back in the lab. They used a particular air filter so as not to introduce plastic fibers in the air from the lab environment.The team found a lot of microplastics in the fish stomachs. As the researchers were extremely careful to clear pollution with fibers from the air,

15、 they were confident that the fish had eaten the fibers in the sea all over the world.The researchers plan further studies to learn more about how these fish are ingesting and spreading microplastics. It will be particularly interesting to see whether the fish eat these microplastics directly as mistaken foods, or whether they eat them through eating other species, whic



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