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1、考研英语一那曲地区巴青县2023年模拟试题Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)When the host announced that my choir( 合唱队) won the second place of the World Choir Game, I couldnt believe what I he

2、ard. All the 1 that we made earn their meaning. Through this unforgotten experience, I 2 much.In the semi-finals, we were supposed to sing four songs. When we played the third song, I suddenly heard an unexpected 3 a girl in the alto( 女低音) got quick. The other students in the alto were 4 by the girl

3、 and were getting quicker and quicker. Our choirs leader, Mrs. Li noticed it and 5 used her hand to keep time, but she 6 .After the song, the smile on Mrs. Lis face 7 and some of our members turned and tried to find the person who first got 8 . My mind was blank, but quickly I 9 the only thing we co

4、uld do was to 10 the performance. Then with a smile, Mrs. Li became a 11 again, who seemed to have tally forgot what we had done. We sang the 12 song as usual.After the competition, I was 13 . Just because of one persons 14 , the whole choir must 15 the fact that we might lose the game. I cried, but

5、 then I found nothing would change no matter how hard we 16 the girl who played poorly. 17 ,I came to her, encouraged her, and practiced the whole melody with her. In the finals, we got the medal because of our 18 performance.Never blame a person when she makes a mistake, but help her to solve the p

6、roblem when you are struggling 19 the same goal No matter what you will experience with others in the future, successes or failures, 20 or tears, these will surely become your precious treasure and memory.1、Apromises Befforts Crequirement Ddifferences2、Aconsidered Bforgot Clearned Dexplained3、Aname

7、Bshout Cvoice Dsong4、Adriven away Bled away Cgiven out Dturned down5、Asimilarly Beasily Chappily Dimmediately6、Afailed Bsucceeded Carrived Dagreed7、Afroze Bmelted Cappeared Dignored8、Abusy Bwrong Cwarm Dslow9、Amissed Bheard Csaw Drealized10、Aquit Bstop Ccomplete Dend11、Aconductor Bsinger Cdancer Dwo

8、rker12、Alate Bonly Cfirst Dlast13、Aexcited Bdisappointed Cinterested Dsatisfied14、Afault Bsuccess Cplan Dopinion15、Adeny Boffer Crefuse Dafford16、Ablamed Bencouraged Ccalled Dasked17、AOtherwise BTherefore CHowever DBesides18、Abad Bcommon Cperfect Drude19、Aup Bout Ctoward Din20、Amistake Bsurprise Csa

9、dness DlaughterSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1Readers in Grenoble can now nibble (啃) fiction after Publisher Short Edition introduce

10、d eight short-story dispensers (自动售货机) around the French city.The free stories are available at the touch of a button, printing out on rolls of paper like a receipt. Readers are able to choose one minute, three minutes, or five minutes of fiction.“The feedback we got has been extremely positive. Jus

11、t two weeks since its launch, more than 10,000 stories have already been printed. We are thrilled to see it working so well,” said the co-founder Quentin Pleple. “There are only eight dispensers in the city of Grenoble for now but we are planning to introduce more. We are getting requests from all o

12、ver the world-Australia, the US, Canada, Russia, Grace, Italy, Spain and Chile.”Pleple said he and his team initially came up with the idea a couple of years ago when taking a break at a drink dispenser. “We thought it would be cool to have it for short stories,” said the publisher. Then, we decided

13、 to make a difference: the short-story dispenser was born.”The French publisher hopes the story will be used to fill the “dead time” of a passenger. “In the bus or the subway, everyone can make the most of these moments to read short stories, poems, or short picture books,” said a statement from Sho

14、rt Edition. “And they can be sure to enjoy the quality.”The dispensers arc now in locations including Grenobles town hall, its tourist office and its library. The stories are drawn from more than 60,000 stories on Short Editions website. But there is a problem that users are not able to choose what

15、type of story they would like to read. “Right now they can only choose the length. But that is exactly what really counts, isnt it?” said Pleple.1、Where can you probably see a short-story dispenser at present?AIn Chile. BIn CanadaCIn France. DIn Italy.2、What does the underlined word “launch” in the third p


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