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1、德州市齐河县2023年考研英语一深度自测卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)Bob Weiser had been driving for Uber for more than six months 1 a conversation with an old friend sparked the idea. E

2、veryone that rode in his car had a story to tell, a 2 life experience or some wisdom theyd picked up along the way. What if he could collect “a slice of life” from each of the hundreds of people 3 in his car , whose only known 4 was that they ordered an Uber in Chicago and had Bob Weiser 5 them up i

3、n his car?Bob Weiser, aged 66, is a 6 pilot who started driving for Uber last year as a way to keep 7 . “ You never really retire, and you always have to do something,” he said. He 8 a black notebook. On the inside cover, he wrote “ It belongs to all that read it with a(n) 9 heart and mind.”Now, whe

4、n passengers get in his car, hell pass them the 10 and ask if theyd take a moment to write something in it. He has 11 more than 800 entries(条目) from passengers from all over the world.Weiser 12 one woman who wrote Mohandas Karamchand Gandhis “ Be the change you want to see in the world.” Then she fl

5、ipped back and 13 someone else had used the same quote. She told him she was 14 and he said to her, “ No, thats okay. Thats the type of energy that has been in this 15 , nothing but good energy.” After his passengers write something ,theyll flip through the pages, 16 all the advice and opinions shar

6、ed by the passengers who came before them.He flips through it himself sometimes; it always 17 him that people have so much warmth and positivity to 18 . No one has written anything 19 , and only a handful have turned him down, 20 because they have carsickness.1、Aafter Bunless Cwhen Dalthough2、Auniqu

7、e Bstressful Cheroic Dmeaningless3、Aperforming Briding Csleeping Dquarreling4、Adevotion Brequirement Cassessment Dconnection5、Acover Btie Clift Dpick6、Aformer Byoung Cdying Dproud7、Aalive Benthusiastic Coccupied Dawake8、Ainvented Bpurchased Cstole Ddonated9、Abroken Bnormal Copen Dloyal10、Aalbum Bnot

8、ebook Cmagazine Dnovel11、Aborrowed Bcollected Caccepted Ddiscovered12、Arecalled Bappreciated Cmarried Dstruck13、Asaw Bwitnessed Cheard Dinsisted14、Aconfused Bamused Cdisappointed Dembarrassed15、Astation Bcountry Cvehicle Dhouse16、Awiping off Bpicking out Ctaking in Dputting down17、Afrustrates Baston

9、ishes Cdepresses Dterrifies18、Astore Bsave Cseek Dshare19、Avaluable Bsensitive Cappropriate Dnegative20、Amostly Bfrequently Cdeliberately DconstantlySection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark you

10、r answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1 If youre new to San Francisco, paying the city a visit, or simply looking for a new playground for you and your dog, here are four of the finest dog parks in San Francisco. Corona Heights Dog ParkOften visited by residents from all over the city becau

11、se of its nearness to the Randall Museum, Corona HeightsDog Park offers pets and owners breathtaking views, after a steep hillside climb, and a fenced dog area that allows dogs to let loose without a leash(狗链). Owners will also enjoy the playground, tennis courts and basketball courts. Dolores Dog P

12、arkThe grounds of Dolores Park once served as camps for those who were left homeless by the 1906 earthquake, but now often visited by crowds of Mission District people. Four-legged friends can also wander about carefree off-leash while making friends with other members of the doggie community. Pine

13、Lake Dog ParkNoteworthy for its place as a rest stop for hundreds of species of birds to fly to and from warmer climates, Pine Lake Park is also prized by city dogs and their owners for their nice hiking paths, picturesque lake suited for swimming, and an off-leash area on the parks west end that le

14、ts dogs run free. Buena Vista Dog ParkAt 146 years young, Buena Vista Park is San Franciscos oldest park. Dogs and owners with plus energy will love burning it on this parks steep paths and winding staircases. Dog owners should have good control over their dogs, as its quite easy for dogs to get sep

15、arated when going through Buena Vistas many twists and turns.1、Why do dog owners take their pets to Dolores Dog Park?ATo let them socialize.BTo give them rescue lessons.CTo help them lose weight.DTo increase their physical activities.2、Which dog park is popular with bird lovers?ACorona Heights Dog Park.BD


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