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1、考研英语一2023年三明市大田县高分通关卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。My kids and I were heading into the supermarket over the we

2、ekend. On the way ,we spotted a man holding a piece of paper that said, “ _ my job. Family to Feed.”At this store, a _ like this is not normal. My 10-year-old noticed him and make a _ on how bad it must be to have to stand _ in the cold wind.In the store, I asked each of my kids to _ something they

3、thought our “friend” there would _. They got apples, a sandwich and a bottle of juice. Then my 17-year-old suggested giving him a _. I thought about it. We were _ on cash ourselves, but well, sometimes _ from our need instead of our abundance is _ what we need to do! All the kids _ something they co

4、uld do away with for the week.When we handed him the bag of _, he lit up and thanked us with _ eyes. When I handed him the gift card, saying he could use it for _his family might need, he burst into tears.This has been a wonderful _ for our family. For days the kids have been looking for others we c

5、an _! Things would have played out so _ if I had simply said, “No, we really dont have _ to give more.” Stepping out not only helped a brother in _, it also gave my kids the _ taste of helping others. Itll go a long way with them.1、ALostBChangedCQuitDFinished2、AconditionBplaceCsightDshow3、Asuggestio

6、nBdecisionCcommentDcall4、AangrilyBproudlyCbyDoutside5、AdrawBpickCarrangeDsay6、AappreciateBsupplyCorderDdiscover7、Agift cardBjobChot mealDdollar8、AeasyBsoftClowDloose9、AsavingBgivingCspendingDbegging10、AyetBjustCstillDeven11、AexpectedBsharedCignoredDdeclared12、AfoodBmedicineCtoysDclothes13、AsleepyBsh

7、arpCcuriousDwatery14、AwhoeverBwhicheverCwhateverDwhenever15、AexampleBexperienceCmessageDadventure16、Arely onBhelpClearn fromDrespect17、AsuddenlyBvividlyCperfectlyDdifferently18、AtimeBmoneyCpatienceDpower19、AneedBloveCfearDmemory20、AstrongBstrangeCsweetDsimpleSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADir

8、ections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1In the last few years, you may have noticed the terra “microplastics” in the news. Microplastics are tiny pieces of plastic from discarded (丢弃

9、的) plastic bottles, bags and containers that end up in rivers, lakes and oceans. Because they are so tiny and hard to see, researchers set sail to collect water samples and estimate the amount of plastic in the ocean. The 5 Gyres Institute, an organization aimed at reducing plastics pollution in our

10、 oceans, estimates that 296,000 tons of plastic are floating in the worlds oceans. But, if you think that oceans are the only water bodies with a micropiastics problem, think again - the problem is also reported in the Chesapeake Bay, in our own backyard.In a partnership with the 5 Gyres Institute,

11、Trash Free Maryland took to the Chesapeake Bay in November to study the presence of micropiastics in the water. Setting out from Deale, Md., the research team collected seven samples by dragging a trawl (拖网) for an hour at a time. The trawl was fitted with a cone-shaped (锥形的) net, whose holes measur

12、e 330 microns (微米) wide, about the width of two to three strands of human hair. Water flows through the main opening and the fine mesh (网眼) of net ensures anything suspended m the water is trapped behind.In seven samples, the net picked up algae (海藻) trash, foam and plastic. According to the 5 Gyres

13、 Institute representative, the first sample collected contained almost 10 times the amount of plastic than would be collected in a typical ocean sample. The plastic found in the Chesapeake Bay samples included bits of bags, sheeting, fishing line and microbeads, which are small plastic scrubbers mm

14、found in face wash, toothpaste and cleaning products. Microbeads in particular are a major source of microplastics pollution worldwide. They are small enough to bypass water treatment systems filters (过滤器) and end up in waterways. Scientists warn that chemicals and toxins (毒素) absorbed by microbeads

15、 and other micropiastics could be passed on to organisms who mistake them for food and eat them, and could then be passed up higher and higher on the food chain, eventually reaching humans.1、What is the second paragraph mainly about?AThe description of the trawl.BThe basic data of the water samples.CThe process of collecting water samples.DThe introduction of Trash Free Maryland.2、What does the underlined word “They” in the last paragraph refer to?ABits of bags.



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