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1、2023年五大连池市考研英语一预测试卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)第二节完型填空(共20小题;阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从3655各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项Children and young people tend to have certain role models

2、people they want to be like when they grow 1 . Though 2 children would have wished to copy their mother, father or a (n) 3 relative, gradually these role models are thought of as famous people or popular 4 . People have different opinions about 5 popular stars or other famous people are good role mo

3、dels for children. Charming models, such as Katie Price, are often admired and 6 by young girls. This is the biggest worry of parents and teachers. They wish to 7 the concept that success is achieved through hard work and 8 rather than an attractive looking.Most people tend to grow up to be those wh

4、o are 9 home their parents or family friends. Some decide to be like their favorite teacher. A child who loves to 10 may want to grow to be the next Picasso or Van Gogh; Someone who loves to 11 might imagine themselves as a famous writer; if a child enjoys dancing, he or she 12 well admire a famous

5、dancer, but this is not the 13 . A lot of dance students wish to be like their 14 teacher.Therefore, the job of a teacher is 15 just providing knowledge of a given subject. They should be able to 16 their students trust and 17 them well. Helping youngsters to learn from models, to learn how to accep

6、t 18 with grace and losing with dignity, is central to any parents or teachers job. Manners are very important and a dance teacher can 19 his or her position and influence to 20 good behaviors to youngsters.1、AyoungerBstrongerColderDtaller2、Aat firstBat lastCat leastDat most3、AgenerousBfavoriteCordi

7、naryDhumorous4、AfansBstarsCsingersDdancers5、AthatBwhyCwhetherDif6、Alooked down uponBthought highly ofCcaught up withDmade fun of7、AencourageBreceiveCholdDignore8、AluckBimaginationCeffortDcreativity9、Asimilar toBdifferent fromCfar fromDclose to10、Aread and writeBsing and danceClisten and speakDdraw a

8、nd paint11、AwriteBreadCtravelDthink12、AshouldBmayCmustDneed13、AdealBtroubleCmatterDcase14、AdanceBmusicCartDpiano15、Abetter thanBless thanCmore thanDrather than16、AreceiveBloseCgainDaccept17、Acommunicate withBkeep up withCnegotiate withDput up with18、AchallengingBfallingCfailingDwinning19、Amake use o

9、fBlose control ofCtake charge ofDget rid of20、AturnBpressCintroduceDpushSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1 The secret to living longer

10、could be as simple as picking up your walking pace, according to a new study. Researchers from the University of Sydney found that walking at a brisk(快的) or fast pace was associated with a risk reduction of 24 percent for any cause of death.This effect was even more obvious in older age group, with

11、fast walkers over the age of 60 reducing their risk of death by a surprising 53 percent. Professor Emmanuel Stamatakis, who led the study, explained, “A fast pace is generally five to six kilometers per hour, but it really depends on a walkers fitness levels; an alternatives indicator is to walk at

12、a pace that makes you slightly out of breath or sweaty.”In the study, the researchers looked at the results of 11 surveys from 134 to 2008, in which participants recorded their walking pace, as well as age, sex and BMI. The analysis showed that walking at an average pace was associated with a 20 per

13、cent risk reduction for all-cause mortality(死亡率) compared with walking at a slow pace, while walking at a brisk or fast pace was associated with a risk reduction of 24 percent.The researchers hope the findings will encourage the development of public health message about the benefits of walking pace

14、. Professor Stamatakis added, “These analyses suggest that increasing walking pace may be a straightforward way for people to improve heart health and risk for premature mortality- providing a simple message for public health campaigns to promote.“Especially in situations when walking more isnt poss

15、ible due to time pressures or a less walking-friendly environment, walking faster may be a good option to get the heart rate up- one that most people can easily add to their lives.”1、Who benefit most from walking fast?ACancer sufferers.BThe elderly.CThose who have heart problems.DThose who have high BMI.2、What decides how fast a person can walk according to Professor Stamatakis?AHis/Her fitness levels.BHis/Her ages.CHis/Her will.DHis/Her BMI.3、Why can


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