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1、初高中短语衔接(一)1. fail in .在.方面失败2. fail in the exam 考试失败3. wear glasses 戴眼镜4. make more friends 交朋友5. make ones own decisions 做自己的决定6. graduate from. 从.毕业7. have enough sleep = get enough sleep 有足够睡眠8. be strict with sb. 对某人严格9. protect oneself well 保护好自己10. take a walk = go walking = have a walk 散步11.

2、throw away the old things 扔掉旧的东西12. succeed in doing sth. 成功做.13. help the homeless children 帮助无家可归的孩子14. make a big difference to my life 对我生活起影响15. feel lonely 感到孤独16. look after patients health 照顾病人的健康17. deliver a speech = give a speech 发表演讲18. attract ones attention 吸引某人注意19. finish the task 完成

3、任务20. take exercise 锻炼21. ride a bike 骑自行车22. protect the environment 保护环境23. help sb. in need 帮助困境中的人24. look after the patient = take good care of the patient 照顾病人25. take care = look out 当心;注意26. pay more attention to your living habits 更加注意你的生活习惯27. make plans in advance 提前制定计划28. have few frien

4、ds 很少有朋友29. make a timetable = make a schedule 制定日程表30. get along well with sb. 与某人相处的好31. attract many people to visit 吸引很多人参观32. prepare breakfast for us 为我们准备早餐33. be moved by. 被.感动34. praise sb. for sth. 因.而表扬某人35. make our school environment tidier 使我们校园环境更整洁36. brush our teeth 刷牙37. follow the

5、 school rules 遵守学校规则38. visit the museum = look around the museum 参观博物馆39. express what you think clearly 表达清楚你所想的40. hold some activities together 一起举行活动41. learn from.从.中学习42. stay up too late 熬夜太迟43. solve the problems 解决这些问题44. arrange your time properly 合理安排时间45. achieve the balance between stu

6、dy and rest 在学习与休息之间达到平衡46. enhance your physical fitness 增强你的身体健康47. enable you sleep well 使你睡好48. be eager to be an engineer 渴望成为工程师49. practice speaking English 练习说英语50. practice my oral English 练习口语51. miss the chance 错过机会52. try ones best to do sth. 努力做.53. go to bed early and get up early 早睡早起

7、54. do a good job 做了个好工作55. set some time aside to build my body 留出时间锻炼身体56. carry out my plans step by step 逐步实施我的计划57. take a photo = take a picture 照相58. offer you some advice 提供给你我的建议59. try hot pot 尝试火锅60. leave deep impression on sb. 给某人留下深刻印象61. be well worth visiting 非常值得参观62. watch all kind

8、s of movies 观看各种电影63. calm down 冷静64. collect stamps 收集邮票、65. learn some new skills 学习新的技能66. take up travelling as my hobby 把旅游作为我的爱好67. enrich my life 丰富我的生活68. have a big influence on. 对.起着巨大影响69. get out of the trouble 摆脱困境70. share your feeling with parents 与父母分享你的感受71. form a good reading habi

9、t = develop a good reading habit养成好的阅读习惯72. recite all the poems 背诵所有的诗歌73. draw a mind map 画思维导图74. have many difficulties in doing sth. 做.又困难75. take notes 做笔记76. write down key words 写下关键词77. review the notes 复习笔记78. improve my reading skills 提高我的阅读技能79. improve our ability to deal with difficult problems 提高处理问题的能力80. read magazine and newspaper 阅读报章杂志2学科网(北京)股份有限公司



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