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1、天津市2020-2021学年上学期九年级英语期末试卷分类汇编阅读理解天津市部分区2021届九年级上学期期末英语试题IV.阅读理解(共 15小题,每小题2 分;共 30分)阅读下面的材料,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。AWater is the root(根源)of our life.No one can live without water.On one hand,although about seventy-twopercent(百分比)of the world is covered with water,about ninety-seven percent of t

2、he water is sea water or saltwater,so the water we can drink is really limited(有限的).On the other hand,because the number of people in theworld is becoming larger and larger,more and more drinking water is needed.We should do something to savewater in our everyday life.Try to fix broken taps or leaky

3、(漏的)toilet in our houses.Turn off the tap as often as we can-don11 use running water to wash our hands,wash vegetables and so on.Never pour waste water away because we can use it to do other things,such as watering plants.Do not often water the lawn(草坪).As a general rule,lawns only need watering eve

4、ry 5 to 7 days in summerand every 10 to 14 days in winter.Stop taking a long bath and have a short shower instead.46.About percent of the world is covered with water.A.97%B.72%C.3%D.25%47.Because the number of people in the world is becoming larger,more is needed.A.rice B.healthy food C.drinking wat

5、er D.fresh fruit48.The lawn only needs watering every days in Summer.A.four B.six C.eight D.nine49.Which of the following is NOT the way to save water?A.Fixing the broken tap.B.Using waste water to water(lowers.C.Using running water to wash vegetables.D.Taking a short shower instead of a long bath.5

6、0.What*s the main idea of the passage?A.How to save water.B.Dont use clean water.C.Where water comes from.D.How to use drinking water.BIt was Julias 10th birthday.Her mom came to her school and joined the fun.The classmates said nHappybirthday!to.Julia.Then Julias mom handed out the birthday treats(

7、款待).She was very good at making sweetcupcakes and delicious cookies.But this year,the things,Julias mom brought were not so tasty.She brought somepencils.Why?Because Julias school has made a new rule that the sweet treats are not allowed at school parties.Julias school is not the only school to ban(

8、禁止)the sweet treats.Some other schools around the country havedone the same thing.Some American experts(专家)think that fewer sweets will be good for kids*health.One thirdof American kids are over weight.Being overweight may lead to serious health problems.Of course,most kids don like this rule.They s

9、ay,Whats fun about a party if there are no cupcakes?Andmany parents also dislike the rule.I want my kids to be healthy,H,says one of the parents.But eating the birthdaycake is an important tradition.It makes me sad that my kids will not be able to enjoy the birthday cake.How did Julias mom feel abou

10、t this rule?She was sad when she first learned of the rule.But Julias classmatesliked the pencils very much.That made her feel better.51.Julia celebrated her bi r t hday.A.at home B.in a park C.at school D.in a restaurant52.Julias mom didnt bring a sweet treat this year because.A.she was too busy to

11、 cook itB.the sweet cupcakes were not popular any moreC.it would take her much time to make cupcakesD.the new school rule didnt allow her to do so53.The underlined word overweight probably means in Chinese.A.超重的 B.严肃的 C.强壮的 D.活泼的54.What does the underlined word That*refer to?A.Julia liked what her m

12、om did for her birthday.B.Julias mom didnt need to go to school parties any more.C.Julias mom didn*t have to make cupcakes any more.D.Julia*s classmates liked the pencils her mom prepared for them.55.What can we learn from the passage?A.Julia was eleven years old after the party.B.Most kids like cup

13、cakes at school parties.C.It*s better for kids to eat fewer sweets.D.Julias mom never made the sweet treats for Julia.CAt the beginning of November,the 35th Chinese Antarctic expedition(南极科考队)set off for the polar(极地的)region.This time,one of their main tasks is to build China*s first permanent(永久的)A

14、ntarctic airport,Scienceand Technology Daily reported.There are more than 20 airports in Antarctica,according to Global Times.But none of them belong to China.Chinas polar plane Xueying 601 has to take off and land at Russian airports.The new airport will help Chinese aircraft take off and land in t

15、he South Pole.This will make it easier totransport scientific equipment(设备)and do research,Zhang Xia from the Polar Research Institute of China(中国极地研究中心)told Global Times.In order to be environmentally friendly,the airport will be small,said Sun Bo,leader of the research team.It ismuch smaller than

16、the usual airports in our cities.However,this doesnt make it easy to build the airport.The site of the aiiport is an ice cap 28 kilometers away from Zhongshan Antarctic Station,Xinhua noted.Anice cap is a thick layer(层)of ice.It covers the land like a quill(被子).But this quilt is always moving Scientistshave to find the slowest-moving part of the cap.You can hardly notice the movement of the ice in this area.The next problem is the snow.The snow on the ice cap can be very thick.Also,it is as soft


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