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1、2021年广东省广州市增城区中考英语一模试卷1.(问答题,15 分)Terry was a rich man*s son.Next to his door lived(1)hardworkingblacksmith(铁匠)whose name was Jones.Every day,Terry liked to come to watch how theblacksmith worked(2)_ hours.HYoung man,what about(3)to make shoe tacks(鞋钉),even if it is only to kill thetime?said Jones.O

2、ne day,it may be of use to you.The boy began to see(4)he could do.After(5)_ practice,he found that he wasbecoming very(6)and soon he was making some of the finest tacks.Terrys father died and he had to sell everything because of the war.He left home and(7)_to move to another country in a village.lt

3、so happened that in this village there were manyshoemakers(8)_ were spending a lot of money buying tacks for their shoes(9)_ inthat part of the country there was a high demand(需求)for soldiers*shoes.Terry,who was finding it difficult(10)his daily bread,remembered that once upon atime he had learned t

4、he art of making tacks and he went to talk with shoemakers.He told themthat he(11)make the finest tacks.The shoemakers agreed and Terrys life was much(12)”(13)funny it seems!he used to say,Even making tacks can make money.Thanks toJones.Without(14),I cant imagine what my life(15)like now.11(1)A.aB.a

5、nC.theD./(2)A.toB.sinceC.forD.from(3)A.learnB.learnedC.learnsD.learning(4)A.thatB.whatC.whyD.where(5)A.fewB.a fewC.littleD.a little(6)A.skillB.skillsC.skillfully0.skilled(7)A.forcesB.forcedC.was forcedD.has forced(8)A.whichB.whoC.whenD.whose(9)A.becauseB.soC.whetherD.unless(10)lO.A.earnB.to earnC.ea

6、rningD.to earning(11)A.shouldB.needC.mustD.could(12)A.goodB.wellC.betterD.best(13)A.HowB.How aC.WhatD.What a(14)A.heB.himC.hisD.himself(15)A.isB.wasC.will beD.had been2.(填空题,10 分)Over recent years,letter writing has been replaced by other ways ofcommunicating.Technology has(1)so fast that we now exp

7、ect to be able to see people atany time and get response(2).Rather than put pen to paper,it feels much more natural forus to send text messages and emails.It is true that these modern ways of communicating have their own(3).We can talk topeople all over the world even in a few(4)_ .Communicating wit

8、h people by sending textmessages or emails can help us save time and receive a(5)as soon as possible.We canalso(6)mistakes in our emails before sending them.But if we make a mistake in aletter,we have to cross it out or start again.But have you ever thought about what we are losing?Yes,we are(7)abou

9、t the art ofletter writing.Almost everybody would say that reading a hand-written from a friend is(8).When youknow someone has spent the time writing a letter for you,especially a birthday letter,theressomething very(9)in your heart.On the other hand,not only the person receiving the letter will ben

10、efit from a lovely envelope(信封),but also the writer himself.When we know were doing something that will makeour friends very happy,we feel good about ourselves,too.In addition,writing a letter can(10)your language skills and you can also learn somenew expressions.3.(填空题,8 分)It was 3:21 a.m.when nine

11、-year-old Tom awoke to the smell ofburning.Except for the cracking(爆烈声)of fire somewhere below there was not a sound inthe two-storey house.With his father away on night duty at a local factory,Tom was worried about the safety of hismother,his sister Karen.14 and his 12-year-old brother Todd.He ran

12、downstairs through the(1)A.reachedB.developedC.movedD.connected(2)A.luckilyB.suddenlyC.actually.immediately(3)A.challengesB.advantagesC.difflculties0.problems(4)A.secondsB.hoursC.daysD.weeks(5)A.giftB.smileC.reply.greeting(6)A.correctB.admitC.denyD.make(7)A.learningB.caringC.forgetting.worrying(8)A.

13、awfulB.difficultC.humorousD.enjoyable(9)A.cleverB.specialC.interestingD.useful(10)A.copyB.checkC.reduceD.improvesmoke-filled house to push and pull at Karen and Todd until they sat up.Then he helped eachone through the house to the safety of the garden,There,his sister and brother,taking short andqu

14、ick breaths and coughingjying on the grass.The nine-year-old boy ran back into the house and upstairs to his mothers room.He found itwas impossible to wake her up.His mother,breathing in too much smoke,was unconscious andthere was nobody to help Tom carry her to the garden.But the boy stayed calm an

15、d,as a firemansaid later,Hacted with all the self-control of a trained adult/*On the bedroom telephonejuckily still working.Tom called his father andjeaving his father totelephone the firemen and ambulance sendee,got on saving his mother.First,he filled a bucket with water from the bathroom and thre

16、w water over his mother andher bed.Then,with a wet cloth around his head he went back to the garden.He could hear the fire engine coming up,but how would the firemen find his mother in thesmoke-filled house where fire had almost swallowed up the ground floor?Getting a ball of string(线)from the garage.Tom ran back into the house and rushedupstairs to his mothers room.Tying one end of the string to her hand,he ran backjaying out thestring as he went,through the hall and back out into the garden.Mi


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