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1、2023广东省教师招聘考试中学英语备考题库及答案学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_ 考号:_一、单选题(35题)1.The president of World Bank says he has a passion for China, _ he remembers starting as early as his childhood.A.where B.which C.what D.when2.The number of foreign students attending Chinese universities _ rising steadily in the past ten years.A

2、.was B.were C.has been D.have been3._is known to the world, Mark Twainis a great American writer.A.That B.Which C.As D.It4.I dont mind _ the decision as longas it is not too late.A.you to delay makingB.your delaying makingC.your delaying to makeD.you delay to make5.Which of the following clusters of

3、 words is an example of alliteration?A.A weak seatB.Safe and soundC.Knock and kickD.Coat and boat6.Until then, his family _ from him for six months.A.didnt hearB.hasnt been hearingC.hasn t heardD.hadn t heard7.I am _grateful for the manykindnesses you have shown to my son.A.excessively B.much C.cert

4、ainly D.exceedingly8.Nowadays with the development of science, more and more new technology_to the fields of IT.A.has introducedB.was introducedC.will introduceD.is being introduced9.This crop has similar quantities to theprevious one, _ both wind-resistant and adapted to the same type of soil.A.bei

5、ng B.been C.to be D.having been10.Nearly a month had gone by _ theyshowed some sign of giving up the price for which they had held out.A.until B.while C.before D.so that11.We love peace, yet we are not the kindof people to yield _ any military threat.A.up B.to C.in D.at12._ time going by, I began to

6、 realizewhat really matters in my life.A.While B.When C.As D.With13.Most dog owners are convinced that their four-legged friends know exactly what they mean when they use certain words like sit,stay or treat.The function of the underlined part is_.A.a subject clauseB.an adverbial clauseC.an object c

7、lauseD.an attributive clause14.My train arrives in New York at eight oclock tonight. The plane I would like to take fromthere_by then.A.would leave B.will have left C.has left D.had left15.The smart phone benefits us a lot, but the bad effect _ has on the youth can not be ignored.A.that B.which C.it

8、 D.one16.Ive tried very hard to improve my English. But by no means_with my progress.A.the teacher is not satisfiedB.is the teacher not satisfiedC.the teacher is satisfiedD.is the teacher satisfied17.If_ for the job, youll be informed soon.A.to accept B.accept C.accepting D.accepted18.There is a goo

9、d social life in the village, and I wish I _ a second chance to become more involved.A.had B.will have C.would have had D.have had19.Im deadly tired, I cant walk anyfurther, Jenny. _ ! Tommy. You can do it.A.No problem B.Come on C.No hurry D.Thats OK20.Which of the following sentences isincorrect?A.

10、I dont like carnets.Me neither.B.This one is the better of the twoC.You are not so lazy as himD.Everyone has his own ideas21.I am always delighted when I receive an e-mail from you. _ the party on July 1st, I shall be pleased to attend.A.On account ofB.In response toC.In view ofD.With regard to22.Th

11、is experiment ought to _ lastweek.A.be done B.have been done C.have done D.do23.Although Anne is happy with her success,she wonders _ will happen to her private life.A.that B.this C.it D.what24.As is known to us all, _ lion is in _ danger of becoming extinct.A.the, a B.the, 不填 C.a, 不填 D.不填, the25.Bu

12、t not all pretended deeds have to fall short of their normal function in order to_their communication purpose.A.serve B.succeed C.complete D.accomplish26.Becoming a millionaire has changed his life,but the win has also brought him stress and troubles.Sometimes he wishes he_the money.A.had never wonB

13、.has never wonC.would never winD.will never win27.At the beginning of class, the noise of desks _ could be heard outside the classroom.A.opened and closedB.to be opened and closedC.being opened and closedD.to open and close28.The biggest whale is _ blue whale, which grows to be about 29 meters longt

14、he height of _ 9-story building.A.the; the B.a; a C.a; the D.the; a29.We ll get you informed of the meeting the moment the manager becomes _A.accessible B.useful C.available D.convenient30.In the word interchangeable,the root is _.A.inter B.interchange C.change D.changeable31.She is so kind to us. We have been prepared to do _ it takes to help her.A.whichever B.however C.whatever D.whoever32.When it was time for our ticket to be_, I couldnt find mine.A.controlled B.bought C.checked D.overlooked33.Recently I boug



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