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1、【2023年】吉林省白城市统招专升本英语测试卷(含答案)学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_ 考号:_一、单选题(10题)1.The wind_us and we won the sailing race()A.allocated B.constituted C.assigned D.favored2.Because they are()a date, many of us believe that they are in loveA.in B.on C.out D.at3.It was in a small village in the south _ he spent his childhood

2、and met his life-long friendthe local schoolmaster()A.where B.when C.which D.that4.A new system of quality control was _ to overcome the shortcomings in the firms products()A.invested B.informed C.introduced D.instructed5.I couldnt understand why he pretended_in the garden()A.not to see me B.not see

3、 me C.to see me not D.to see not me6._you offered him!()A.How useful adviceB.What a useful adviceC.How a useful adviceD.What useful advice7.Which door does this keyto()A.set B.fit C.become D.belong8.David wont come to my wedding party()i send him an invitationA.when B.unless C.as D.after9.This websi

4、te may contain links to other websites privacy measures may be different from ours()A.that B.which C.who D.whose10.My father _ George quite well, and they were introduced at a party()A.is knowing B.has known C.knows D.had known二、完型填空(10题)11.64.()A.accessible B.deliberate C.extreme D.necessary12.It i

5、s widely believed that highly educated students are more likely to get a good job. However, at an on-campus job 41in Jiangsu Province students found it difficult to get a good offer from big companies. It seemed that most companies preferred undergraduates.42, some of the postgraduates ascribed(归因于)

6、 their failure in job hunting to the 43three-year education.In my opinion, this phenomenon has much to do 44 our educational system. In China, most students work hard only45 a high score on exams, while totally ignoring the importance of practical skills. Young college students choose to continue th

7、eir studies for a higher degree, because they believe the diploma can make them more 46 in job hunting. However, it is a misunderstanding that all companies will think 47 of the applicant with a masters degree. In fact, what most transnational corporations want is an employee with rich work experien

8、ce. Nowadays, employers pay more attention to48 skills and innovation ability,49 will enable their employees to make greater contributions and bring more benefits to the company. In this situation, those who have a higher degree but lack practical skills will not be50.Furthermore, postgraduates usua

9、lly51 a higher salary, while undergraduates tend to be satisfied with a lower starting salary. The best way to52 a company is to save costs and improve work efficiency. If you were the employer, would you be willing to pay more money53 an employee with less experience? I guess the answer is negative

10、.In a word, it is important for both undergraduates and postgraduates to 54 their knowledge structure and improve practical skills to survive in the55 social competition41.()A.meeting B.fair C.scene D.sight13.()A.dividing B.combining C.cutting D.joining14.46.()A.unsatisfied B.weak C.unhappy D.excite

11、d15.2.()A.accident B.condition C.incident D.disaster16.65.()A.suddenly B.personally C.eventually D.constantly17.51.()A.suggests B.is suggested C.suggest D.are suggested18.Mr. Johnson worked in an office. He was short and overweight, and he looked like a fifty-year-old man61he was no more than thirty

12、-five. He 62 three thousand dollars a month and had his own house and car. But he was very miserly(吝啬的) and had 63 friends. He took good care of nobody but 64. He was introduced to several girls, but he never bought any65 for them and no girl liked a man like him. So he had to 66 alone in his beauti

13、ful house. He was always sad of it but didnt know the67.One Sunday morning Mr. Johnson felt lonely 68 and went out for a walk near a park. It was a fine day. The sun was69 and the birds were singing in the trees. Beautiful 70 and green grass could be seen everywhere. He 71 about his sadness and walk

14、ed on. Suddenly he heard someone was calling from 72. He turned round and saw a pretty girl with a pair of glasses73 to catch up with him. He felt strange 74 he didnt know her at all, but he stopped to75 her.Dont you remember me, sir? asked the girl. I 76 you last December!Im77youre one of my childr

15、ens father. the girl said.Suddenly she found she didnt know the man at all and her 78 turned red and hurried off.79her walking away, Mr. Johnson could not understand 80 it meant. Of course, he didnt know that she was a primary school teacher()A.if B.whether C.though D.where19.48()A.that B.this C.one D.it20.59.()A.objects B.materials C.goods D.substances三、翻译(3题)21.该故事可以用一句话来概括22.In the modern world, success in many fields depends on getting the latest information23.男性在护理行业中占少数四、词汇与语法(0题)24.Following are comments a



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