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1、备考2023年山东省德州市统招专升本英语预测试题(含答案)学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_ 考号:_一、单选题(10题)1.Under no _ should you leave this city()A.conditions B.circumstances C.situations D.environment2.The new regulation does not _ until the first of March()A.take into accountB.go into effectC.carry into practiceD.put into operation3.It was()th

2、en that he realized the importance of a good mastery of computerA.not until B.until C.unless D.not unless4.My boss always attends to the()of important business himselfA.transaction B.stimulation C.transition D.solution5.Evidence came up()specific speech sounds are recognized by babies as young as si

3、x months oldA.what B.that C.which D.whom6.We have to get the road repaired()A.no matter how much does it costB.no matter how much costs itC.no matter how much it costsD.no matter it costs how much7.The university_ four colleges and five academies()A.is made of B.is composed of C.is consisted of D.co

4、mposed of8.Wed better take every _ to improve our English()A.time B.case C.thing D.chance9.I dont like to _ a room with a stranger()A.share B.live C.stay D.sleep10.During the races there were two accidents, including one_accident()A.deadly B.fatal C.killing D.deathly二、完型填空(10题)11.72.()A.ago B.later

5、C.before D.after12.61.()A.interested B.delighted C.tired D.bored13.73.()A.We B.It C.This D.You14.()A.hurts B.expresses C.matches D.affects15.57()A.simple B.facial C.single D.usual16.Peoples attitudes 41 gift-giving may 42 from country to country, 43 the desire to convey a feeling of friendship is un

6、iversal. Here is an example to 44 the differences.Japan is a 45 country. It is not 46 in Japan to offer a gift to a person who is 47 or has been helpful. When people do that, the gifts 48 be substantial and expensive. 49, at least in the typical Japanese style, it is not 50 to attach a thank-you not

7、e or card to the gift. Japanese people may express their 51 and friendship directly through the gift they have 52 and given to the person they love and respect.In 53, you are likely to get more cards 54 gifts in the United States. A card may come with a small gift or no gift at all. In general, Amer

8、ican people dont 55 very much whether the gift is expensive or not. As a matter of 56, your gift to them would be 57 all the more if you made it yourself 58 buying it from a store. and the words on the card seem to be the most important thing. 59 someone does not have a card on hand, he or she would

9、 write you a thank-you note on a piece of paper, give it to you 60 or put it in your pigeon hole()A.towards B.in C.on D.of17.60.()A.of B.on C.in D.about18.2()A.connected B.expanded C.exposed D.extended19.I once went to a town in the north of England on business.It was about 7:30 in the evening when

10、I reached the hotel. The manageress, a strict old lady of about 60, showed me to my room. When I asked her what time dinner was, she said there was only one at 6:30, and I had 51 it.Never mind, I said. Im not very hungry. Ill just have a drink in the bar and a sandwich.Bar! she 52 her voice. This is

11、 a respectable hotel, young man. If you want53, you must go somewhere else. She spoke as if a glass of beer was a dangerous drug.I went to a bar and had some beer and sandwiches and then went to the cinema. At about 11:30 I returned to the hotel. Everything was in darkness. I knocked at the door, bu

12、t nothing happened. The only sound was the church clock opposite, 54 suddenly struck the half-hour with55 force that it made me jump. Finally a window opened upstairs. The old lady56 and asked me what was going on. I explained who I was and she let me 57 after ten minuteswait. She was in her nightdr

13、ess. She told me seriously that guests were58 to be back in the hotel by 11 oclock.I went to bed but could not sleep. Every quarter of an hour the church clock struck and at midnight the whole hotel shook with the noise. Just before dawn, I finally fell asleep.When I arrived at59, everyone else had

14、nearly60 and there was not enough coffee to go round.Did you61 well, young man? the old lady asked.62, I dont think I could go through 63 night in that room, I replied. I hardly slept at all.Thats because you were up all night 64! she said angrily, putting a(n) 65 to the conversation51.()A.had B.pas

15、sed C.missed D.caught20.54.()A.suggest B.assure C.underline D.realize三、翻译(3题)21.尽管杰克自己并不富裕,但在别人需要帮忙时,他从不犹豫()22.An idle youth, a needy age23.我们必须立即采取措施防止这种事情再次发生四、词汇与语法(0题)24.Such books _ I have read are classical works()五、单选题(0题)25.Please dont be angry. I _ to help rather than to hurt you()A.plotted B.managed C.supposed D.meant六、单选题(0题)26.My camera can be _ to take pictures in cloudy or sunny conditions()A.treated B.adjusted C.adopted D.remedied参考答案



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