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1、(2022年)山西省吕梁市统招专升本英语真题(含答案)学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_ 考号:_一、单选题(10题)1.My room is in a mess, but I _ clean it before I go out tonight. I can do it in tomorrow morning()A.dare not B.shouldnt C.neednt D.mustnt2.She didnt recognize the man who hit her because she could only _ a dark shape moving towards her()A.make

2、 out B.turn out C.set out D.bring out3.(), the professor is still trying to learn a new languageA.However he is oldB.Old as he isC.He is as oldD.As old is he4.Not long ago, a person who I know very well was_ an accident()A.related to B.included in C.involved in D.subjected to5.Let us go to the park,

3、_()A.are you B.shall we C.wont you D.will you6.We had already sent out the invitation cards, but we didnt know how many people()A.come B.came C.will come D.would come7.He was afraid the others might think he was showing or being superior()A.in B.up C.out D.off8.The government _ to pressure from the

4、trade union and decided to better the working conditions()A.refused B.responded C.roared D.instructed9.I must decline it because the conditions you offered are not _()A.capable B.available C.acceptable D.comfortable10.The old man has two sons, _ are lawyers()A.both of them B.both of who C.both of wh

5、om D.both of they二、完型填空(10题)11.()A.followed B.sounded C.slowed down D.went on12.20)()A.about B.how C.but D.only13.57.()A.particularly B.favorably C.properly D.especially14.46.()A.brain B.mouth C.hands D.legs15._()A.player B.person C.winner D.enemy16.77.()A.should B.could C.might D.would17.49.()A.by

6、B.on C.over D.into18.6()A.what B.which C.where D.whom19.66.()A.throw B.walk C.climb D.fix20.The person who can see a ship without some feeling of excitement must have very little imagination. Even the idea of leaving the solid land56 most of us were born and brought57, and going out on to the ever-m

7、oving waters must arouse58 some feelings of strangeness. We may remember stories of terrible storms, with waves59 mountains, and of people from ships which have sunk60 weeks in small boats hundreds of miles from land. But we have also61 joy of traveling on calm seas under blue62, and of the 63 excit

8、ement of coming to a new beautiful land which we have seen only in pictures before.64 ships are not, of course, made chiefly for pleasure: their biggest use is in carrying goods from country to country.65, ships can carry more goods than66 means of transport, and can67 so more cheaply. If ships68, t

9、he British government would not be able to feed69 people.Ships also have made70 to discover more and more distant parts of our world. 71 is known to all, Columbus used a ship to discover America about 500 years ago. And72, ships are used for exploring the Antarctic. 73 would, in fact, not be 74 to s

10、ay that ships have for thousands of years 75 one of the most important parts in shaping society56.()A.by which B.from which C.on which D.for which三、翻译(3题)21.如果你想学到一些东西,那你就应该自己参加到这项工作中去22.Its not the money that matters, but the sense of self-worth23.他受到他人的尊重,因为他有很强的正义感四、词汇与语法(0题)24.Do you know what s

11、he is majoring _ at college now()五、单选题(0题)25.The number of employees at the factoryto a minimum so as to lower production costs()A.is cutting B.are cutting C.has been cut D.have been cut六、单选题(0题)26.It is very expensive to _ the fashion()A.go along with B.get on with C.keep up with D.carry on with参考答

12、案1.C我的房间很乱,但是在今晚出去之前我不需要打扫,我可以明天早晨再打扫。考点情态动词【精析】Cdare not:不敢;shouldnt:不应该;neednt:不需要;mustnt:不准。根据句意可知,选C2.A她没认出撞她的男子,因为她只能辨认出一个黑影朝她走来。考点词义辨析【精析】Amake out:辨认出;turn out:结果是,证明是;set out:出发,动身;bring out:使显现,使表现出,生产,出版。根据句意可知,选A3.B这位教授虽然年老了,但仍试着学习一门新语言。本题考查倒装。as 引导让步状语从句时,意为尽管,虽然,通常从句要用倒装,即把从句的表语或状语放至as之

13、前。本题中,old 要放在 as 之前,所以应选B4.CCbe related to:与有关;be included in:包含于中;be involved in:被卷入中;be subjected to:经受,遭受。根据句意可知,选C5.D让我们去公园吧,好吗?考点反意疑问句【精析】D当祈使句以Lets开头时,反意疑问句要用shall we;当祈使句以Let us开头时,反意疑问句要用will you。故选D6.D我们已经把请柬发出去了,但我们不知道有多少人会来。考点动词时态【精析】D根据句中的didnt know可知,这里表示过去发生的事情,从句谓语动词应用过去时态,故可排除选项A、C。另

14、外,根据句意可知,这里应用过去将来时,表示在过去看来将要发生的事情,即谓语动词用would/should+动词原形的形式。故选D。考生应注意区分一般将来时和过去将来时所参照时间点的差别:一般将来时表示从现在看来将要发生某件事,而过去将来时是从过去看来将要发生某件事7.D他害怕其他人会认为他是在炫耀或高人一等。考点词语搭配【精析】Dshow off为固定短语,意为炫耀,夸耀。show up意为显现;show通常不与in和out搭配。故选D8.B句意:政府迫于工会压力而做出了响应, 决定改善工作条件。词义辨析。A. refused拒绝; B. responded(to)响应, 作答; C. roa

15、red吼叫, 呼喊, 喧闹, 轰鸣着疾驰; D. instructed指导。依据词义辨析和句意, 应该选B9.C由于你方所提供的条件我不能接受,所以我只得婉拒。考点词义辨析【精析】Ccapable:有能力的,能够做的;available:可用的,可获得的;acceptable:可接受的;comfortable:舒适的。根据句意可知,选C10.C老人有两个儿子,他们俩都是律师。考点定语从句【精析】C分析句子结构可知,逗号之后为非限制性定语从句,修饰指代人的先行词two sons。结合选项可知,应用关系代词whom引导,作介词of的宾语,both of whom在句中相当于 and both of them。选项A前面缺少关联词;选项B中的who不能作介词宾语;选项D形式不正确。故选C11.C本题考查的是短语辨析以及对上下文的理解。根据文章意思,我的脚步慢了下来,所以应该是slow down,故C正确。



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