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1、广东省湛江市成考专升本考试2022年英语第二次模拟卷附答案学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_ 考号:_一、单选题(30题)1.The search was _ when night came, even though the child had not been foundA.approved B.acquired C.achieved D.abandoned2. Jane has brown hair, in fact, its quite similar in B.with D.to3. -If you are offered a trip to

2、the moon, _ it?-Of course. Why not?A.did you acceptB.are you going to acceptC.will you acceptD.would you accept4.- Between the two possible plans, I m bound _the second oneA.favouring favour C.for favouring favouring5. The heavy snow could not keep US_going out to workA.on B.up C.upon

3、om6. They required that all the necessary documents _ to the presidents office before the end of this handedB.must be handedC.should hand inD.had been handed in7.These national parks are very important for preserving many animals, which would run the risk of becoming extinct.A.instead B.t

4、herefore C.nevertheless D.otherwise8.That is the only way we can imagine _ the overuse of water in students bathrooms.A.reducing reduce C.reduced D.reduce9.The scientists all agreed that rules of physics, _ we are all familiar, govern the which B.on which C.which D.with which10. No co

5、nclusion has been _ yet.A.achieved B.reached C.attained D.arrived11.Tom was about to close the windows _ his attention was caught by a birdA.when B.suddenly C.and D.till12. Shes fainted. Throw some water on her face and she may_.A.come round B.come back C.come again D.come out13.Helen always helps h

6、er grandmother even though going to school _ most of her day.A.takes up B.make up up D.put up14. _today, be would get there by Friday.A.Were he leaveB.Was be leavingC.Were he to leaveD.If he leaves15. Sometimes children have trouble _ fact from fiction and may believe that such things actuall

7、y separate B.separating C.for separating D.of separating16. Not only I but also Tom and Mary _fond of collecting B.will C.are D.have17.The novel written by the author _ well, but five years agro no one could have imagined how great a role he _ in the literary worldA.sells; was

8、 to playB.selling; was playingC.sold; had playedD.sell; is playing18. Mr. Black, our new English teacher, is strict_kind.A.or B.but C.with well19. Thats me when I got married. See what I look like now! Why not go on a diet to get into _ ?A.shape B.form C.appearance D.body20. Let me help you, _?

9、A.wont yon B.will you C.shall I D.shant I21. Sickness deprived me _ the pleasure of seeing you.A.from B.of C.out of D.with22. My father_me by saying that I could win in the speech contest, so I took part in it.A.discouraged B.encouraged C.prevented D.asked23.Tom and Jack are both very clever. _, Tom

10、 is _Jack.A.All in all; as a clever boy asB.In other words; as clever a boy asC.That is to say; as a clever boy asD.In word; as clever a boy as24.The problem was settled to the complete of them, so they didn t complain.A.amazement B.satisfaction C.disappointment D.attraction25. The education system

11、rather than the teachers_to answer for the overburden on the studentsI agreeI hope the reform. being carried out in our country will hang about the_results.A.are; desired; desired C.are; desiring; desiring26.The squirrel was lucky that it just missed _.A.catching be caught C.being cau

12、ght catch27. I wonder how much _ .A.that car was B.was that car that car D.that car is28. This is just the place_he and his wife visited last year.A.where B.that C.when D.why29.We must _ early in the morning so as to catch the first train.Aset upBset outCset aboutDset aside30.Balloons floa

13、t in the air_ boats do on the sea.A.just as B.when C.that D.where二、汉译英(10题)31. 他别无选择 but to lay facts before the public exactly as they occurred.32. (尽管如此), it can unnecessarily disrupt a persons life by making him afraid of having panic attack in public place.33. 据报道,地震毁坏了许多建筑。34. (无论在什么情况下) can we

14、 accept cheque or credit card.35. 这位古希腊哲学家似乎能用简单的文字表达复杂的思想。36. (听说有客人要来), she shopped all morning in that supermarket.37. (给我印象最深的) was his image.38. (迄今为止), he has read all the books stored in the small library.39. 我们认为学习理论而不实践是没用的。40. 如我们所知,韩国人与日本人和中国人一样对围棋(the game of Go)极为热衷。三、语法与词汇(10题)41. His face _ (dark) with anger when he heard the bad news.42.He was about halfway through his meal _ a familiar voice came to his earsA.why B.where C.when D.while43. There is no _ (rely) information about the child who was found missing


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