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1、2021-2022学年辽宁省辽阳市成考专升本英语第一次模拟卷(含答案)学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_ 考号:_一、单选题(30题)1._ many times, he finally understood the problem.A.Told B.Telling C.Having told D.Having been told2.It is reported that many a new house _ at present in the disaster areaA.are being builtB.were being builtC.was being builtD.is being bu

2、ilt3.The scientists all agreed that rules of physics, _ we are all familiar, govern the worldA.to which B.on which C.which D.with which4. This is just the place_he and his wife visited last year.A.where B.that C.when D.why5. Jane has brown hair, in fact, its quite similar in shade_yours.A.as B.with

3、C.like D.to6. So badly _ in the car accident that he had to stay in hospital for several weeks.A.did he injure B.he injure C.was he injured D.he was injured7._ crying sadly, he raised his head and let tears stream down his face on purposeA.To be seen B.Seeing C.To see D.Having seen8. -If you are off

4、ered a trip to the moon, _ it?-Of course. Why not?A.did you acceptB.are you going to acceptC.will you acceptD.would you accept9. We were overjoyed at the news of China_ another man-made satel1iteA.starting B.1aunching C.fighting D.shouting10.The search was _ when night came, even though the child ha

5、d not been foundA.approved B.acquired C.achieved D.abandoned11.Busy as they are, parents should _ at least two hours to spend with their children.A.set out B.set away C.set aside D.set off12.Not until he left his home _ to know how important the family was for him.A.did he begin B.had he begun C.he

6、began D.he has begun13.I wondered what difficulty he had _ the plan?A.to carry outB.carrying outC.carried outD.with carrying out14. Thats me when I got married. See what I look like now! Why not go on a diet to get into _ ?A.shape B.form C.appearance D.body15. Finally he got time for a glance_this r

7、eport.A.off B.round C.on D.at16. Not only I but also Tom and Mary _fond of collecting stamps.A.am B.will C.are D.have17.We must _ early in the morning so as to catch the first train.Aset upBset outCset aboutDset aside18. His handwriting is _yours.A.more better B.as well as C.much better than D.as be

8、tter as19.Balloons float in the air_ boats do on the sea.A.just as B.when C.that D.where20.Tom and Jack are both very clever. _, Tom is _Jack.A.All in all; as a clever boy asB.In other words; as clever a boy asC.That is to say; as a clever boy asD.In word; as clever a boy as21.All the students went

9、to the magic show yesterday. It was really _A.amusingly B.amuse C.amusing D.amused22.While _ a job ,the graduate student got an offer to study abroadA.applied for B.applying to C.applied to D.applying for23.Mary, _ hereeverybody else, stay where you areA.come B.comes C.to come D.coming24. _ you may

10、be right, I cant altogether agree.A.While B.As C.if D.Since25. Let me help you, _?A.wont yon B.will you C.shall I D.shant I26. I wonder how much _ .A.that car was B.was that car C.is that car D.that car is27. Sometimes children have trouble _ fact from fiction and may believe that such things actual

11、ly exist.A.to separate B.separating C.for separating D.of separating28.Little_that their plan has beenDiscoveredA.did they suspectB.do the suspectC.do they suspectD.they suspect29.I noticed his eyes _, because they were very large.A.in particular B.with particular C.in special D.with special30.After

12、 all this time youd think hed have forgotten, _ ?A.should you B.wouldnt you C.dont you D.do you二、汉译英(10题)31. He has a large collection of books, (其中不少是英文版的).32. 箱子太重了那孩子搬不动。33. 幸亏有他的帮助,我们得以按时完成任务。34. 你可以借这本书,条件是不要把它借给别人。35. 老师要求我们依次回答问题。36. 她从来不笑,也不发脾气。37. 如果你有空的话,请来参加我们的讨论会。38. 如果有机会,约翰也许就已经成为一位杰出的

13、画家了。39. (不管谁犯了法) will be punished.40. In the supermarket (人人自助购物).三、语法与词汇(10题)41.-Do you think I can use your dictionary? - _ .A.Yes,you may useB.Yes,you canC.Sure,here you areD.Certainly,go out42.It is said that the early European playing-cards _ for entertainment and educationA.were being designed

14、B.have designedC.have been designedD.were designed43. Children have a natural _ (curious) about the world around them.44. When we arrived, she was _ (occupation) in writing a letter to her sister in America.45. Nowadays, there are still many_(race) conflicts in different parts in the world.46. Frankfurt, Germany, is in one of the most _ (dense) populated regions of Western Europe.47. She needs some comfort, but I really cant think of anything _



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