
考前必备考前必备 20222022 年教师资格之中学英语学科知识与教年教师资格之中学英语学科知识与教学能力考前冲刺模拟试卷学能力考前冲刺模拟试卷 A A 卷卷(含答案含答案)单选题(共单选题(共 6060 题)题)1、Passage 1 A.The riches B.The treasure C.The adventure D.The treasure discovery【答案】D 2、When you come to our city you can see_ yourself how beautiful it is.A.in B.for C.to D.with【答案】B 3、请阅读 Passage2。完成第小题。A.More Americans choose to watch the World Cup by smart phones,tablets and computers than before B.After the elimination of the US team,Americans still focus on non-US games C.Most matches of the World Cup are shown during business hours D.The large demand of the World Cup has a negative effect on ESPNs feeds【答案】A 4、Passage 1 A.Traffic lights turn out to be not perfect all the time B.Phones with SignalGuru can be a great aid to drivers C.Drivers are often struck at unmanaged junctions D.Cities in the developed countries need SignalGuru badly【答案】B 5、Toms school was on the other side of the road,so he was told to watch out for cars whent _he street.A.crossing B.cross C.crossed D.to cross【答案】A 6、()the same mistakes in the annual financial report again made his boss very angry.A.His having made B.He having made C.He had made D.He has made【答案】A 7、If we_our test tomorrow,I would have gone to the concert.A.werent to have B.had not been to have C.arent to have D.had not had【答案】A 8、Despite being taken from very different sources,the results are remarkably_.A.consistent B.constant C.contradictory D.controversial【答案】A 9、Which of the following shows the general intonation pattern of a coordinate sentence?A.You train the troops for six months and you send them abroaD B.You train the troops for six months and you send them abroaD C.You train the troops for six months and you send them abroa D.You train the troops for six months and you send them abroad【答案】A 10、Which of the following can be regarded as a communicative language task?A.Information-gap activity B.Dictation C.Sentence transformation D.Blank-filling【答案】A 11、Which of the following is NOT a suitable pre-reading activity?A.Demonstrating skimming and scanning techniques B.Writing a similar text C.Introducing the elements of the reading text D.Writing questions about the topic【答案】B 12、Which of the following pairs of words are gradable antonyms?A.Buy and sell B.Big and small C.Male and female D.Red and green【答案】B 13、Which of the following is not an interactive activity?A.Looking at the picture below and discussing the questions with your partner B.Listening to the tape again and retelling the story with the filled chart C.Discussing the following questions in group D.Asking another group to give you some advice on improving your work【答案】B 14、After _ seemed an endless wait,it was her turn to enter the chief managers A.that B.it C.what D.there【答案】C 15、-Why does John speak through every discussion but never listen to the others A.can B.might C.ought to D.will【答案】D 16、There is no need_ to teach children how to behave.A.however B.whatsoever C.forever D.whenever【答案】B 17、-Hi,this way,please.A.direction B.position C.situation D.condition【答案】A 18、Passage 1 A.They pump the air continuously to the units in each room B.They lower the temperature of the water in the system C.They help the water cool down naturally on the roof D.They gradually clean the water as it flows through the building【答案】B 19、Campaigning on the Indian frontier is an experience by itself.Neither the landscape nor the people find their counterparts A.Melting snows B.Large population C.Steep hillsides D.Fertile valleys【答案】B 20、Hurricanes are severe cyclones with winds over seventy five miles an hour _ originate over tropical ocean waters.A.which B.who C.where D.how to【答案】A 21、As modern linguistics aims to describe and analyze the language people actually use,and not to lay down rules for“correct”linguistic behavior,it is said to be _.?A.prescriptive B.sociolinguisti C.Cdescriptive D.psycholinguistiC【答案】C 22、请阅读 Passage 1。完成小题。A.identify other cultures in which fables were the primary method by which to pass on?traditions and values B.explicitly name the various types of characters in those cultures fables C.stress that mythology was used by cultures other than the Greeks to convey societal morals D.establish them,in addition to the Greeks,as the societies most notable for their mythology【答案】C 23、Which of the following statements about task-based language teaching is NOT true?A.Students should be given tasks to perform or problems to solve in the classroom B.Students are task-driven C.Task-based language teaching is student-centered D.Task-based language teaching follows the PPP model【答案】D 24、What is the right pronunciation of the word permit when it is used as a noun?A.pomit B.pomrt C.po:mrt D.pa:mit【答案】D 25、Passage 2 A.He mass-produced milk chocolate bars for the wealthy B.He duplicated the brand of Hersheys Kisses in 1907 for Halloween C.He employed Harry Burnett Reese who later founded his own company D.He encouraged Forrest Mars and Bruce Murrie to jointly produce M&Ms【答案】C 26、There are two factors

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