Unit 1 5 Writing Writing—An opinion essay about the scientific spirit-教案课件-高中英语选择性必修二

Period Five Writing—An opinion essay about the scientific spirit 写作指导 本单元的写作目标是“观点”。要求就有关科学家的精神进行分析并针对这些故事说出学生的看法。文章应有一定的人物描写,主要是介绍某科学家的基本信息及其事迹,针对科学家的生活、工作和学习发生的故事,学生发表自己的观点。 1.人物描写的写作步骤: (1)总体介绍。 (2)列举主要经历。 (3)发表观点。 2.语言特征 (1)遵循真实性原则,进行客观描述。 (2)简明扼要、目的明确、具有合理性和说服力。 3.在写作过程中要注意人称的变化和时态的正确运用。描写人物的外貌、性格、兴趣等常用一般现在时,而描写人物的出生地和出生日期、教育背景、经历、事迹等常用一般过去时。 常用表达 1.He/She was born in China on Nov.13,1968. 2.He/She was a great man with the name of... 3.He/She was born into a poor family. 4.He/She studied at a local high school and graduated from Beijing University. 5.He/She is such a learned/strong­willed person that we all admire/respect him/her. 6.He/She devoted all his/her life to the work. 7.He/She made great contributions to our country. 8.He/She was highly thought of by many people. 9.He/She will live in the hearts of us forever. 10.He/She devotes himself/herself to achieving his/her life goal. 牛顿是世界著名的科学家,关于他的故事有很多,请你根据他煮鸡蛋的故事,以“A Story of Newton”写一篇文章,并据此发表一下自己的对科学精神的看法。词数80左右。 审题 写作要求是描述牛顿煮鸡蛋的故事。写作时应注意下面几点: 1.确定文体:这是一篇夹叙夹议,是学生熟悉的文体,写作中应注意记叙文的四要素,以及学生的评论和观点。 2.主体时态:文章应以一般过去时为主,议论部分为一般现在时。 3.主体人称:描写,所以人称应该以第三人称为主,议论部分为第一人称。 谋篇 第一段:概括介绍。 第二段:叙述故事。 第三段:发表观点。 核心词汇 1.最有天赋的the most gifted 2.专注于be attentive 3.从事于be engaged in 4.煮鸡蛋 cook the eggs 5.计算calculate 6.不仅……而且……not only...but also... 连词成句 1.一个仆人为牛顿做饭。 A servant cooked for Newton. 2.他想要出去。 He wanted to go out. 3.你要聪明。 You need a clever mind. 4.你应该专注于你正在做的事情。 You should pay full attention to what you are doing. 句式升级 1.请用定语从句合并句1和句2。 A servant who cooked for Newton wanted to go out. 2.把句3和句4合并成并列句。 You not only need a clever mind,but also should pay full attention to what you are doing. 用适当的过渡词语,把以上词汇和句式,再加上联想内容,组成一篇80词左右的英语短文。 参考范文 A Story of Newton Isaac Newton is the greatest and most gifted scientist ever.Newton was very attentive when he was engaged in scientific research and often forgot the little things in daily life.Once,when a servant who cooked for Newton wanted to go out,he asked Newton to cook the eggs himself.However,when the servant came back,he found a pocket watch was actually cooked in the pot,but the eggs were still in place.It turned out that Newton was absorbed in calculation and threw the pocket watch into the pot. From the story we can see that to be a great scientist,you not only need a clever mind,but also you should pay full attention to what you are doing.If you want to achieve something,focus on it and be determined until you have made it.

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