
2023年江苏省徐州市邳州车辐职业中学高二英语下学期期末试卷含解析 一、 选择题 1. The roads are crowded __________ walking to work is even quicker than driving.    A. so that        B. in order to  C. so as to           D. so as that 参考答案: A 略 2. — George,the old washing machine doesn't work! —How come? The repairman just demonstrated(演示)the machine to us and it       well. A. had been working    B. would work C. works    D. was working 参考答案: D 【详解】考查时态。句意:——乔治,这台旧洗衣机不好使了。——怎么会呢?修理工刚刚向我们演示了这台机器,它运转良好。根据答语可知此处表示刚刚正在发生的事情,表示过去进行的动作应该用过去进行时,故D项正确。 3.  ----But how will you get there? ----______________. I won't have a car, will I? A. I don’t get it                                              B. That is a good point     C. I will make a fuss of you                      D. I managed somehow 参考答案: B 4. ——Hi, Tracy; how are you doing? ——I’m tired out, for I ______my living room all day. A.painted                        B.had painted C.have painted   D.have been painting 参考答案: D 5. So difficult __________it to live in an English-speaking country that I determined to learn English. (   ) A.I have felt B.have I felt C.I did feel D.did I feel 参考答案: 7.【答案】D   6. There is no doubt that ____ music is playing ____ important part in our daily life.    A. 不填, 不填       B. 不填, an       C. the, 不填            D. the , an 参考答案: B 略 7. Jim had his left leg ______ in the football match yesterday.    A. break                      B. broke                     C. broken                    D. breaking 参考答案: C 略 8. -----What is the noise? -----Oh, I forgot to tell you. The new machine _________. A. was tested          B. will be tested    C. is being tested     D. has been tested 参考答案: C 略 9. –Which would you drink, tea or coffee?      --______. A. I’d prefer coffee than tea B. I’d rather drink tea than coffee C. Good idea. D. It’s nice to have a drink. 参考答案: B 10. The father as well as his three children_____ skating on the freezing river every Sunday afternoon in winter.   A. is going  B. go    C. goes      D. are going 参考答案: C 11. With the help of high technology, more and more new substances________ in the past years. A. discovered                   B. have discovered    C. had discovered                  D. have been discovered 参考答案: D 12. The old woman ______ her sons and daughter ______ and see her from time to time.        A. suggested; to come                                    B. desired; coming              C. desired; to come              D. hoped; to come 参考答案: c 略 13. He must have passed this way, _____ here are his footprints. A. for              B. now that C. because of   D. since 参考答案: A 略 14. High school is undoubtedly a time of growth, both physically and emotionally, ________ academically and socially. A. but     B. as well as       C. therefore     D. rather 参考答案: B 15. --- I’m not good at singing, you know.   ---        ! It’s just for fun. A. No problem    B. Cheer up      C. What a pity     D. Come on 参考答案: D 略 16. — Do you think he would have given you a hand in your time of financial difficulty? — He ______ if he had known about it. We are very good friends. A. must have         B. can’t have                C. wouldn’t have           D. should have 参考答案: D 二、 书面表达 17. 假定你是李华,你校摄影俱乐部(photography club)将举办国际中学摄影展。请给你的英国朋友Peter写封信。请他提供作品。信的内容包括: 1.主题:环境保护; 2.展览时间; 3.投稿邮箱:. 注意: 1.词数100左右; 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 3.提示:国际中学摄影展:an International High School Students Photography Show _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ 参考答案: Dear Peter, Our school photography club is going to hold an International High School students Photography Show. The theme of the show is environmental protection. It will start from June15th and last three weeks. Any students who is interested in are welcome to participate. I know you take good pictures and you've always wanted to do something for environmental protection. I remember you showed me some photos on that theme the last time you visited our school. This is surely a good chance for more people to see them. If you want to join, you can send your photos to . Hope to hear from you soon.... Yours Lihua 本篇书面表达属于应用文,要求写一封信,请你的朋友提供摄影作品。本文内容完整,语言规范,语篇连贯,词数适当。 【亮点说明】本篇范文结构合理,涵盖了所有要点。文章流畅通顺,且使用了一些复杂句式,如Any students who is interested in are welcome to participate.这个句子虽然不是太长,但是却包含了一个定语从句。I remember you showed me some photos on that theme the last time you visited our school.这个句子中包含了名词短语引导的时间状语从句,这些都为文章增色不少。 三、 阅读理解 18. The bristlecone pine (狐尾松) is one of the longest-living things on Earth. These trees, with their strangely shaped branches, can live up to 5,000 years, but experts worry that a warming climate in some areas may threaten its future. Researchers say warmer weather is permitting a similar kind of tree, the limber pine (柔枝松), to

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