
Lesson 41 Illusions of Pastoral peace 宁静田园生活的遐想New words and expression 生词和短语 illusion ilu:3en n.幻想,错觉under illusion that/under the impression thatI am under the impression that you are honest.We live under the illusion.I am under the impression that he will help me every day.under no illusion thatWe live under no illusion that country life is beautiful,have illusion about/have no illusion aboutdelusion幻觉,(精神病人)Eg:He is under the delusion that somebody will kill him tomorrow.He lives under the delusion that he will be killed sometime,vision憧景Eg:I live under the vision that I have a bright future.illusioned adj.充满幻想的Eg:The world of children is illusioned.illusionary adj.错觉的,幻觉的Eg:Dont believe in him.What he said is illusionary picture,illusive adj.虚假的,不可靠的Eg:What he described was illusive.Dont depend on him any more,imaginaryimagingEg:I cant imagine building Great Wall.imaginary虚构的Eg:The story is imaginary,Dont be taken in.imaginaryThe story is imaginary.Dont be taken in.imaginative富有想像力的Children are more imaginative than adults.unimaginative缺乏想像力的imaginable能想像得出的,(须放在被修饰词之后)This is the idea/way imaginable.imaginary/imaginative/imaginable/unimaginaticeWe are imaginativeillusionary/imaginary 虚构的 pastoral pa:steral a d j.田园的 breed bri:d v.培育vt.breed/bred/bredbreed/raise/bring up/rearraise/breed petsraise/breed dogs.Do you raise dogs?educateAs a mother,you must breed good manners into your child.rear抚养,I must rear the child because I have the duty.He rears/breeds/raises two dogs.grow/plant treecause/lead/result in/give rise toWar breeds misery and ru in.战争导致毁灭和悲惨。Your carelessness bred the accidentbreed in and in 近亲结婚,同种繁殖breed out and o u t非近亲结婚,异种繁殖breed/raise/bring up/cause rapture Yaeptfa n.欣喜great joy/delightAt the news,they are in raptures.At the news,they are great delighted.in raptures(about/over sth.)(对.)欣喜若狂I am in raptures about the new book.go into raptures(over/about/at sth.)(对.)感到非常的高兴!He went into raptures when he heard the good news.joy/happinessWe have a good time and we are full of happiness.delight高兴,喜悦,程度强于joy,但不如rapture,也不如rapture那么正式,I feel delighted=I am in rapturesecstasy入迷;狂喜He is in ecstasy.enchant v enchantment 入迷,He was enchanted in thoughts,elation兴高采烈;得意洋洋He has got the feeling of elation,bliss极乐;无尚的幸福Nothing in the world can make you happier than bliss.A sound sleep is my blissglee欢乐,高兴,欢 心(诗歌中)rapture/in raptures/go into raptures/joy/happiness/delight/ecstasy/enchantment/elation/bliss/glee extol ikseul v.赞美,颂扬vt.praiseI cant find a good word to praise you/your ability.I want to extol the virtues of human pliment v.&n.恭维Do you often compliment.?exalt赞扬,歌颂,吹捧You disgust me.why do you extol such a stupid person.laud赞美I want to do nothing but laud you.What do you want to laud me?I want to laud your beauty,ability and your wealth.extol/praise/compliment/exalt/laud superior|su:pioria adj.优越的better than the average无比较级和最高级be superior t o 比优越In my opinion,town life is superior to country life.interiorbe interior t o 比低,不如Country life is superior to city lifesuperior/interiorseniorsenior high schooljuniorThe word is basicjunior high schoolsenior/juniorposterior/prior 后于/先于This work is prior to that one.of no confidence/importance/significanceIt should be inferior to that one.superior/inferior/senior/junior/posterior/priorbe prior to cockcrow fkok.krau n.鸡叫 twitter twite v.(鸟)吱吱叫,喊喊喳喳叫 glint glint v.闪烁shine/flash/glitterflash表示忽明忽暗的闪光,也可以指反光镜反出来的光线Eg:A lighthouse is flashing in the distance.glim表示透过某种媒介而透出来的光线,比如透过茫茫大雾的光芒Eg:Through the fog,we saw a lighthouse glimming.glint表示迅速闪烁的微弱的光,比如阳光下闪烁的露水光Eg:The sun glinted through the leaves.glisten潮湿的物体上所反射的光泽,或是柔弱的光辉Eg:The white snow glistened in all the colors of rainbow.flicker表示蜡烛或油灯在即将熄灭时的所发出的摇曳的光Eg:On the cold night,I sat in front of the only one candle which wasflickering.flash/glim/glint/glisten/flicher pasture paestj n.牧场 idyllic aidilik ad j.田园诗的He is leading an idyllic life virtually valjuali adv.几乎;差不多 dubious dju:bias adj.可疑的,怀疑的doubtful/uncertain/questionable/suspicious/scepticaldubiousbe dubious about/of对怀疑,对不肯定,主要表示不肯定的,不确定的doubt/suspectEg:I suspect that he stole the car last night.语气较肯定的猜疑I doubt whether he stole the car.语气不太肯定suspicious/doubtfulCats are suspicious of human beings.I am not sure about your ability to do so.I am doubtful of your ability.I am dubious about your ability.questionable强调质疑,有问施的,值得争议的This is a questionable conclusion/decision.sceptical怀疑论的,怀疑的(正式用法)suspiciousYour idea is sceptical.dubious/dubious about(of)/doubtful/uncertain/suspicious/sceptical/questionable privilege privilids n.特权 misery mizari n.苦难acquaintance ekweintans n.熟人 treat tri:t n.难得的乐事,享受be ones treatL请 客=sb.stand treatEg:Let*s go to have dinner.Its my treattreat sb.totake sb.to dinnerEg:Its my pleasure to take you to dinner.stand treatI stand treat 我作东。2.对待treat sb.asI treat him as my best friend.treat with s b.跟某人商谈I cant bring it to a conclusion.I want to treat with you.treat of sth./sb.=speak ofWe speak/treat of tramps contemptuously.2.荣幸

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