
2022年北京丰台区丰台第一中学高二英语联考试题含解析 一、 选择题 1. —That company has decided to ________ 50 new staff this year. —Great. I think I can try my luck.     A. take in B. take on      C. take up     D. take off 参考答案: B 2. – I hear that Mary won the prize of the physics contest. -- __________  She was not interested in it at all. A. So what?     B. Why not?       C. You’re kidding!     D. I think so. 参考答案: c 略 3.  --- How was your trip to New York, Jennifer?    --- Fantastic! That was the first time I _______ to such a big city. It’s so impressive. A. have taken           B. had taken C. have been taken             D. had been taken 参考答案: D 4. _______ you can think of someone who deserves an apology from you, someone you have wronged or judged too roughly, do something about it right now.   A. Although                            B. If                            C. In order that                                   D. Before 参考答案: B 3.----- Did you have a good time at the party? ------ Thanks. I appreciate ______ to your house. A. to be invited       B. being invited       C. to have invited      D. having invited 参考答案: B 略 6. When he opened his eyes, he found himself ________ in the hospital.   A. lie         B. lying          C. lied            D. to lie 参考答案: B 略 7. It will take us about an hour to get to the airport, _______ possible traffic delay.   A. allowed for       B. allowing        C. allowed           D. allowing for 参考答案: D 8. ----I couldn’t come to help you because my car was broken.     ----______We’ve all heard that excuse before. A. All right.     B. Oh come on !     C. Not at all.     D. Doesn’t matter. 参考答案: B 9. The audience, ________, enjoyed the performance. A.most of them were students B.most of whom were students C.of them most were students D.whom were students 参考答案: 答案:B “most of whom were students”在此修饰先行词the audience,为非限制性定语从句。 10. From the ______ expression on her face, we knew that she was very ______ with the result.    A. exciting; pleasing             B. exciting; pleased  C. excited; pleased               D. excited; pleasing 参考答案: C 11. He is a ________ musician, as he could write some music from his childhood and now he is very famous all over the world. A. ambitious         B. talented            C. clever             D. diligent 参考答案: B 12. The palace caught fires three times in the last century, and little of the original building   _______ now. A. remains          B. is remained         C. is remaining    D. has been remained 参考答案: A 13. —You hate Lee, don’t you? — ______ I just think he’s a bit annoying, that’s all. A. Indeed.          B. Not exactly.     C. Of course.    D. Why not? 参考答案: B 略 14. .She will be ____ three years in jail at least as a result of encouraging others to take drug. A.condemned  B.condemned to  C.condemning to  D.condemning 参考答案: B 略 15. Your mother told me that you started ____ some time ago. A. smoke             B. smoking  C .to be smoked      D . smoked 参考答案: B 16. He opened the door only to find many teachers ______ at the back of the classroom. A. seating                       B. seated                   C. were seating           D. seat 参考答案: B 17. _________ much work you have to finish every day, it is wise to get lots of sleep.   A.However                     B. Whichever                     C. Whatever         D. Whenever 参考答案: A 二、 单词拼写 18. They also try to make       (联系) that may seem strange at first. 参考答案: connections 71. It’s not a good idea to carry too much _______(现金) when you travel. 72. They are careful about what they eat and exercise ___________(有规律地) 73. Online _______ (购物) is more and more popular and many people would rather buy basic goods at home. 74. We have to make sure that the cars, taxis, buses and trains we use do not _______ (污染) the air. 75. The drugs that are _________(可利用的) are much too expensive. 76. Thousands of children become i__________ with HIV every day. 77. HIV spreads through b________ and other body liquids. 78. Xiaohua is trying to p________ hospitals and companies to spend more money on AIDS research and education. 79. As with most diseases and disasters, the young s__________ the most. 80. Although she met many difficulties, Helen was not d__________. She continued struggling with the disease. 参考答案: 71. cash      72. shopping   73. pollute      74. available  75. regularly  76. infected   77. blood      78. persuade    79. suffer     80. discouraged 三、 阅读理解 20. Harvard University in the United States has been ranked as the university with the best "reputation" in the world. The Times Higher Education magazine has listed 200 top universities all over the world based on how they are regarded by a group of international college teachers. That is to say the list measures how universities are regarded, rather than how they actually performed. A subjective, word-of-mouth(口碑的)quality such as "repu

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