(广东专用)高中英语 Unit14 SectionⅠWarm up & Lesson1精品 北师大必修5

Section Warmup&Lesson 1自学导引新知初探自学导引新知初探Step One:Words and Phrases.词汇知知识1._(n.)津津贴;奖金金2._(n.)收入收入3._(n.)奖赏4._(vt.)收收费,要价,要价(n.)负责5._(n.)摘要;摘要;总结bonusincomerewardchargesummary6._(n.)指指导7._(n.)段落段落8._(n.)援助;帮助援助;帮助9.topic(n.)_10.error(n.)_prehension(n.)_12.consult(vt.)_13.chart(n.)_guidanceparagraphaid题目;目;话题错误理解理解请教;教;查阅表格;表格;图表表14.causal(adj.)_15.quarrel(vi.)_.重点短重点短语1.give aid _为提供帮助提供帮助2.keep_ 保持保持镇静静3.take charge _掌管;掌管;负责4.send sth._ 把把送走送走5.put on 穿上穿上6.consult sb._ 就就请教某人教某人非正式的非正式的争吵;吵架争吵;吵架to calm of off about Step Two:Fast ReadingScan the text and then choose the best answer according to the text.1.From the text,if most of your answers are“a”,you may be a(n)_ person.AreliableBconfidentCgenerous DemotionalC2.If you choose“b”in question 2,which job fits you?()ATeller(出出纳员).BNurse.CArtist.DManager.A3.Since you are very motivated and strong,in the situation of question 3,what will you not do?()ATake charge of the situation.BAsk a small group to go to the nearby village to get help.CTell everybody on the bus to put on more clothes to keep warm.DKeep calm and comfort others.D4.What is the main idea of the text?()AEverybody is good at something.BIt is a personality test,which helps to find a right job.CIt describes different kinds of people.DIt is a personality test,which helps to find a friend.B5.What does the phrase“learn their lines”mean?()ALearn how to be polite.BLearn how to wait in line.CLearn words spoken by a particular actor.DLearn how to run.CStep Three:Careful ReadingRead the text and find out the main idea of the questionnaire.This passage gives the readers a personality test,through which the readers can learn _and find a job for themselves.The test also shows that _their characteristics everybody is good at something and we should have confidenceStep Four:SummaryThe passage mainly shows you 1._ find the right job for yourself.If one of your friends asks for your help on how to write 2._ for a book report,you could give her a 3._,some advice and tell her some useful books names.,how toa plot summarymodel paragraphIf your boss asks your team to 4._ other people,you may ask everyone in your team to do 5._ jobs,and try your best to 6._ for them.But if you are on a school trip and the coach has an accident,it is getting dark you should 7._ the situation,keep calm during your journey and try to get some help to 8._ others down.give aid tocertainset an exampletake charge ofcalmIn a word,no matter what happens in your life,you must make yourself 9._first then try to make a quick and correct decision,and at the same time,try to get other people to 10._ your decision.keep calmaidStep Five:DiscussionHow to prepare for the interview?_提提示示:First,research on the background of the company and its operations.Second,take care of your appearance:be smart and dress professionally;and it is very important to come across well in the interview.Think through the questions that may come up in the interview and prepare answers for them.The usual ones are as follows:(1)The reasons why you want this job;(2)Analyze your merits and failings;(3)The most interesting working experience you have had;(4)Your achievements so far;(5)How to overcome frustrations and failures at work;(6)What you look for in a working environment;(7)Why you left your last job;(8)Your leisure activities,hobbies and interests;(9)Plans for the future;(10)Your language abilities and expected salary.要点透析讲练互动要点透析讲练互动1 rewardn报酬,奖金报酬,奖金vt.酬劳,奖赏酬劳,奖赏(教材教材P21)The old lady is offering a reward of$50 to anyone who finds her cat for her!这位老妇人正为能找到她的猫的人提供这位老妇人正为能找到她的猫的人提供50美美元的酬金!元的酬金!词汇精研词汇精研词汇精研词汇精研归纳归纳拓展拓展in reward of 为酬谢为酬谢;作为奖励;作为奖励as a reward 作为报酬;奖赏作为报酬;奖赏give/offer a reward to sb.for sth.为某事而给某人报酬为某事而给某人报酬be rewarded by success 获得了成功获得了成功reward sb.for sth.为某事报答某人为某事报答某人reward sb.with.for sth.为某事而以为某事而以报报答某人答某人He was presented with a TV in reward of his services.赠他一台电视机作为对他所作贡献的奖励。赠他一台电视机作为对他所作贡献的奖励。The Olympic winner received a gold medal as a reward.奥运会获胜者收到一枚金牌作为奖励。奥运会获胜者收到一枚金牌作为奖励。We will offer a reward of ten thousand yuan for information about the case.如果有人提供有关案件的信息,我们愿意出如果有人提供有关案件的信息,我们愿意出一万元赏金。一万元赏金。His efforts were rewarded by success.他的努力获得了成功。他的努力获得了成功。He got no reward for all his contribution.他一切的奉献都没有得到回报。他一切的奉献都没有得到回报。易混辨析易混辨析reward,awardreward指指对所做的事或所所做的事或所给予的帮助的予的帮助的回回报或嘉或嘉奖,侧重重“酬金酬金”。award指由于有突出成就而指由于有突出成就而给予的官方予的官方奖励。多指励。多指“奖品,品,资金,助学金,助学金金”;作;作为动词,表示,表示“颁发,授予授予”。prize意意为“奖赏,奖金,金,奖品品”,多,多指在比指在比赛中中赢得的。得的。Slumdog Millionaire won eight Oscar awards for 2009.贫民窟的百万富翁贫民窟的百万富翁获得获得2009年度的八项年度的八项奥斯卡奖。奥斯卡奖。学以致用学以致用用用reward,award,prize填空填空(1)She was _a medal for bravery by the local government.(2)The _they offer for the best story is a free trip to Europe.(3)This is a _exhibit in the flower show.Isnt it beautiful?awardedrewardprize2 chargevt.收费,要价收费,要价(教材教材P21)Lawyers charge higher fees than doctors.律师收费比医生高。律师收费比医生高。归纳归纳拓展拓展(1)be charged with 被指控犯被指控犯罪罪charge sb.with.指控某人犯指控某人犯罪罪charge sb.money for sth.因某物收某人钱财因某物收某人钱财(2)free of charge 免费的免费的i

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